Barrett Gets the Attorney He Deserves…


I enjoy writing about the Doctor’s Data v Barrett case.  Every time I turn around and look to see what’s happening another guffaw exits my system, for once more, seemingly out of nowhere sometimes, comes one more patent example that there is, in fact, a divine justice in the world.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Continue reading Barrett Gets the Attorney He Deserves…

Why the Doctor’s Data v Barrett case is important to North America…

The US health care system is in tatters.  It is total crap, run by crooks and idiots, who on their best day, either by design, or stupidity, cannot find any solutions.  The “War on Cancer” has been running almost 39 years – and we are not even close to official answers – because the “war” is intentionally designed to fail.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  Continue reading Why the Doctor’s Data v Barrett case is important to North America…

Doctor’s Data v Barrett “Second Amended Complaint” to be Filed – and More…

This case is becoming an Event to watch…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

In mankind’s not-so-distant past we used to have public hangings of criminals.  It was a popular spectacle.  Citizens would gather from miles around for the Event – and would cheer when the executioner pulled the trap handle and the criminal dropped to his death.  Continue reading Doctor’s Data v Barrett “Second Amended Complaint” to be Filed – and More…

Is Terry Polevoy the Information Source for Doctor’s Data?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I read Court documents, including Original Complaints (the lawsuit itself), all of the time.  It occurred to me, when I first read the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, Federal Court case that the attorneys writing that case were very well informed about how the quackbusters operate.  I thought to myself “these people must have been reading my newsletters…”  But, as I began to re-read the case several times, looking for stuff to write about, I decided that it was very likely they had a well-informed source of their own  – perhaps someone inside the quackbuster ranks. Continue reading Is Terry Polevoy the Information Source for Doctor’s Data?…

“Igor” Not In Evidence – No Lead Attorney For Barrett – Yet…

It was three long weeks ago that Michael K. Botts, Esq. applied (Pro Hac Vice) to the Federal Court in Chicago to, supposedly, represent Stephen Barrett in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, Federal Court case. 

On August 26th we saw that Botts had been rejected by the Court but was being re-applied by Barrett’s local counsel, to the Court.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  Continue reading “Igor” Not In Evidence – No Lead Attorney For Barrett – Yet…

Stephen Barrett, et al, Fear RICO…

Twice now, before the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case, Stephen Barrett has been named in a RICO action (Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization). 

Both times Barrett squawked like a buzzard. 

One of those times he sued the people who had named him in that incident – only to settle the case moments, so to speak, before I was scheduled to testify against him.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  Continue reading Stephen Barrett, et al, Fear RICO…

Botts and Barrett – Fumble Bumble Stumble Jumble…

I check my Pacer Account every few days and yesterday found four new filings in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, Federal Court case.  After that I am even more convinced that the script writers for Saturday Night Live are designing Barrett’s Defense.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

The four documents, all presented by Stephen Barrett‘s three attorneys (actually two-and-a-half – I will explain) tell a story that will somewhat amuse you.  It certainly amused me. Continue reading Botts and Barrett – Fumble Bumble Stumble Jumble…

Has Stephen Barrett’s “Puppet Master” Appeared?

I think the arrival of Michael K. Botts, Esq. as Stephen Barrett’s attorney in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, Federal lawsuit is significant.

It is a flat-out desperation move.  Simply, Stephen Barrett could not afford to hire a law firm to Defend.  So someone is providing an attorney of their choice – not someone Barrett would pick – Michael K. Botts, who is not a litigator but an intellectual property and patent attorney.  Continue reading Has Stephen Barrett’s “Puppet Master” Appeared?

Barrett Lawyers Up – Sort Of…

I admit this move by Stephen Barrett  took me by surprise.  I actually thought this lawyer Barrett hired, to defend him in the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett, et al case, Michael K. Botts, was dead.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

More, the last case Botts handled for the quackbusters (Victor Herbert v American Quackery Association – 1987) ended so badly for them I would have thought Botts would be the LAST CHOICE they’d ever use.

But here he is… Continue reading Barrett Lawyers Up – Sort Of…

Federal Summons Issued For NCAHF…

We have to keep our eye on the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, Federal case.  Something new is always happening, or at least brewing. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Here is the latest Pacer record:

“SUMMONS Issued as to Defendant The National Council Against Health Fraud, Inc. (vcf, ) (Entered: 08/11/2010)” Continue reading Federal Summons Issued For NCAHF…

Quackwatch, Inc Fails To Respond…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Keep in mind that there are three Defendants in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al Federal Court case in Northern Illinois – and all three have to lawyer up and Respond within the Court’s required time.

Only Stephen Barrett, himself, as an individual, was given 60 days, instead of 21, to formally Respond to a lawsuit.  Neither of the other two Defendants, Quackwatch, Inc, nor the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) was given any extra time.  They have 21 days from the time of service to hire legal counsel and formally Respond. Continue reading Quackwatch, Inc Fails To Respond…

Doctor’s Data Shows Mercy to Stephen Barrett… I’m VERY Disappointed…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I guess Doctor’s Data wants to use a kinder, gentler approach then I do.  They gave Stephen Barrett sixty (60)  days, instead of twenty-one (21) to respond to the Federal lawsuit they filed against him.  The sixty day period started on June 29th, 2010 so Barrett’s answer is not due until August 30th, 2010.  I’ll connect you to a Court Document about  this in a minute.

Sigh… Continue reading Doctor’s Data Shows Mercy to Stephen Barrett… I’m VERY Disappointed…

Barrett and NCAHF Gasping for Breath Over Doctor’s Data Lawsuit?  What’s Next?

The silence is telling.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

It is now, by my initial calculations, four days beyond the deadline for Stephen Barrett to have filed a Response to the Federal Lawsuit filed against him by Doctor’s Data laboratory in the Northern District of Illinois.  I just now checked my Pacer Account – and no Response has been filed by anyone, and there is no attorney listed for any of the Defendants.

Yup, the silence is telling. And, it feels really good. Continue reading Barrett and NCAHF Gasping for Breath Over Doctor’s Data Lawsuit?  What’s Next?

Quackpots in a Tizzy Over Barrett Getting Sued…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  

A friend of mine sent me a link to a blog calling itself “Respectful Insolence,” run by the guy I thought was going to be Barrett’s replacement Orac the Nipple Ripper.”

Ok, the guy doesn’t actually call himself Orac the Nipple Ripper.”  I call him that. He calls himself just plain “Orac.”  But since I found out he is a breast cancer surgeon in Detroit, well, you know, I tend to call a spade a spade – and, a nipple ripper a Nipple Ripper.


Continue reading Quackpots in a Tizzy Over Barrett Getting Sued…

Barrett Has Four Days Left – Then He Goes to Default…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I just checked my “Pacer” (Federal Court information system) file, and Barrett has not yet brought in a lawyer, and filed a response to the Doctor’s Data lawsuit against him. Could it be this easy?  Could it be that rancid old Stephen Barrett, when push comes to shove, just could not back up his public statements in a Court of law, and is just going to let the collection agents pick him clean?  Could it be that Doctor’s Data will have unlimited access to Barrett’s years records showing whom he plotted with?

(I’m really getting all excited thinking about this). Continue reading Barrett Has Four Days Left – Then He Goes to Default…

Barrett Has Not Even “Lawyered-Up” Yet…

In the Federal Court System a defendant is given 21 full days to properly Respond to a lawsuit. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Let’s assume, for the moment, that since Stephen Barrett was sued by Doctor’s Data on June 18th, 2010, that he was served with papers on the 19th, the next day.  Counting 21 days from that moment brings us to Monday, July 12th, 2010 – the deadline for Barrett to hire an attorney who can practice in Federal Court in Chicago, Illinois, and prepare, and submit a Response to the Court.  That’s eight days from now – and Barrett does not even have an attorney yet. Continue reading Barrett Has Not Even “Lawyered-Up” Yet…

I Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning…

I’ve got a copy of the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal lawsuit attached to this article.  Be careful when you handle it – it’s HOT...

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen   

I was kind of mad at Darryl Hickok, the head of Doctor’s Data laboratory a few months ago, for not walking out and legally punching sleazebag Stephen Barrett, and his minions, in the face over their obvious intent to destroy Doctor’s Data, and hence, a whole host of great US Doctors, with their activities.
Continue reading I Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning…

Doctor’s Data Laboratory Files Federal Lawsuit Against Barrett, Quackwatch, NCAHF, Consumer Health Digest..

Stephen Barrett, who has no income of his own, he claims, had to go to his wife Judith the other day, I think, and say“Honey, I need an increase in my allowance this month.  I’m getting sued in Fed Court in Chicago now, and I’m going to need $250,000 this month as a retainer, and another $100,000 per month to pay for my Defense, for the next year, or so.”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  

On Friday June 18th, 2010 Doctor’s Data Laboratory filed an eleven count lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois against Stephen J. Barrett, MD, the National Council Against Health Fraud Inc (NCAHF), Consumer Health Digest, and Quackwatch, Inc.


Continue reading Doctor’s Data Laboratory Files Federal Lawsuit Against Barrett, Quackwatch, NCAHF, Consumer Health Digest..

Will the San Diego Federal Judge Put Stephen Barrett in Jail?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Oh my, the “Barrett Settlement” story, in San Diego, is getting even better.  It seems that now the Federal judge in the case has assigned a Federal Magistrate Judge, Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo “to retain jurisdiction for settlement purposes.”

Wow – this could could get interesting.  VERY interesting.  I’ll explain. Continue reading Will the San Diego Federal Judge Put Stephen Barrett in Jail?…

Wikipedia Doesn’t Like Me …

Wikipedia’s General Counsel, Mike Godwin, is sending me nasty emails.  Apparently he doesn’t like me telling people how bad Wikipedia actually is, and he definitely doesn’t want me telling you what to do about it – when it effects you personally.  He actually, the other day, said I “was trying to destroy Wikipedia...”

Stand back while I turn down my testosterone levels. Continue reading Wikipedia Doesn’t Like Me …