Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The social situation of Autism is a microcosm of what is going on in our current world. There was a time, not that long ago, when America stood for good things on Planet Earth. Now, of course, we are not there. Our government has been usurped, as Michael Moore says, “by the 1%.” And that 1% has no moral code whatsoever. To them life, except for their own, is of no importance. Wants and needs of a population are of no concern to them. It is all about power and control. And making money.
On the flip side, anyone with a brain can see the revolution in the streets. The message of the Occupy and the Tea Party movements, although appearing to be from different parts of our society, is too close to call them separate movements. Revolution is building.
I was raised in a society where guns were common. I got my first .22 caliber rifle at twelve, and within months could hit a bullseye ten out of ten times from any shooting position. So could my childhood friends. In high school anybody who could show a valid small game or deer hunting license could take the first day of each season off from school. I, and all of my friends did that. By the time I joined the military (Navy) I shot a 286 out of 300 with a .45 ACP caliber Model 1911 on my first attempt. I was that familiar with all kinds of firearms.
Why do I mention this? Because of two reasons: (1) Recently I stopped by, with my brother-in-law, a small gun show in the California high desert. The place was mobbed. Guns that should have sold for a fourth of the price were going out the door quickly. Ammunition was being sold by the caseload. (2) If you stop by a sporting goods store these days the ammunition counter is never idle. Twelve gauge pump shotguns, sold for home protection, are going out the door, like people were stopping in to get bread and milk.
That’s where America really is right now. Unrest is everywhere, and people are getting prepared. “We the People” are on the edge of revolution. The 1% are beginning to realize that that wall, with barbed wire, around their homes, isn’t going to withstand, for very long, a determined assault by an armed angry people.
People with a brain know that the upcoming election means nothing in the scheme of things. It is a facade – and the choices of candidates by either party will result in exactly the same government – one that simply represents the 1%, for they put up the money for ALL of the favored candidates for BOTH parties. So, the election process is not where the real war is. It is somewhere else. All new political forces are developing.
In the US the conventional media is completely controlled by the 1%. The TV News Hours are made up of total crap – car chases, people being shot, movies stars going into rehab – total crap unrelated to actual society, fabricated to lull Americans into a stupor. And for some part, it works.
There is even an attempt to control the internet. There is, as I have written about before, a group calling themselves “The skeptics,” made up mostly, strange as it may seem, by angry-at-the-world homosexuals – with overtones of pedophilia.
We are, people, at a crossroads. The war between Good and Evil is just as alive now as at any time in mankind’s history.
The New Alliance…
The interesting thing about both the the Health Freedom Movement and the Autism Parents is that both groups contain, literally, millions of people, all adults – and they are not the same people. There is very little cross-over – for the moment.
I can’t put a number on the Autism victims in the US alone. For the victims include not only the damaged children, but their parents and grandparents – and, of course, the society that has been handed the burden. It is estimated that there are now two million children with Autism Spectrum in the US alone, and the numbers are increasing exponentially.
The Health Freedom Movement is different. It has been around for a long time, and it is experienced in battle strategies and tactics. It is also VERY large, literally in the millions
What is the similarity between the two groups? Simple. They face the same problems.
Huh? The same problems? Yup – the same problems and the same enemy. What are those similarities, exactly? Stick around – all will be revealed.
And now the two groups are officially coming together.
How is this happening?
First of all let me explain how the Health Freedom Movement operates. It begins almost everything with consensus. We, the leaders, all know each other – some more than others. Over the last year, or so, we started writing in our newsletters and talking on our radio shows, about the problems of Autism. We fed off of each other – and there were some absolutely superb written, and spoken, pieces explaining to the soldiers in the movement what was really happening with Autism – lighting the fires for the coming war.
My own intensive coverage began last April, 2011 after Kentucky attorney Bob Reeves called me asking for my help in a Maryland situation. There I met Mark and David Geier, and the anti-mercury-in-vaccines contingency. It didn’t take me long to realize the Autism problem was something my friends in the movement, and I, needed to address.
About two months ago Ed and Teri Arranga, the producers of Autism One, the largest Autism conference on Planet Earth, called me and asked me to speak at this year’s event in Chicago, May 23 to 27th, 2012. Of course I accepted, but, in my usual way, I asked them what they knew about the Health Freedom Movement, and would they like ALL of us to help them. After an explanation their response was something like “Oh my…” So I began to introduce then to my friends.
One of the friends I introduced them to was Julie Whitman Kline. Julie runs the Health Freedom Expo, and her organization puts on, currently, two shows a year. One in Long Beach, California (March 2, 3rd, and 4th, 2012), and the other in Chicago, Illinois, (June 10th, 11th, and 12th, 2012). They generally get about five thousand attendees at each one.

In short, if you want details about the Autism problem, you can sit through each day, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and become immersed in the issue.
But I have to say that there is so much going on here at this event that you cannot possibly see everything – you’re going to have to choose. Look at this speaker schedule just for Friday (the slower day). It is a power house. You can even catch me, Tim Bolen, at 2:00 PM on a panel called “Malfeasance in the Media,” along with Age of Autism’s Dan Olmstead. Andrew Wakefield, and Dr. David Lewis.
On Saturday the energy will ramp up even higher. Check this schedule. One conflict, unavoidable with the sheer size of the event, is at 5:00PM when Kevin Trudeau speaks in Room 101 and Mark and David Geier speak in 103C.
On Sunday, the schedule is equally packed with stars. I will be moderating a panel on “Vaccine Politics,” which will include powerful, and knowledgeable people.
But, the real point…
Is to get the leadership of the Health Freedom Movement and the Autism Parents into the same building to meet each other, officially, for the first time. To talk about commonalities. And strategies. Become friends. Plan a war.
It is the beginning.
Stay tuned…
Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate