In Wisconsin – The “Narrative” Says It All…

Finding the Suster case (Wisconsin DRL v. Suster) was like finding gold.  For in it, are all the elements wherein health insurance companies are involved in the suppression of new things in health care.  Below is a “Narrative” recently filed in that DRL v. Suster case.  It says a lot about the corruption in our Administrative Law system.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The “Narrative” also points out how sleazy health insurance companies really are, and how far they’ll go to NOT pay claims. Continue reading In Wisconsin – The “Narrative” Says It All…

Wisconsin:  Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water…

Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) “quackbuster” prosecutors Arthur Thexton, and James Polewski, in a series of actions, are openly defying new DRL policies set down by recent Governor’s appointee, new DRL head Donsia Strong Hill.  In this test of wills, it will be interesting to see who wins – the Governor of Wisconsin, or the “quackbusters.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Wisconsin:  Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water…

Wisconsin:  Tough Decision Time…

Arthur Thexton, one of the Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) prosecutors who embraced the “quackbuster” crackpot theory of health care, limped out of a hearing in Room 179a, after lunch yesterday, looking very much like a man who’s suddenly seen his rocky-road future.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The hearing, called to determine “costs, and allocation of costs,” in the State of Wisconsin v. Kadile case, didn’t go well for Thexton.  Thexton is the one who had brought in hair removal and ear piercing specialist Robert S. Baratz, the current president of the discredited National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), as the do-all, be-all expert witness in the Kadile case.  Thexton had paid Baratz about $70,000 in so-called “expert witness” fees out of the Wisconsin Medical Board’s limited funds.  Baratz’s wild-eyed opinions, coupled with equally ludicrous crackpot offerings by Stephen Barrett, who was paid about $3,500 for his drivel in the case, had caused the State to spend over $165,000 on the unsuccessful prosecution.  Kadile’s “defense” cost over $300,000. Continue reading Wisconsin:  Tough Decision Time…

Wisconsin:  The Quackbuster’s “Waterloo?…”

Just a few years ago, in Wisconsin, leading-edge health practitioners were at risk offering effective alternatives to the deadly drugs/surgery paradigm.  The “quackbusters” ruled State health care with an iron hand.  Anyone who dared offer real solutions to suffering patients, and caught the attention of Wisconsin’s anti-health minions, paid a heavy price.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In the world-wide war between “health” and “medicine,” Wisconsin’s throat was most definitely under the heel of jack-booted “medicine” minions. But not any more… Continue reading Wisconsin:  The Quackbuster’s “Waterloo?…”

An Open Letter to Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

January 4, 2004

Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle – It’s time you took a hard line with the employees at your Department of Regulation and Licensing (DRL), with an eye towards a serious house cleaning.  The employees you have there simply ignore State policy, and common sense.  Incompetence, ignorance, and brutality have become virtue. Continue reading An Open Letter to Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle….

Quackbusters Defeated in Wisconsin – AGAIN…

Taking “quackbuster” (quackpot) advice can be dangerous to your public career. That’s what Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) Prosecutor Arthur Thexton has found out the hard way. His connection with, and the use of, the “quackbusters,” has led him down the path into much tighter control of his daily activities, and a series of HUMILIATING losses in the Wisconsin Court System. He is also facing years of personal legal actions filed against him for his activities.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

But, he can’t say he wasn’t warned… Continue reading Quackbusters Defeated in Wisconsin – AGAIN…

Quackbusters: “Bullys” Barrett, Baratz, Sued For 1.3 Million in Canada…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Bullying isn’t all that profitable these days. In fact, as self named “quackbusters” Stephen Barrett (, and Bobbie Baratz (, are finding out, it can, and will, be downright expensive…

Quackbusters like to bully people.  It’s all they have.  It’s the megalomaniac thing to do… Why?  Facts, logic, and social reality, are not on their side, arguing the issues surrounding North America’s rush away from “conventional medicine” towards what has been called “Alternative Medicine.”  Continue reading Quackbusters: “Bullys” Barrett, Baratz, Sued For 1.3 Million in Canada…

Wisconsin Quackpot Prosecutor Sued in Fed Court…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Arthur Thexton, the Wisconsin Prosecutor who was recently humiliated in the Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) v. Kadile case, has been sued by another MD in the State of Wisconsin. When I read the NEW case, the charges against Thexton, and the surrounding documents, all of which I’m making available for you to read, I couldn’t help but shake my head in wondering.

Thexton has just finished being demolished in the Kadile case in Wisconsin, where Thexton spent $165,000 of the State’s money, falsely prosecuting Kadile, using as the accuser, case advisor, and “expert witness,” the well known crackpot Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, whose medical/dental career has sunk so low his current income source, besides testifying, is the operation of a hair removal and ear piercing salon in Braintree Massachusetts, from which address he also runs the dubious National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF).  Now, Thexton has moved right on to another Wisconsin State debacle.  He’s apparently prosecuting an MD in a billing dispute with a health insurance company.  Thexton is acting on behalf of the insurance company,  and, he’s using taxpayer funds to do it. Continue reading Wisconsin Quackpot Prosecutor Sued in Fed Court…

State of Wisconsin Officially Dumps Quackbusters… and Allows Chelation Therapy

The State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) has, officially, dumped the “quackbusters” as their consultant on health care issues. This ends a ten year reign-of-terror within Wisconsin where, previously, health care investigators, and prosecutors had been trained to use the dubious website “,” or “” as resources for health information.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

A CBS News “I-Team” report, titled “State Drops Case Against Alternative Medicine Doctor,” pretty well sums up the end of the quackbuster reign in Wisconsin State health politics. The TV broadcast started out to say “The Wisconsin Medical Examining Board unanimously voted by phone Friday to put an end to the state’s nine-year-old case against a Green Bay doctor.” Then it said “It’s a victory for freedom of choice, and I think it’s a victory for complimentary and alternative medicine and, quite frankly, I think it’s a victory for Dr. Kadile, personally,” Continue reading State of Wisconsin Officially Dumps Quackbusters… and Allows Chelation Therapy

In Wisconsin: The Exception Proves the Rule…

Well, I was proven wrong on something – and I’m very pleased it happened. It happened in Wisconsin.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I have a jaundiced view of the media, especially national media. I wrote about this a few months ago in article called “Big Pharma Doesn’t Own the Media…”

So when members of the Wisconsin Association for Health Freedom (WAHF) thought about approaching CBS affiliate Channel 3’s “I-Team” in Madison about the quackbuster onslaught in their State, I was supportive, but not real enthusiastic. To me, TV has a fleeting sense, and doesn’t take the time to examine an issue, unless there’s a lot of blood, a car chase, bare skin, or inter-marriage between species. There is also that segment of the media who likes “shock” and has no compunctions about charging into your life with a camera, and making you look as bad as possible for their audience. Continue reading In Wisconsin: The Exception Proves the Rule…

CBS Airs “Sniveling Quackbuster” Expose’…

I have to hand it to CBS. They were able to capture, on Television, the true ESSENCE of quackbusterism, it’s REAL meaning, and the TRUTH of quackbuster existence.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In the second day of their special investigative report, CBS played the tape of little Bobbie Baratz, The PRESIDENT of the not-so-illustrious National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) crying his heart out, sniveling, and sniffling his way through testimony (and life). Thank God we had the presence of mind to tape the TV show, for the laughter was SO contagious while viewing the show, it had to be replayed several times on VHS to get the full flavor of the event. Continue reading CBS Airs “Sniveling Quackbuster” Expose’…

CBS Nukes Wisconsin Quackbuster Assault…

Who says the national media isn’t interested in the attack on Alternative Medicine? If it was YOU, don’t say it any more, because it just happened in Madison, Wisconsin.  And, it wasn’t that hard to accomplish.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I intentionally forgot to mention, in my articles about the War in Wisconsin, that CBS television was filming our every move in Madison, Wisconsin’s capitol. I also neglected to mention that CBS was traveling around the State, interviewing top AltMed leaders on camera.

Of course, I kept it to myself that CBS was carefully directed to take a HARD look at the Quackbuster operation nationwide, including the dubious National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), the questionable website, and their relationship with two card-carrying quackbuster members employed as Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) prosecutors, Arthur Thexton, and James Polewski.

Why did I keep this quiet? When we’ve been working on this for months? I like to surprise the quackbusters. It’s good for their psyche.  Continue reading CBS Nukes Wisconsin Quackbuster Assault…

Wisconsin Negotiations Break Down – Trial to Resume…

Negotiations in the Wisconsin DORL v. Kadile case have broken down, and the trial is about to resume with the continuation of the cross-examination of the State’s ONLY witness, the dubious Bobbie Baratz, a Massachusetts hair removal specialist.

And, that’ll be FUN…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The case is a face-off between the giant North American Health Freedom Movement and the remnants of the once-successful, but now on-the-run, self-styled “quackbuster” organization.   Continue reading Wisconsin Negotiations Break Down – Trial to Resume…

AMA Bashes Quackpots…


I’m suggesting to you that you spend $12 at the American Medical Association (AMA) website to read, and download, an OFFICIAL AMA COMMENTARY, and an absolutely SHOCKING article BASHING the quackbusters.  In fact, the word “bashing” is an UNDERSTATEMENT.  The AMA couldn’t have made it’s OFFICIAL position on the quackbuster’s attack on AltMed any clearer.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The Quackbusters would like to give us the impression that they represent American mainstream medical thinking, when in fact they do not… Continue reading AMA Bashes Quackpots…

Quackbuster Report Card: D(-) and Sinking Fast…

Everybody in the North American Health Freedom Movement knows who the “quackbusters” are. It’s been said, often, “If you’re not on Stephen Barrett’s dubious “quackwatch” website, then you’re NOT IMPORTANT in REAL health care. The more space he gives you, the bigger the threat you are.”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

But the question that’s always there is “who’s winning the war – us, or them?” Continue reading Quackbuster Report Card: D(-) and Sinking Fast…

Quackpot Barrett THRASHED in Illinois High Court…

The “Essence of America” is alive and well in Illinois. 

A three Judge panel of the Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District, today, issued a decision in the Stephen Barrett v. Owen Fonorow” case. Barrett had lost his original case against Owen in District Court and filed an appeal, apparently trying to get the Illinois Appeals Court to re-write federal law and counter a decision previously handed down by a Federal Court.

Barrett was MANGLED by the Judges. Continue reading Quackpot Barrett THRASHED in Illinois High Court…

A Practical Recommendation for Dealing With “Quackbusters…”

Normal, mentally healthy, citizens from all over the world send me copies of e-mail exchanges they’ve had with “quackbusters.” I’m always amused, and I always advise the same thing – “Do Not get involved in e-mail exchanges with these people.”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

When they ask why I advise that course of action, I try to explain the “mental set” of the average “quackbuster,” and I suggest that they simply avoid the aggravation of dealing with a form of mental illness. For that’s what I think they’re dealing with. Continue reading A Practical Recommendation for Dealing With “Quackbusters…”

Wisconsin Health Activists Demand Change – Legislature Reacts…

Things are not going well for two Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) prosecutors, Arthur Thexton and James Polewski. Their world, and their relationship with the notorious “quackbuster” operation, is under intense scrutiny by the people of Wisconsin. They are not going to survive the experience.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Last Tuesday, October 14th, 2003, the State of Wisconsin Assembly Health Committee met to discuss the entry of a consumer protection bill designed to safeguard Wisconsin consumers against out-of-control DRL prosecutors, and the “quackbuster” operation, believed to run out of a New York advertising agency. The “quackbuster” operation, records show, is believed to be funded originally by 26 drug companies who want anything that competes with drugs as treatment, defined as “health fraud.” Continue reading Wisconsin Health Activists Demand Change – Legislature Reacts…

The Battle in Wisconsin Rages On…

The quackbuster’s latest assault, the attack against Green Bay Physician Eleazar Kadile MD has been stopped DEAD in it’s tracks. All that’s left is the settlement agreement, and the punishment that’s going to be exacted on the perpetrators.  

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

On July 17th, 2003, in Madison, Wisconsin – At the end of “Day One” of the trial (cross-examination) of top quackbuster Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD, the Judge called in the attorneys for a short meeting. In essence he said “Enough is enough. This has gone on too long. There’s no reason to go on with this farce. I want the defense to wrap up their cross-examination by 11:00am, the prosecutor to finish re-direct by 12:00 noon, and after lunch we’re going to settle this case.” Continue reading The Battle in Wisconsin Rages On…

“Health Freedom” and “Quackbusters” Switch Roles –  in California Supreme Court Case…

We’ve come full-circle…

When the self-named “Quackbusters” stumbled around, years ago, to find a derisive name to call their victims, they picked the word “Quack,” without ever bothering to discover it’s origins.  Its original meaning, from Europe, comes from the term “quacksalver” which was used to describe Dentists who were dumb enough to use mercury (a poison) as fillings for teeth.  Look at propagandist, and “Quackbuster” king-pin, Stephen Barrett’s website (, and you’ll find that HE IS IN FAVOR of mercury (amalgam) tooth fillings.  Barrett, his cronies, and minions, are not known to do intelligent research.

But it gets stranger, and stranger.

In California, where wine is the State flower (not actually), we’ve got the health freedom movement attacking the “quacks,” the “real “quacks,” the ones originally described by the European health community, as those dumb enough to use mercury (a poison) as fillings for teeth.  And, the self styled “quackbusters” are calling those against mercury “quacks.”


What’s happening is that the Dental Division of the North American Health Freedom Movement is relentlessly pursuing the California Dental Association’s support of mercury as a tooth filling through the courts, now, all the way to the California Supreme Court.  Read the article below by Washington DC Attorney Charlie Brown.


September 23rd, 2003

Article by Charlie Brown

On Sept. 17, in what may be our most significant victory to date, the California Supreme Court voted 5-2 to hear our case against the California Dental Association and its notorious gag rule restricting the rights of mercury-free dentists.

The CDA will now be forced to defend its so-called rules of conduct before the nation’s most closely watched State Supreme Court. The case was summarized this way by the Los Angeles Daily Journal: to assure the public that dental amalgam is safe. But (plaintiffs) charged that the (CDA) orchestrated a campaign to prevent patients from learning about mercury toxicity in amalgam and had retaliated against dentists who issued warnings to patients.

Continue reading “Health Freedom” and “Quackbusters” Switch Roles –  in California Supreme Court Case…