“Big Pharma” versus Everybody…

A seven-thousand-five-hundred-dollar hand-tailored business suit.  A fifteen-hundred-dollar designer tie.  A four-hundred-fifty-dollar belt.  Twenty-five-hundred dollar hand-made shoes.  Three-hundred-fifty-dollar hand-made silk underwear. And, a twenty-five-thousand dollar hand-made watch.

Who’s wearing this?  Every one of the roughly seven thousand lobbyists working for “Big Pharma” trying to get laws, and treaties, favorable to their aims, through the US Congress.  They dress like this for two reasons (1)  with the money “Big Pharma” is paying them they can afford to, and (2)  they want to make “the right impression.”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading “Big Pharma” versus Everybody…

“Big Pharma” Stabs Planet Earth…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


My last two broadcasts “Vitamins to be Banned Worldwide…“, and“Big Pharma” Controls US “TV News”… have generated a major response.  They seem to have been forwarded everywhere, and I can’t keep up with the volume of email questions I’m getting – so I’ll answer the questions here…

Yes, it’s true that the “Codex Alimentarius” commission in Rome, July 4th,2005,  passed restriction of supplement guidelines that would, in effect, destroy the supplement industry in it’s entirety – except for that controlled outright by “Big Pharma.” Continue reading “Big Pharma” Stabs Planet Earth…

“Big Pharma” Controls US “TV News”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


There is no such thing as “investigative journalism” on US network television anymore.  In fact, it’s hard to find real news, at all, on the networks.  “TV news” is all hype – every bit of it – and it is designed to promote the interests of those that write the checks for advertising.  Nothing else.

The single largest group of advertisers during the news hours, I’ve noticed, is “Big Pharma.”  Roughly fifty percent (50%) of all advertising, during the news hours, comes from the pharmaceutical industry. Continue reading “Big Pharma” Controls US “TV News”…

Vitamins to be Banned Worldwide…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


“Big Pharma” won a major victory in Rome, Italy today.  Vitamins and minerals, for over-the-counter sale will be phased out, almost completely, in every country on Planet Earth.  The “German Model” of health care will now be the law of the land – in every land.

Below is a press release from Diane Miller JD of the National Health Freedom Coalition, detailing the action.  Diane is in Rome at the meeting. Continue reading Vitamins to be Banned Worldwide…

“We the People” Need to Shut Down “Big Pharma”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I live in Southern California, in the United States, and I know that, in the United States, there is a tremendous war going on between the forces of “health” versus the forces of “medicine.”  This war is over the future of health care.  It’s a bloody war, and it doesn’t stop at the US borders…

In California we say “We’d rather be ‘healthy’ than ‘medicated,” and there’s a big difference between the two philosophies.  In that war I am firmly, and unequivocally, on the side of “health.”  I want the best health care I can get, and I want right now… Continue reading “We the People” Need to Shut Down “Big Pharma”…

Codex Alimentarius:  Big Pharma’s Attempt to Subjugate Planet Earth…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Last week I went to a “Codex” conference in Washington DC.  There a large and, so far, loosely knit coalition was formed to exchange information.  We began to coordinate the battle to stop the Big Pharma controlled European Union from inflicting “Codex Alimentarious” health standards on the rest of the world.

It will take me some time to absorb all of the information I heard, and read, but for now, let me make something clear – “Codex Alimentarious” is a plot to inflict “the German Model” of health care on all of Planet Earth. The primary targets are Europe (almost completed), Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. Continue reading Codex Alimentarius:  Big Pharma’s Attempt to Subjugate Planet Earth…


An Article By Australian Health Activist Eve Hillary

About Eve Hillary:  Eve Hillary is a Health Freedom Advocate based in Sydney.  She a medical analyst, public speaker and writer on issues pertaining to the health care industry and environmental health.   She is the author of Children of a Toxic Harvest: An Environmental Autobiography, and numerous articles relating to health issues. Her most recent book is Health Betrayal; Staying away from the Sickness Industry. Eve has spent 25 years in health care where she has observed the medical industry at first hand from the inside. [email protected]  or [email protected]  

Special Release April 1, 2005 Sydney ~ Revised April 23, 2005  – Published here May 31st, 2005 Continue reading CODEX – THE SICKNESS INDU$TRY’s LAST STAND…  

UK Parliament SMASHES Big Pharma…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Just two days ago, in my newsletter article The Coming “US Health Movement v. Big Pharma” Codex War…, I announced the demise of Big Pharma’s attempt to shut down the supplement industry.  But little did I know at the time that that day, Tuesday, April 5th, 2005, would go down in the annals as a double-whammy of Big Pharma’s murderous intent.  Wait ’til you read this. Continue reading UK Parliament SMASHES Big Pharma…

The Coming “US Health Movement v. Big Pharma” Codex War…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


This morning I received an e-mail from my attorney friend, and fellow health activist, Ralph Fucetola, The Vitamin Lawyer, telling me about the victory in Europe against the “European Food Directive”.  It was held, by the Court, to be invalid.  Here’s what Ralph said: Continue reading The Coming “US Health Movement v. Big Pharma” Codex War…

New Zealand Counter-Assaults Big Pharma…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The battle for reality in health care rages across Planet Earth.  Big Pharma, in its murderous greed, throws money at its minions like hale on a Kansas farm.  Despite massive cash infusions to protect their deadly interests – they are NOT winning.

Attached is a story sent to me from New Zealand, detailing the efforts of the New Zealand Health Freedom Movement – where they are, so to speak, battering Big Pharma’s goon squads in the streets… Continue reading New Zealand Counter-Assaults Big Pharma…

“Western Medicine:” The World Has Suffered Enough…

The five components of Western Medicine are guilty, in my opinion, of more crimes against humanity than any other entity in mankind’s history.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

As we sit here, the very structure of western civilization is at risk because of the sheer murderous greed of the number (1) component of Western Medicine – Big Pharma.  Health Care costs in the the US and Europe have gone over the top, just because Big Pharma thinks it’s OK to gouge.  US Seniors on a limited income have to make choices between food or drugs each month.  The Vioxx scandal points out just how murderous Big Pharma executives can become, in the name of profit.  Continue reading “Western Medicine:” The World Has Suffered Enough…

Health Care:  Can We “Take it Back” in 2005?…

The United States Health Care system, called “Western Medicine,” is broken beyond repair.  It is so deadly, expensive, corrupt, inefficient, and riddled with “special interest” that there is, absolutely no starting point to use to begin to set it right. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The government agencies WE THINK we put in place to monitor our health system have been completely corrupted by those “special interests.” Continue reading Health Care:  Can We “Take it Back” in 2005?…

Federally “Indict” Merck Executives…


We need a health care “Nuremberg…”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Shortly after South Carolina MD Jim Shortt was falsely accused of killing a female Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patient this year, supposedly by applying a Hydrogen Peroxide IV to get rid of viruses and bacteria, armed Federal, State, and local law enforcement agents, in almost a “Waco style” assault team, donned their body armor, their mirrored sunglasses, activated their Public Relations teams, and screamed and battered their way into Shortt’s West Columbia, South Carolina clinic.  With guns and warrant on hand, they seized everything in sight.

Although medical literature clearly shows that Hydrogen Peroxide IV, to get rid of viruses and bacteria, has been around for over ninety (90) years, and records show that over a million treatments have been made, with NO DEATHS, ever recorded, the mere “allegation” of death, false that it was, and made by an elected official with no medical training, caused a massive assault by US law enforcement. Continue reading Federally “Indict” Merck Executives…

Showtime in Allentown…..

It hasn’t been a good year for Big Pharma.

There is a concerted effort to break Big Pharma’s stranglehold on North American health care.  For example, just look at all the lawsuits aimed at that target, some filed by individuals, some by companies, some by big “Tort” law firms, and some by government agencies.

That “concerted effort” is working. Continue reading Showtime in Allentown…..

The American Medical System is Broken…

May 27th, 2004

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Everybody knows that the US MEDICARE System will go belly-up in the year 2011.  It’s going to be, at that point, so costly that the United States simply won’t be able to afford it anymore. Foreign owned “Big Pharma”is bleeding us to death.

American corporations, right this moment, are cutting back their health care offerings.  No one can afford the skyrocketing costs.  Foreign owned “Big Pharma” is bleeding us to death. Continue reading The American Medical System is Broken…

10,000 Canadian deaths per year caused by Health Canada’s hiding drug reaction information…

(Note:  Here is a Guest Editorial by Anthony Stephen, one of the top Health Freedom activists in Canada, detailing the fight of Canadian citizens to take back control of Health Canada from Big Pharma.  As you can see by the article, Canadian Health Freedom is doing very well…)

Guest Editorial by ‘Anthony Stephan’


Here is the recent House of Commons Standing Committee report detailing the 10,000 Canadian deaths per year caused by Health Canada’s hiding drug reaction information. So far the Canadian Medical Association, the courts, and now the Standing committee on Health have exposed them. Continue reading 10,000 Canadian deaths per year caused by Health Canada’s hiding drug reaction information…

In Wisconsin: The Exception Proves the Rule…

Well, I was proven wrong on something – and I’m very pleased it happened. It happened in Wisconsin.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I have a jaundiced view of the media, especially national media. I wrote about this a few months ago in article called “Big Pharma Doesn’t Own the Media…”

So when members of the Wisconsin Association for Health Freedom (WAHF) thought about approaching CBS affiliate Channel 3’s “I-Team” in Madison about the quackbuster onslaught in their State, I was supportive, but not real enthusiastic. To me, TV has a fleeting sense, and doesn’t take the time to examine an issue, unless there’s a lot of blood, a car chase, bare skin, or inter-marriage between species. There is also that segment of the media who likes “shock” and has no compunctions about charging into your life with a camera, and making you look as bad as possible for their audience. Continue reading In Wisconsin: The Exception Proves the Rule…

Big Pharma: America Strikes Back…

Despots, worldwide, hate America and everything it stands for one simple reason – Americans say “No” to totalitarianism. In America, people demand to think for themselves, and make decisions based on their observations.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Big pharma, worldwide, is trying to be planet earth’s lnewest despot. They almost made it. But they didn’t count on the North American Health Freedom Movement blocking their efforts to make humanity “drug-dependent” on a grand scale. They didn’t realize that Americans would see big pharma’s efforts to gouge a huge chunk out of our economy as a “criminal act.” Continue reading Big Pharma: America Strikes Back…

“Operation Cure-All” Doesn’t Exist?…

Last week I called the Press contact for what is supposedly a combined FTC/FDA project calling itself “Operation Cure-All” and asked some basic journalistic questions, like; “Where are the offices of “Operation Cure-All? Who is the Director? If it has a committee, when does it meet? Can I get a copy of it’s mission statement? How is it funded? How many employees does it have? What’s the phone number? Who decides what companies get targeted?”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

After all, if you look on the internet on the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) web page, it certainly appears that “Operation Cure-All” is a re-incarnation of Elliot Ness’s assault on Al Capone in the 1920s…

Guess what the Press contact told me? Continue reading “Operation Cure-All” Doesn’t Exist?…

Big Pharma Fears Electricity…

There’s an interesting situation going on in the war between “health” and “medicine” in the United States.  Big pharma is in a panic over electricity.

Yup.  Electricity.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Not the kind of electricity that caused the big NorthEast power blackout this year.  But the kind that gets applied to the human body, either as an investigative tool or as a immune system stimulator, as an electronic acupuncture, or as an energy field, or whatever. Continue reading Big Pharma Fears Electricity…