There’s an expression in English which has gone somewhat out of usage over the last few decades; “As mad as a hatter…”
From Germany By Karma Singh
When I first heard it in junior school, my thought was “why should hatters be mad?” When I went on to grammar school (I think that’s high school in American) I learned that 18th & 19th century hatters used mercury compounds to treat mole skins from which they made hats. The mercury fumes, I was taught, made the hatters mad in the way in which Lewis Carroll portrayed them in “Alice in Wonderland”.
The only perceptible difference lies in the name change from “Mad Hatter’s Disease” to “Alzheimer”. The symptoms displayed by a Mad Hatter as in “Alice in Wonderland” and modern “Alzheimer” sufferers appear to be identical.
Almost the whole of the so-called “health care”, i.e. sickness industry is controlled by the pharmaceutical cartel which is in the business of selling patented chemicals to be added to the human body. Telling you to improve your diet (bad diet being the cause of at least 40% of all health issues) or, in this case, to use various (non-patentable) herbs and spices to help remove mercury from your body is not going to earn them one penny so they don’t tell you. To maintain their “infallibility” status granted by Papal Bull in 1484**, however, they have to at least appear to offer solutions to all problems. This is the origin of the proposal to “cure” Alzheimer by giving you AIDS! See this article on the BolenReport for details of this:-
Not only is there no hard evidence to back up the hypothesis of viruses…
Germany’s highest court ruled in December 2016 that the existence of viruses is not proven. There is also no scientific evidence to support the claims that they might cause disease. On the contrary, Gaston Naessens showed that the human body will produce its own micro-organisms to destroy informationally-damaged cells before they can spread their malady. This is your body’s most often used second (after your skin) line of defense. The microorganisms are not the disease but part of the solution which is why the so-called AIDS medications will often kill you by preventing this natural defense system from functioning.