While We’re Waiting…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


You’re right.   Stephen Barrett has, so far, it seems, missed the Thursday, September 30th deadline to Respond to the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal lawsuit.

So far.

Yes, it’s true, that no papers were apparently filed with the Court by 5:00PM on that date.  And, also very obviously, no electronic filing was made by midnight of that same date. And, I checked to see if Barrett had tried to change jurisdiction to some other Court – nothing.

Don’t get your hopes up, just yet, to be able to start collecting Barrett souvenirs, however.  There is still one more legal option available.  Barrett’s attorney could have dropped a package in the mail before 5:00PM on September 30th, 2010, making certain he has a record of the postmark time.

If not – well, Barrett is heading for a Default Judgment.  Also, the same for Quackwatch, Inc., and the National Council Against Health Fraud.

So, while we are waiting to hear what’s going to happen next…

For now, let me amuse you.

The quackbuster minions (and they HATE being called “minions”) are livid about my articles.  It seems that it is very important to them to be able to control internet information flow – especially about the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal lawsuit.  My articles about the case, for whatever reason (and I am not that SEO knowledgeable), are floating up to the top pages of Google – and this panics the minions – so they are taking action.

(1)  They are complaining to my ISP, trying to shut down www.bolenreport.com.

(2)  They are emailing all those that reprint my articles demanding that they not link to me.

(3)  They’ve started a new blog, just about me, trying to damage my reputation.

(4)  They have contacted, of all things, the Social Security Administration, claiming I am falsely getting Disability payments.  Disability payments?  Where’d that come from?

(5)  They have contacted the IRS, claiming I have an income.  Yup.

I have to say that I am relieved.  For almost ten years I have been “Public Enemy Number One” in quackbuster land.  Then along comes these upstarts Doctor’s Data and their attorneys, and whoosh – I’m pushed right out of the envied spot, almost overnight.  But, as you can see, right now, I have pushed my way back to, at least, to tie with Doctor’s Data and their attorneys.

I don’t give up what’s rightfully mine without a fight.

Stay tuned.

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate