Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Monday, October 10th, 2005, is a day to watch – for Stephen Barrett gets his date in Court, again – and I don’t think he’s going to like it.

Here’s why.

A couple years back,  top “quackbusterpropagandist Stephen Barrett, a failed MD who describes himself as “a retired Psychiatrist,” took it upon himself to attack the age-old Chiropractic profession. He even made up a new website “chirowatch” or something like that, to criticize the profession.  He began to talk as though he knew something about it – drawing, I guess, on his life experiences as a part-time MD in an Allentown, Pennsylvania mental hospital.  Continue reading NOW IT’S TIME FOR A LAUGH…

Will California Destroy Aetna Insurance?…

Will the California legislature destroy Aetna insurance?  Probably.  It’s in the works.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

SB 840 (Senate Bill 840), a proposal to destroy ALL health insurance providers within California, and replace them with a State run system has already passed the California Senate with a vote of 25 to 15.  The measure is headed for the California House where it will come up for a vote in November of this year.

Shocked?  I’m not.

The health insurance industry brought this on themselves.  Frankly, they deserve to get shut down.  They are a pall on America.  They, in a macrocosm, represent EVERYTHING wrong with health care in the US.  The US, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) ranks seventy-second (72) in health care, with countries like Morocco, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, etc., rating higher in quality.  But, of course, the US ranks #1 (Number one) in health care costs.  Continue reading Will California Destroy Aetna Insurance?…

Follow Up to the George Noory Radio Show…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I want to thank all of the people who, after my interview on the George Noory Coast-to-Coast radio show last Wednesday, sent me all those nice emails.  To those of you that sent me questions about where to get specific advanced health care, I say “I’ll try and get back to each of you separately…”

However, in general there were many of you that asked the same questions – so I’ll give those of you that did that an answer right here.  If your question was: Continue reading Follow Up to the George Noory Radio Show…

“Health Freedom” Counter Attacks – Big Time…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The world-wide war between “health” and “medicine,” “conventional” and “alternative,” rages across continents.  “Big Pharma,” in an almost uncontrolled panic in the US, is shoveling so much cash, by the truck and trainload, at US television networks, trying to buy their way back to Americans, it’s laughable.

If you thought North American television was buried in “drug ads” last year, this year is far worse.  Sheer panic has hit the drug world.  New York ad agencies are in a heyday. Continue reading “Health Freedom” Counter Attacks – Big Time…

“Tim Bolen” Featured on “Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Well, it had to happen sooner or later.  I’m going to be interviewed by George Noory for three hours late Wednesday Night, September 28th, 2005, starting at 11:00pm PST through 2:00AM PST on the 29th.  I’ll have to take a nap ahead of time – so I can be my usual fire and brimstone self on the subject of health care.

I just couldn’t resist – George Noory has more listeners than I’ve got readers.  I need to reach more people with my message about how bad North American health and dental care REALLY IS, and who’s trying to change it.  George has millions of listeners, and I have only a few hundred thousand readers.

As George says on his website “Consumer advocate and health freedom fighter Tim Bolen will reveal the ways in which the medical and dental establishments are preventing and punishing innovation in their industries.”

You bet I will, George.  Your listeners are in for a shock.

You can check out Coast-to-Coast’s website at

Stay tuned…

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate

ADA Gets “Kiss of Death”…


It had to happen sooner or later.  The ADA (American Dental Association) has had a long run – with the posse chasing them.  I’m surprised they’ve lasted this long.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


They’ll scream,  they’ll holler, they’ll whine, they’ll whimper.  They’ll threaten, and they’ll lash out – but in the end it won’t matter – the American Dental Association is finished.  Nail their doors shut.  Board up their windows.  It’s soon to be all over for them. Continue reading ADA Gets “Kiss of Death”…

Medical Board Brutality – The Plot Thickens…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Last Friday, August 19th, 2005 I sent out a newsletter called “Medical Board Brutality.”  It was about the newest antics of the California Medical Board Staff – an organization, I believe, to be completely corrupt – and not worth saving.  Like the story about Hercules and the Aegean stables, the best thing that could happen is for someone to re-route the Sacramento river right through 1426 Howe Avenue (the medical board offices) – and for the same reason….

The responses were startling.  In short, my disdain for the Administrative Law System, and the way it is abused against licensed health professionals, is SHARED worldwide. Continue reading Medical Board Brutality – The Plot Thickens…

Medical Board Brutality…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I’m about to tell you about an important legal “case” in California that has far-reaching (national) implications for the regulation of health care, and other, licensed professionals.  The case is currently heading for the California Appeals Court – and a letter from YOU to the presiding Judge of the Appeals Court will have a tremendous effect.  I’ll explain. Continue reading Medical Board Brutality…

University of Virginia “Drug Whores” attack Echinacea…

I had a good laugh this last week.  The University of Virginia Medical School showed the world how easy it is for “Big Pharma” to buy the appearance of science, from a University, with their so-called “Echinacea study.” 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Then the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) ran a pompous editorial on the subject by one of the best known, and laughable, CRACKPOTS in the US, Wallace Sampson MD.

Then the New York Ad agency (the one that runs the “quackbusters” ), sent out, to every media outlet in the US and Canada the story that “Echinacea had been discredited.”

(Insert laughter here) Continue reading University of Virginia “Drug Whores” attack Echinacea…

“Big Pharma” is using “Western Medicine” to Destroy America…

In the United States every company with over two hundred employees is required to provide full health insurance coverage to its employees.  Since 1999, when the US FDA allowed “Big Pharma” to advertise directly to the American consumer, the cost of the average prescription drug has increased 500% – with no reason other than greed.

The same prescription drugs cost five to twenty times as much in the US as other countries.  Because of this, the average cost of health insurance for a family of four, including the amount a company pays, and what the employee pays, is now $14,700 per year.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading “Big Pharma” is using “Western Medicine” to Destroy America…

“Big Pharma” versus Everybody…

A seven-thousand-five-hundred-dollar hand-tailored business suit.  A fifteen-hundred-dollar designer tie.  A four-hundred-fifty-dollar belt.  Twenty-five-hundred dollar hand-made shoes.  Three-hundred-fifty-dollar hand-made silk underwear. And, a twenty-five-thousand dollar hand-made watch.

Who’s wearing this?  Every one of the roughly seven thousand lobbyists working for “Big Pharma” trying to get laws, and treaties, favorable to their aims, through the US Congress.  They dress like this for two reasons (1)  with the money “Big Pharma” is paying them they can afford to, and (2)  they want to make “the right impression.”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading “Big Pharma” versus Everybody…

“Big Pharma” Stabs Planet Earth…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


My last two broadcasts “Vitamins to be Banned Worldwide…“, and“Big Pharma” Controls US “TV News”… have generated a major response.  They seem to have been forwarded everywhere, and I can’t keep up with the volume of email questions I’m getting – so I’ll answer the questions here…

Yes, it’s true that the “Codex Alimentarius” commission in Rome, July 4th,2005,  passed restriction of supplement guidelines that would, in effect, destroy the supplement industry in it’s entirety – except for that controlled outright by “Big Pharma.” Continue reading “Big Pharma” Stabs Planet Earth…

“Big Pharma” Controls US “TV News”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


There is no such thing as “investigative journalism” on US network television anymore.  In fact, it’s hard to find real news, at all, on the networks.  “TV news” is all hype – every bit of it – and it is designed to promote the interests of those that write the checks for advertising.  Nothing else.

The single largest group of advertisers during the news hours, I’ve noticed, is “Big Pharma.”  Roughly fifty percent (50%) of all advertising, during the news hours, comes from the pharmaceutical industry. Continue reading “Big Pharma” Controls US “TV News”…

Vitamins to be Banned Worldwide…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


“Big Pharma” won a major victory in Rome, Italy today.  Vitamins and minerals, for over-the-counter sale will be phased out, almost completely, in every country on Planet Earth.  The “German Model” of health care will now be the law of the land – in every land.

Below is a press release from Diane Miller JD of the National Health Freedom Coalition, detailing the action.  Diane is in Rome at the meeting. Continue reading Vitamins to be Banned Worldwide…

“We the People” Need to Shut Down “Big Pharma”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I live in Southern California, in the United States, and I know that, in the United States, there is a tremendous war going on between the forces of “health” versus the forces of “medicine.”  This war is over the future of health care.  It’s a bloody war, and it doesn’t stop at the US borders…

In California we say “We’d rather be ‘healthy’ than ‘medicated,” and there’s a big difference between the two philosophies.  In that war I am firmly, and unequivocally, on the side of “health.”  I want the best health care I can get, and I want right now… Continue reading “We the People” Need to Shut Down “Big Pharma”…

“Bobbie Bogus” Runs For Cover …


Everybody knows that, in my advocation, I hunt “Quackbusters,”  The fact that there exists at all, a group whose purpose is to stop innovation, and progress, in health care, in favor of the “drug world” status quo, raises my ire.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Continue reading “Bobbie Bogus” Runs For Cover …

Is American Dentistry Killing Us?…

Is American Dentistry killing us?  Probably.  There are certainly good reasons circulating around the campfires to believe so. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

It’s time, I believe, for the North American Health Freedom Movement to focus on Dentistry, and its problems, because what happens in the mouth effects the whole body.

I believe that the American Dental Association (ADA), as the primary representative of Dentistry, is in “siege mode,”  meaning that their Modus Operandi, these days, seems more defensive of position than promotional of healthy Dentistry. Continue reading Is American Dentistry Killing Us?…

Codex Alimentarius:  Big Pharma’s Attempt to Subjugate Planet Earth…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Last week I went to a “Codex” conference in Washington DC.  There a large and, so far, loosely knit coalition was formed to exchange information.  We began to coordinate the battle to stop the Big Pharma controlled European Union from inflicting “Codex Alimentarious” health standards on the rest of the world.

It will take me some time to absorb all of the information I heard, and read, but for now, let me make something clear – “Codex Alimentarious” is a plot to inflict “the German Model” of health care on all of Planet Earth. The primary targets are Europe (almost completed), Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. Continue reading Codex Alimentarius:  Big Pharma’s Attempt to Subjugate Planet Earth…

Is Aetna Threatening My Family?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


For good reason, I’m beginning to get the impression that Aetna doesn’t like the articles I’ve been writing about the Cavitat v. Aetna Federal RICO (racketeering) case.   Continue reading Is Aetna Threatening My Family?…


An Article By Australian Health Activist Eve Hillary

About Eve Hillary:  Eve Hillary is a Health Freedom Advocate based in Sydney.  She a medical analyst, public speaker and writer on issues pertaining to the health care industry and environmental health.   She is the author of Children of a Toxic Harvest: An Environmental Autobiography, and numerous articles relating to health issues. Her most recent book is Health Betrayal; Staying away from the Sickness Industry. Eve has spent 25 years in health care where she has observed the medical industry at first hand from the inside. [email protected]  or [email protected]  

Special Release April 1, 2005 Sydney ~ Revised April 23, 2005  – Published here May 31st, 2005 Continue reading CODEX – THE SICKNESS INDU$TRY’s LAST STAND…