
James Randi Sued Over “Bogus Million Dollar Challenge”…

The “skeptic” operation is in deep trouble – again.

Deep trouble…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen

Why?  They are being sued in a Florida federal Court over their “Million Dollar Challenge.”

And, it is time for a laugh.

A BIG laugh. Continue reading James Randi Sued Over “Bogus Million Dollar Challenge”…

Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I was five days, four nights, at the Chicago events – first the National Health Freedom Coalition on Wednesday night, and Thursday, then the Health Freedom Expo on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Thank the Lord I can sleep on airplanes.  One minute I’m leaving Chicago, the next I’m climbing down the rear staircase at Jet Blue’s Long Beach Terminal.

The Coalition meeting was interesting to say the least, and a lot was accomplished.   I’m not going to say what all, just yet, but it was good seeing everyone once again. Continue reading Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries…

Cornering a Rat…  An Update on the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court Case

There hasn’t been a lot to report on in the famous Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, federal court case, lately.  They are in the “Discovery ” phase, and, as expected, Stephen Barrett, through his legal team, is screeching, and lashing out, like a cornered rat.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Doctor’s Data’s legal team has had to put on protective clothing, so to speak.

Stephen Barrett‘s lead legal counsel (snort here) Michael K. Botts, Esq, is, already a known piece of work.  But, in Discovery Botts comes into his own.  And, I have to laugh at how easily Jeff Levens, Doctor’s Data’s lead counsel, slaps him around.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading all those legal documents filed by both sides.  What a hoot. Continue reading Cornering a Rat…  An Update on the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court Case

Two Important Events…

As my readers know there has been an effort to form alliances between the North American Health Freedom movement and the Autism world.   It is succeeding…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Both the Long Beach Health Freedom Expo and AutismOne worked well together.  And now we are heading for the third, and fourth, collaborations – both in Chicago. Continue reading Two Important Events…

Steven Salzberg – PseudoScience’s Dim Bulb…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

It is time for a laugh…

The pseudo-skeptic mini-machine is jam-packed with losers – from those that totally hide behind fake internet names to those that (snicker here) pad their resumés with high-sounding, but near-worthless, qualifications, to attempt to convince a reader that they know what they are talking about.  Pompous-Assity reigns.

Steven Salzberg
Pompous-assity reigns

There are just too many examples of this extant in their midst.  One need only look at Stephen Barrett, bobbie baratz, Orac the Nipple Ripper, or Carpet-Head” Stephen Novella as examples.  They have almost a compulsiveness to puff themselves, desperately seeking some, any, recognition, even if it is based on false claims of authority. Continue reading Steven Salzberg – PseudoScience’s Dim Bulb…

Five Days at AutismOne Was Exhausting…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I went to AutismOne last week primarily as an observer.  Terry and Ed Arranga put on a great event.  I did speak, leading a panel discussion, on Friday morning at 10:30 AM – “FOIA Exposes CDC Lied Claiming Mercury in Vaccines is Safe…” with Brian Hooker PhD, Kentucky attorney Bob Reeves, and radio host Robert Scott Bell.  We had a very good audience.  The question period continued all weekend.

In short – we delivered a bombshell.  As reference – see the articles in the table on the right. Continue reading Five Days at AutismOne Was Exhausting…

Doctor’s Data Seeks Federal Court Shutdown Order for Barrett/Quackwatch/Skeptics…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Most of my readers are quite familiar with the sleazy antics of Stephen Barrett and his coterie.  So what I tell you today will be no surprise.  No surprise at all.

But before I tell you about what just happened in the Doctor’s Data versus Stephen Barrett Federal court case I want to familiarize you with Federal Law  18 USC § 1512 – Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant. Continue reading Doctor’s Data Seeks Federal Court Shutdown Order for Barrett/Quackwatch/Skeptics…

Yup, That’s My Kid…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Tangerine Bolen
Activist and reporter Tangerine Bolen, a plaintiff in the case against the NDAA, speaking to the media after a New York judge enjoined section 1021 of the law. Photograph via Fromthetrenchesworldreport

There was an uproar several months ago when the US Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and there was a section in it (1021) that said, according to Wikipedia:

” includes the power to detain, via the Armed Forces, any person “who was part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners”, and anyone who commits a “belligerent act” against the U.S. or its coalition allies in aid of such enemy forces, under the law of war, “without trial, until the end of the hostilities authorized by the [AUMF]”. Continue reading Yup, That’s My Kid…

How is the Autism/Health Freedom Alliance Going?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


In early March of this year a trial coalition was formed between the North American Health Freedom Movement and the Autism Parents.  The first combined group meeting occurred at the Long Beach Health Freedom Expo, March 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2012, and it was a huge, high energy success.

More, the meetings between leaders of both groups continued all weekend, starting with a “Meet and Greet” on Friday night. Continue reading How is the Autism/Health Freedom Alliance Going?

US State Department Holds Another (cough) “Mercury” Meeting…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I got a phone call from Lisa Sykes over the weekend.  She, and Paul G. King, on behalf of their organization CoMed, had attended the US State Department’s meeting on Friday May 4th, 2012 in Washington DC, to establish the official US position on mercury amalgams (deadly dental fillings), and the use of Thimerosal (49% mercury) as a preservative in vaccines.

According to Lisa, the vaccine conglomerate was there in force to speak, and not-so-quiet desperation was in their words – and present on their faces.

Why?  Because the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) has agendized the removal of mercury amalgams and mercury from vaccines, and the vaccine industry wants the US State Department to act as their champion at the UN conference, keeping mercury in vaccines in place at all costs. Continue reading US State Department Holds Another (cough) “Mercury” Meeting…

REAL Scientific Journals Don’t Lie – Mercury in Vaccines is BAD For You…  But There is Relief…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I have here, below, an important article about a recent peer-reviewed study in the very prestigious scientific journal Acta Neurobiologiae ExperimentalisThe study shows, very clearly, that there are significantly elevated levels of male hormones (testosterone) in patients who display autistic traits as a result of autism, Asperger’s syndrome, or other pervasive development disorders.   Always.

And, this situation needs to be dealt with.

The study is called – “An evaluation of the role and treatment of elevated male hormones in autism spectrum disorders.”

The study concludes:

“Given the association between elevated levels of male hormones (known as hyperandrogenism) and autism spectrum disorders, the article recommends routine screenings of hormone levels for patients diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and, as necessary, appropriate treatment for elevated androgens.” Continue reading REAL Scientific Journals Don’t Lie – Mercury in Vaccines is BAD For You…  But There is Relief…

Could the Doctor’s Data “Protective Order” Actually Shut Down Barrett, Quackwatch, and the Skeptics?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 



Yup…  Most definitely.

Two days ago I wrote about the “Protective Order” sought by Doctor’s Data against Barrett, his minions, and hangers-on due to their Witness Intimidation activities in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, federal court case..  There were some questions forwarded to me about whether or not the “Protective Order” would be strong enough to protect Barrett’s victims and potential victims from Barrett and his co-conspirators.

How so, you ask, since a good part of the sleazy skeptic (pseudo-skeptic) operation is intentionally based outside the US, so as to make it hard for the average victim to sue them, or to enforce court judgments?

That question is much easier to answer than you would think.  And, the answer is short – and to the point – the world-wide web is based in the US.  Hence, court jurisdiction is in the US. Continue reading Could the Doctor’s Data “Protective Order” Actually Shut Down Barrett, Quackwatch, and the Skeptics?

Mark & David versus Goliath…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

If you think about it, there are only two questions that need to be answered to solve the Autism problem:  (1)  What’s really causing it?  and (2)  how do we fix it?

Of course we know the answer to the first question (vaccines), and we are working on the second one. Continue reading Mark & David versus Goliath…

Fact:  The Texas Jury Is Going To Hate Brian Deer…  And that would spell THE END for the British Medical Journal…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012


Something is very clear to me.  It’s this:  Brian Deer is coming apart under pressure.   Deer was the instrument used against Andrew Wakefield over the MMR vaccine issue. With, or without, his consent he has become, and will continue to act, as the instrument to reverse that attack.  He has no choice in the matter.

Here’s why: Continue reading Fact:  The Texas Jury Is Going To Hate Brian Deer…  And that would spell THE END for the British Medical Journal…

Who in the Hell is Brian Deer?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


To a lot of us in the North American Health Freedom Movement, meeting with the Autism Parents opened up a whole new world of intrigue and manipulation focused at the victims of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  That intrigue and manipulation itself is familiar to us in the Movement, for, as we found out quickly after meeting the Autism Parents, the same predators, operating in the same way, used the same techniques – but this time, simply trying to cover up the fact that Vaccines are causing major worldwide health problems, and not “saving humanity” as the Vaccine Construction” claims.

Of course vaccines cause Autism, and inflict one in six children with neurological disorders.  Yes, Big Pharma lies about that, and yes, of course, the government agencies that “we the people” put in place to stop this sort of thing from happening have been co-opted by the very industry that they are supposed to regulate.  So, what’s new about that?  It is a fact of life here in the United States.  Move on.  Deal with it. Continue reading Who in the Hell is Brian Deer?…

Part Two – The Forming Alliance  – Health Freedom Movement Joining with Autism Parents…

The first meeting was a huge success…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen

The Health Freedom Expo in Long Beach, California (March 2, 3rd, and 4th, 2012),  the first official meeting between the North American Health Freedom Movement and the Autism Parents, was way, way bigger than I thought it would be….

People that know me soon figure out that I’m on the telephone constantly.  Bluetooth in my car makes driving just another office for me.  Telephone conversations with key people are very important, for it is the network that makes things happen.

Since I know the key people in the Health Freedom Movement, I know, beforehand, what they will say, for instance, in a speech at the Health Freedom Expo.  We already talked about it at length, of course, on the phone.  So, I don’t need to be there to hear it again.

With that said, no one in the Movement would be surprised that I would show up at the Expo three hours after it started with my phone in my ear.  I had, of course, stopped at LAX to pick up attorney Bob Reeves (from Kentucky).

When I walked into the convention center front door, right there, in the center’s prime location, was the Registration Booth for the Health Freedom Expo – and the line of people there to get their weekend tickets was massive.

Massive – and Friday is generally the “slow day.”

Oh my…

I turned around and looked down the main hallway, where the lectures were, and there were people milling as far as I could see, all the way down to the far doors, a very long ways away.

I saw Julie Whitman Kline over at one end of the eight station Registration Booth, and went over to Julie and asked “Ummm, how is the attendance?”  She pointed to the line, and further down the hallway, and smiled, saying “Very good, very good..”

I was stunned.  Yes, getting the Health Freedom Movement together with the Autism parents was a good idea, but hey, the first time you do something, or try something new, no one expects instant success.  It just doesn’t happen.

But this time it did.  That Registration line continued like that ALL DAY, and all day on Saturday.  At 1:00PM on Sunday I walked by the booth again and there were at least a dozen people buying tickets – and the last lecture was at 5:00PM.

Oh my…

I went down the escalator to the Exhibit Hall, which hadn’t opened until Eleven AM, and it too had people milling everywhere.

Oh my, again…

Last year I wrote about the high energy at the event.  The air tingled.  This year it tingled more, and it didn’t stop for a minute.  George Noory’s panel discussion was in a room that only, generally, holds 500 people – but there was another two to three hundred lining the walls.  It was the same for Kevin Trudeau.  And remember, we were running five tracks simultaneously (five speakers in five different rooms at the same time), along with an Exhibit Hall.

Julie had the good sense to deal with the food problem.  I mean, who wants to eat “convention food” at at a health expo, right?   So at the last row of booths there were two food booths, one Indian food, and the other Japanese food.  There was always a line, but there was ample table space.

My days at Expos like this are spent buttonholing people I haven’t seen in a while, and this first day, Friday, I was on a mission to get the Health Freedom leadership into a previously unannounced meeting with the Autism Parents leadership at 6:30 PM next door at the Hyatt Regency.  It was a meet and greet, putting a face on people whose names you have heard before so that they too can buttonhole each other throughout the coming weekend event.

When you see the sheer size of this kind of event you can imagine how hard it was to find everybody, for they too have schedules.  But at 6:30 PM on that Friday night, for the first time, officially, the North American Health Freedom Movement met the Autism Parents one on one.  I was the host, so to speak, and I wouldn’t let groups of people who already knew each other conglomerate.  I literally dragged people from one batch to the other.

And, it worked.  From then on, all weekend, I’d pass people grouping in hallways, at lunch tables, for quick meetings, exchanging business cards quickly so they could move onto the next thing.

As expected, there were a few instances where some speakers were under-attended due to the last-minute, so-to-speak, arrangements, but that was not the norm.

For the regular attendee there was so much going on here at this event that they could not possibly see everything – they would have to choose.  Look at this speaker schedule just for Friday (the slower day).  It was a power house.  You could have even caught me, Tim Bolen, at 2:00 PM on a panel called “Malfeasance in the Media,” along with Age of Autism’s Dan Olmstead. Andrew Wakefield, and Dr. David Lewis.

On Saturday the energy went up, as I predicted, even higher.  Check this schedule.  One conflict, unavoidable with the sheer size of the event, was at 5:00PM when Kevin Trudeau spoke in Room 101 and Mark and David Geier were in 103C.

On Sunday, the schedule was equally packed with stars.  I  moderated a panel on “Vaccine Politics,”  which included powerful, and knowledgeable people.

The Side Note…

I met a lot of wonderful people from the Autism World this weekend.  And, of course, I got to reconnect with long time friends in the Health Freedom Movement.  Generally speaking I took Monday off to rest and think about everything that happened.  So this morning I was primed and ready to go – back on the telephone.

This conference came together as a joint effort between two groups that, frankly, blend quite well.  The problem we will now face is that in May and June, just three weeks apart, the groups that came together in Long Beach are going to have two separate conferences, each planned a year in advance, and leadership for both groups is planning on attending both.

We need, of course, to make sure both conferences are incredibly successful.  Autism One is scheduled for May 25 – 29, 2011, The Westin Hotel, Lombard, Illinois.  Autism One’s opening statement says:

“We are thrilled to bring you the, “Autism Recovery on a Budget: Empowering Parents,” conference registration for FREE.

Recovery depends on education, not on how thick your wallet is. But first you need to know how to help your child. You need to know the most effective treatments and therapies. You need to know when certain interventions are appropriate and when they are not. You need to know hope is real.

It’s time to open not only our hearts, but our home. And so it is with open arms we invite you to come and share with the AutismOne family what we have learned collectively over the past decade. It’s time to embrace every family affected.

Currently constructed autism costs too much. One of the biggest obstacles to recovering children has always been the cost of educating parents. We believe answers need to be free.

Each year we learn how to do more with less and each year the conference is a reflection of the ever-growing body of accumulated knowledge.

Each year we learn more about how to prevent autism or minimize its effect. Each year we learn more about dealing with autism in adolescence and adulthood. Each year we learn more about the underlying biomedical issues at work.

This year we will have the chance to share with you what we have learned whether you are a woman thinking about having a child or a parent with a child aging out of the school system or a mom facing autism for the first time.

Read their websiteThere’s more.  Do they mean what they say?  Yup.  I met them this weekend, and they mean exactly what they say.

The next Health Freedom Expo is scheduled for June 15-17, 2012 at the beautiful Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center in Schaumburg, a Chicago suburb. You’ll be hearing much more, from me, about this.

What we did…
My goal, with this was, as I said “to get the leadership of the Health Freedom Movement and the Autism Parents into the same building to meet each other, officially, for the first time.  To talk about commonalities.  And strategies.  Become friends.  Plan a war.”

It worked.  It is the beginning.

Stay tuned…

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate



Quackpot “bobbie baratz” RIPPED APART, ONCE AGAIN, This Time in a Texas Hearing…

For years Stephen Barrett MD and Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD have been practically joined at the hip attacking cutting-edge health care practitioners and paradigms. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen

Barrett with his sleazy website combinations, and Baratz, alleging himself to be the president of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), formed a one-two punch across America.  They did it virtually everywhere.

Usually, in a health professional State licensing hearing situation, Barrett files a Complaint against a practitioner victim, and recommends himself, Baratz, or both, as an expert witness.   If they are successful in getting a Formal Complaint filed, either or both put that information on their websites, then they seek out local attorneys, near their practitioner victims, to arrange lawsuits against that practitioner, offering, once again, their “expert” services. Continue reading Quackpot “bobbie baratz” RIPPED APART, ONCE AGAIN, This Time in a Texas Hearing…

The Forming Alliance  – Health Freedom Movement Joining with Autism Parents…  The World has Gone Crazy – It is time to fix it…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The social situation of Autism is a microcosm of what is going on in our current world.  There was a time, not that long ago, when America stood for good things on Planet Earth.  Now, of course, we are not there.  Our government has been usurped, as Michael Moore says, “by the 1%.”  And that 1% has no moral code whatsoever.  To them life, except for their own, is of no importance.  Wants and needs of a population are of no concern to them.  It is all about power and control.  And making money.

On the flip side, anyone with a brain can see the revolution in the streets.  The message of the Occupy and the Tea Party movements, although appearing to be from different parts of our society, is too close to call them separate movements.  Revolution is building. Continue reading The Forming Alliance  – Health Freedom Movement Joining with Autism Parents…  The World has Gone Crazy – It is time to fix it…

Barrett SCREECHES Over Doctor’s Data Settlement Offer….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Judges in Court cases ENCOURAGE parties to settle,  The new Judge in the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett Federal Court case is no exception.  After all, the court system is overloaded.

Shortly after Judge Edmond E. Chang issued his Decision in Barrett’s Motion to Dismiss the entire case, Chang indicated to the parties that it would be a good time to talk “settlement.”  Chang ordered settlement talks. Continue reading Barrett SCREECHES Over Doctor’s Data Settlement Offer….

(Brian) Deer in the Headlights…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


It’s Deer Hunting season in Texas.

No, I’m not talking about hunting White Tail Deer along the Milk River in West Texas, or Mule Deer anywhere in the Texas Panhandle.  So, put that key to the gun cabinet back in your pocket.

White Tail and Mule are NOT the deer being hunted in Texas in THIS story.  Nobody is going to be wearing camouflage, and we aren’t going to have to hike eleven miles before dawn, carrying a sixty pound pack. Continue reading (Brian) Deer in the Headlights…