What the Lame-Stream Media really said when they panned VAXXED …


by Kenneth Stoller MD   www.incurable-me.com

Anne Dachel, author of The Big Autism Cover-Up, wanted the public to know what the reviewers from the New York Times and other controlled main stream outlets were really saying in their lame reviews of Dr. Wakefield’s film.

So, she has translated their double-speak into clear unambiguous English:

We’ve been helping to cover up the link between an unsafe, unchecked vaccine schedule and autism for so long, we can’t suddenly start to legitimately report on this topic.

We’re so dependent on advertising revenue from the pharmaceutical industry that we won’t say anything that could jeopardize that income.

For these reasons and others…. Continue reading What the Lame-Stream Media really said when they panned VAXXED …