Quackbusted Barrett Broken in “Home Town” Court…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


In simple language – the Lehigh County Court Judge, today, in the Barrett v. Koren “defamation” case, ruled that Stephen Barrett wasted the Lehigh County Court’s time with his meritless claims.

Just before lunch on Thursday, October 13th, 2005 (today), Judge Johnson of the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas turned to the jury assembled to decide a case brought by one Stephen Barrett, a local resident, against famous Chiropractor, author, publisher, and health advocate Tedd Koren DC – and told the jury that he was ruling in favor of a Motion made by Defendant Koren.  Continue reading Quackbusted Barrett Broken in “Home Town” Court…

FDA Ephedra Ban REVERSED by US Court…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


There is no question that the the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is owned and operated as an adjunct to Big Pharma.  It is.

FDA executives are at the beck and call of Planet Earth’s pharmaceutical industry.  They don’t even bother to hide that fact.  FDA leaders see their role as four things:  (1)  get as many mega-dangerous drugs as possible approved as fast as possible, with the least amount of testing, (2)  turn a blind eye towards, and cover up as much negative drug information (adverse reaction) as possible (3) act as a marketing partner for Big Pharma, (4)  use their authority to attack, and harass, Big Pharma’s competitors for health dollars. Continue reading FDA Ephedra Ban REVERSED by US Court…

Quackbusters “Horse-Whipped” by Missouri Supreme Court…

The North American “quackbuster”  operation is scrambling for survival – because, among other things, the American Court System is “horse-whipping” them.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I just received word about a new Supreme Court Case Decision involving an attack on an innovative health practitioner, Edward W. McDonagh, D.O., from Missouri, who had the common sense to use chelation therapy on his heart patients. Continue reading Quackbusters “Horse-Whipped” by Missouri Supreme Court…

“Stalker” Terry Polevoy;  The Quackbuster’s Nut Case?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

Just a little north of the US border, in Waterloo/Kitchener, Ontario,  is the home, and acne care business, of Terry Polevoy MD, Canada’s number one self styled quackbuster.”   Polevoy, well versed in bigotry and scare tactics, operates a “hate” operation.  His hatred is for those that espouse “alternative medicine,” in any form.  His website, healthwatcher.net, is a miasma of crazy talk, odd colors and combinations, and a presentation that seems clearly out of the mind of a seriously disturbed individual. Continue reading “Stalker” Terry Polevoy;  The Quackbuster’s Nut Case?…

Quackpot Plot Smashed in Canada…

Big Pharma lost another big battle last week. 

Everybody in North America knows that both the US FDA, and Health Canada, are owned and operated as private corporations by the pharmaceutical cartel. Nobody evens tries to hide that fact.  Nobody even argues against it.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

But there’s a counter movement afoot, in both Canada and the USA, to take back ownership of the government agencies we created for our purposes.  Part of that movement, is the organized campaign to rein in both Health Canada, and the FDA’s “self-assigned” authority.  One of those projects paid off, handsomely, last week in a Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, Court when the Court dismissed the last of 219 trumped-up “criminal charges” files by Health Canada against Strauss Herbs. Continue reading Quackpot Plot Smashed in Canada…

The “Health” Battle in Connecticut…

There is a war on in America over the future of health care.  It is, without doubt, a classic battle between good and evil. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Simply spoken, The forces of “Health” are determined to change the system to fit the needs of a modern day America..  The forces of “Medicine”  are determined, at any cost, to maintain the status quo.    There are several battles raging.  One of those is in Connecticut. Continue reading The “Health” Battle in Connecticut…

Quackbusters Accused of “Racketeering” (RICO) in Colorado…

It happened today.

Delicensed MD Stephen Barrett, his dubious website “quackwatch.com,”  Bobbie Baratz, the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), and a big chunk of the organized quackbuster conspiracy got themselves named in a lawsuit, in Colorado, for “were and are each employed or associated with an enterprise, and participated and participates in the conduct of the enterprise affairs through a pattern of  racketeering activity in violation of 18 USAC1962(c) and C.R.S. 18-17-104(3).  Said pattern of activity included and includes, but was and is not limited to, the preparation, publication, dissemination and transmittal of information by US Mail and by wire through internet websites by wire and other media which falsely represented the Plaintiff’s product and technology, constituting a violation of 18 USC 1341, 1343, 1347 and 1349, and CRS 18-17-103(5)(a)…”

There IS a God…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Quackbusters Accused of “Racketeering” (RICO) in Colorado…

I’ve Finally Met Stephen Barrett…


 I’ve Finally Met Stephen Barrett…  And, I’m underwhelmed.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I was in Allentown, PA yesterday at a hearing where delicensed MD Stephen Barrett was testifying.  I was there to testify against him, as an“impeachment” witness, should it be necessary.  Barrett was trying to convince a three judge hearing panel that there is a conspiracy against him to defame him, and prevent him from continuing his so-called “anti-quackery” work.  Barrett’s testimony was as pathetic as his personal appearance. Continue reading I’ve Finally Met Stephen Barrett…

The Wisconsin “Suster” Case:  Important to America…

This is a story about “prosecutorial misconduct.”  It outlines the reasons, in graphic detail, why we, as Americans, have to pay close attention to the daily activities of those we delegate certain powers to – prosecutors.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

There has been a lot of attention given in the last few years, in the United States, to issues of prosecutorial misconduct.”  So much so that the American Bar Association (ABA) set up a special task force to deal with the problem, and promoted a a bill in the US Congress to solve the issue. Their action was spurred by a rash of cases, nationwide, where Federal prosecutors decided that the US Constitution had no meaning for them in the pursuit of their interests. As many Americans know, though, that “misconduct” wasn’t, and isn’t, limited to the Feds.   Continue reading The Wisconsin “Suster” Case:  Important to America…

Canadian “Friends of Freedom” Assault “Health Canada…”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Canadians don’t mess around, apparently, when it comes to demanding their rights as citizens.  Individual Canadians seem to have the idea that THEY are the government, not those hirelings (like Health Canada) they put in place to do their bidding.  That thinking is very evident in several court cases filed recently all over Canada where certain citizens, and groups like “Friends of Freedom,” are taking on “Health Canada,” our Northern neighbor’s version of the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

I approve, and applaud, their actions. Continue reading Canadian “Friends of Freedom” Assault “Health Canada…”

Wisconsin:  Polewski Pummeled Profusely…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Tuesday, June 8th and Wednesday, June 9th, 2004 were not good days for Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) prosecutor James Polewski.  He would have been better off staying home in bed.

Polewski was supposed to be, those two days, prosecuting a case against Green Bay Biological Dentist Richard (Rick) Vander Heyden DDS.  But, he didn’t seem to have come prepared for the event.

But, Rick Vander Heyden came prepared – and it showed. Continue reading Wisconsin:  Polewski Pummeled Profusely…

Wisconsin:  Preparing for the Vander Heyden Case…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The Administrative hearing set up by the Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) in the Vander Heyden matter will begin at 9:00 am Tuesday, June 8th and continue through June 9th, 2004, at the DRL offices – 1400 East Washington, Madison, WI.  Check with the front desk for the meeting room.

Health activists from around Wisconsin will be attending, for good reason.  This prosecution, in Wisconsin, is the “quackbuster’s” latest effort to twist the regulatory process to fit their desire to destroy innovation in health care. Continue reading Wisconsin:  Preparing for the Vander Heyden Case…

Wisconsin: The Vander Heyden Case…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


A couple days ago I wrote an article called “The American Medical System is Broken…”  The material for it, the original study called “Death by Medicine,” sat on the corner of my desk for months.  The material was so shocking, even for a skeptic of the medical system like me, that I simply needed to digest it.  I needed to think about what it all meant – for the study makes it crystal clear that organized medicine is the number one killer of Americans.

And number two, and number three… Continue reading Wisconsin: The Vander Heyden Case…

The Stuart Suster MD Case – the Most Sadistic, Vicious, and Cruel So-Called Prosecution I’ve Ever Seen…

I’m reading court documents involving, and surrounding, a case called “Wisconsin DRL v. Suster.”  I’ve got a file box full of documents at my feet, all of which I’ve read, and I’m, literally, STUNNED at what I’m seeing.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

This case, I believe, is an example of what can happen when “we the people” aren’t VERY CAREFUL about who we give authority to, to act on our behalf.  In this case, every rule of fair play has been thrown out by the perpetrators: Thexton and Moore. This case, “Wisconsin DRL v. Suster.” is a “railroad” – a sheer, arrogant abuse of State power by unprincipled, unregulated employees. Continue reading The Stuart Suster MD Case – the Most Sadistic, Vicious, and Cruel So-Called Prosecution I’ve Ever Seen…

Wisconsin is the “Test Case…”

Wisconsin has, for the last several years, been a “showdown” between the waning quackbuster forces and the emerging, and awakening, North American Health Freedom Movement.  To some, the problems in Wisconsin represent a microcosm of the whole health situation on the North American continent. To me, the study of how the quackbusters entrenched themselves in Wisconsin, brought out valuable, and usable, information on how to beat the quackbusters – everywhere.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Recently, purely by accident, in Wisconsin, we discovered another important aspect of the suppression of cutting-edge health care – the health insurance industry.  Oh, we knew the health insurance industry doesn’t want to pay for new things, but we never knew, or understood, the extent they’d go to to damage a provider of cutting-edge health care.  Below, you’ll read about how we found out.  You’ll also read what the health insurance people did to a health practitioner who found a way to demand payment using the US Government. Continue reading Wisconsin is the “Test Case…”

Wisconsin:  Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water…

Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) “quackbuster” prosecutors Arthur Thexton, and James Polewski, in a series of actions, are openly defying new DRL policies set down by recent Governor’s appointee, new DRL head Donsia Strong Hill.  In this test of wills, it will be interesting to see who wins – the Governor of Wisconsin, or the “quackbusters.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading Wisconsin:  Just when we thought it was safe to go back in the water…

Wisconsin:  Tough Decision Time…

Arthur Thexton, one of the Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) prosecutors who embraced the “quackbuster” crackpot theory of health care, limped out of a hearing in Room 179a, after lunch yesterday, looking very much like a man who’s suddenly seen his rocky-road future.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The hearing, called to determine “costs, and allocation of costs,” in the State of Wisconsin v. Kadile case, didn’t go well for Thexton.  Thexton is the one who had brought in hair removal and ear piercing specialist Robert S. Baratz, the current president of the discredited National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), as the do-all, be-all expert witness in the Kadile case.  Thexton had paid Baratz about $70,000 in so-called “expert witness” fees out of the Wisconsin Medical Board’s limited funds.  Baratz’s wild-eyed opinions, coupled with equally ludicrous crackpot offerings by Stephen Barrett, who was paid about $3,500 for his drivel in the case, had caused the State to spend over $165,000 on the unsuccessful prosecution.  Kadile’s “defense” cost over $300,000. Continue reading Wisconsin:  Tough Decision Time…

Quackbusters: “Bullys” Barrett, Baratz, Sued For 1.3 Million in Canada…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Bullying isn’t all that profitable these days. In fact, as self named “quackbusters” Stephen Barrett (quackwatch.com), and Bobbie Baratz (NCAHF.org), are finding out, it can, and will, be downright expensive…

Quackbusters like to bully people.  It’s all they have.  It’s the megalomaniac thing to do… Why?  Facts, logic, and social reality, are not on their side, arguing the issues surrounding North America’s rush away from “conventional medicine” towards what has been called “Alternative Medicine.”  Continue reading Quackbusters: “Bullys” Barrett, Baratz, Sued For 1.3 Million in Canada…

State of Wisconsin Officially Dumps Quackbusters… and Allows Chelation Therapy

The State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing (DRL) has, officially, dumped the “quackbusters” as their consultant on health care issues. This ends a ten year reign-of-terror within Wisconsin where, previously, health care investigators, and prosecutors had been trained to use the dubious website “quackwatch.com,” or “ncahf.org” as resources for health information.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

A CBS News “I-Team” report, titled “State Drops Case Against Alternative Medicine Doctor,” pretty well sums up the end of the quackbuster reign in Wisconsin State health politics. The TV broadcast started out to say “The Wisconsin Medical Examining Board unanimously voted by phone Friday to put an end to the state’s nine-year-old case against a Green Bay doctor.” Then it said “It’s a victory for freedom of choice, and I think it’s a victory for complimentary and alternative medicine and, quite frankly, I think it’s a victory for Dr. Kadile, personally,” Continue reading State of Wisconsin Officially Dumps Quackbusters… and Allows Chelation Therapy

CBS Airs “Sniveling Quackbuster” Expose’…

I have to hand it to CBS. They were able to capture, on Television, the true ESSENCE of quackbusterism, it’s REAL meaning, and the TRUTH of quackbuster existence.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In the second day of their special investigative report, CBS played the tape of little Bobbie Baratz, The PRESIDENT of the not-so-illustrious National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) crying his heart out, sniveling, and sniffling his way through testimony (and life). Thank God we had the presence of mind to tape the TV show, for the laughter was SO contagious while viewing the show, it had to be replayed several times on VHS to get the full flavor of the event. Continue reading CBS Airs “Sniveling Quackbuster” Expose’…