Let Me Tell You How Liberty Dies… (Or Does It?)

The “Deep State” is Losing the Information War with the American Public, and They Don’t Like It.

So, They Have Something Up Their Sleeves…

Let’s get ready..


Opinion by KP Stoller, MD, www.incurable-me.com

I don’t know how it is going to happen, but it will be predictably formulaic, because “they” are predictably formulaic.

Who are “they?”  The “Deep State and the mega-corporations and banks they work with.

“The “Deep State” is Nervous…

The pressure of the population waking up and questioning, for example, the safety of vaccines, the undeniable proof they have been used as sterilization tools, the exposure of corruption at the CDC and other agencies poorly covering up the vaccine-autism link, the unexpected popularity of the movie about Andy Wakefield (The Pathological Optimist [yet to be released in present time – 2017]) caused the Deep State to pull the lever on their plan.

… of course it was more than just the public waking up about vaccines..

The public is waking up about everything… the pedophile rings at the highest levels of government and other trusted institutions; the true instigators of the several coups we have experienced from the Kennedy assignation to 9/11. The unholy alliances with murderous dictators, the drug trafficking, organ trafficking, and worse.

Too many citizens becoming way too savvy about, for example, the perpetual war machine to control resources in other countries and silence anyone who would interfere with globalist economic interests. The American people were getting to the point where they weren’t willing to pay for and die in another faux conflict for the benefit of corporations and the military-industrial complex.  Americans became fed up with their pesticide drenched foods, the BS from the Main Stream Media (MSM) was seen as the fraudulent news it was – all the corruption…it was unraveling fast and “they” were losing control. So, “they” needed to pull something again.

The Coming “Scare” Will Be Medical…

The Medical Cartel is akin to the enforcement arm of the elite globalist faction among us. This coming infectious disease scare (this will all be about fear) doesn’t even have to be some exotic disease… perhaps something we already have a vaccine for.. in fact, it really needs to be something we already have a vaccine for so the unvaccinated can be blamed.

For the sake of speculation I will pick Mumps, still they” could unleash an Ebola level event… these folks love the drama and they haven’t had any at this level since they demolished the WTC buildings with the assistance of a couple of foreign governments. But it is hard to vilify the unvaccinated if it is some exotic disease for which there has been no vaccine.

Mumps is an illness that never really required a vaccine from a Public Health POV, but by combining the Mumps vaccine to the MMR, Merck locked in an exclusive right to sell this vaccine. The only problem is the Mumps component of the vaccine is next to worthless – it doesn’t work. So, vaccinated or not, in all likelihood most people born after 1960 are vulnerable to infection, and so it will begin.

The false-flag Mexican Swine flu epidemic, where a lab created virus was released in a slum in Mexico City, was either a big disappointment and/or a dry-run that allowed lessons to be learned from mistakes made. Now, why didn’t anyone ask what a lab created virus was doing in a Mexico City slum? – no Congressional hearings on that one. Their attempt to scare us with Zika was a really big flop. They will not make this mistake again. The citizens of the World found out fairly quickly that the pocket of mothers in Brazil that gave birth to children with microcephaly were heavily vaccinated with DTP while pregnant and while drinking larvicide laden tap water at the same time.

This new infectious disease outbreak will start like so many other outbreaks, that is,  at a few college campuses, but this one will spread fast and big… multiple states and thousands upon thousands of cases. Public outrage against the unvaccinated will be fomented to the point of societal unrest. Hired thugs and trolls will go after the unvaccinated and it will appear to be spontaneous reactions by concerned citizens that just want public health measures to be carried out. There may even be protests and even riots but Police will be given orders to stand down to allow for maximum mayhem. The whole thing staged and controlled to justify the actions that will be taken next.

We are so easily manipulated – it has always been the Achilles Heal of Americans…. so trusting of all the wrong people, so willing to drink the fluoridated water (so to speak), and so unwilling to question authority and hold those with responsibility responsible, but now it will be too late for any of that. We collectively created what will go down in the near future…. yeah, our silence as a generation of children became brain damaged from pesticides and vaccines… good job…we had every opportunity to demand accountability….but your kid wasn’t vaccine injured so what did you care?

Do you have any idea how empowered the Deep State is.. they know they can fire a missile into the Pentagon and tell you right to your face that it was hit by a 757 even though anyone could see that was not what happened… and we all did nothing. Well, now we will all find out what happens when we allow that kind of foolishness stand.

Medical Marshall law will be declared and the FEMA Quarantine camps will be opened for those unwilling to get vaccinated for their own protection of course. Yes, President Trump did put a hold on that Obama executive order he signed-off on just before leaving office, but if the “Deep State” has their way President Trump will have left office already when this goes down – he will have left by hook or by crook, not even to finish his first term – but I digress.

But since I did mention Obama…. he sure did know how to play the Deep State game…. No, he wasn’t going to be Kennedyified…. no way he was going to martyr himself. His goal was to be the first black POTUS and live to tell the tale and that is just what he did, but he played along with the Deep State to the last moment of his term as POTUS. Yes he did, and now we will all live in a tyrannical corporate totalitarian country. Not all his fault – he just didn’t want to die or have his family killed off.

With FEMA camps activated, Governor’s will sign emergency orders. All citizens will be ordered to get ALL vaccines… not just the worthless Mumps vaccine, not just the MMR, all of them even the HPV vaccine. No children’s behinds will be left (un-jabbed)… but this will be all vaccines for all ages from 9 minutes old to 99 years…. everyone will be ordered to comply or be arrested. There will be no medical exemptions for anyone or any reason for any purpose.

All untoward reactions to this vaccine extravaganza will be suppressed – the body bags they were hoping to use for the Mexican Swine Flu epidemic will finally come out of storage. Good to know our tax dollars won’t be wasted after all. Some people will simply not survive the barrage of vaccines and will fill those bags but you won’t hear about them, and hundreds of thousands will develop illnesses and infirmities that will last them the rest of their lives however long that happens to be.

I wish this was going to take place in some far-off dystopic future well past the end of my lifetime….but alas, it is coming soon.. real soon.

Or is it?  Maybe we are NOW too smart, and too strong, for them?

One can always hope. It seems only hope is left.

Opinion by KP Stoller, MD, www.incurable-me.com

Kenneth Stoller MD, a practicing doctor in California Bay Area, is the author of the book “Incurable Me – Why the Best Medical Research Does Not make it Into clinical Practice.”


8 thoughts on “Let Me Tell You How Liberty Dies… (Or Does It?)”

  1. I agree with the premise, right on!. But it will not be the measles . the American public has become to savvy, and effort to forced vaccination is not going to do. It has to be a virus so terrific, with a proven record of decimating millions with the ability to spread like wild fire. It will inspire such terror that even those that know the killing shenanigans of the CDC/Deep State will succumb to its fear. The Bubonic plague cause by a A bacterial infection that wiped out about 50 million people during the Middle Ages ,People will be in such terror that they will be willing, and begin to be vaccinated which will be miraculously available immediately. In fact I am sure they already have it, and all is needed is to spread the announcement:

    A bacterial infection that wiped out about 50 million people during the Middle Ages has turned up in Arizona.
    Health officials in two Arizona counties have confirmed that local fleas there are carrying the bubonic plague.


    This bubonic plague in the Middle Ages occurred because the Catholic declared the cat was a Satan ally, So million of cats were killed, the rat population increased and overrun the city, Fleas that bit the rats become carriers of the disease, and of course they also feasted in human blood. This was a man made plague driven by a powerful church and its total obsession with Satan manifestation in human and animals

    The CDC banks in the ignorance of people regarding this plague and caused it, Have the population of cats been decimated or killed allowing the rat population to increase, pass it to fleas and or mosquitoes in these Arizona

  2. I have heard the rumblings mentioning bubonic plague too. I think that’s the card they’ll play. The only way they can make a lot of people sick at once is to poison them probably by aerosol spraying (as that works well as in polio). The other swho get sick will be those who take the vaccines. I’ve seen this coming for a long time and yes it does seem like they’re building up to it which is why I’ve been ramping up the anti.

  3. Is that why they have been trying to increase resistance to antibiotics by blatant overuse?
    The plague is caused by bacteria, after all, and is thus pretty easy to deal with.
    Natural antibiotics will easily do the job – nano/colloidal silver, garlic (has already helped prevent nuclear victims from getting cancer and DNA problems), and many more.
    Just keep your immune system nice and strong, your natural antibiotics stocked up, your spirits high, and your fellow humans well-informed.
    We can do this and preserve our freedom! Ring the bell!

  4. Very important to stack up on homeopathic, silver water, probiotic and different tinctures.

  5. I almost wish people wouldn’t write stuff like this. It will only encourage them, as the saying goes. It will give them the idea if they didn’t already have it – and we don’t know that they did, actually. But they do now . . . THEY get some of their best ideas off the ‘net. Why do you think they “patrol” it so heavily?

    We have so many rules and regulations to follow now that I can’t see a situation like this being all that much different from what we presently have to live with, really.

  6. Kenneth and all, from what I have seen here in Australia I believe they have already tried it, several times. Since I have been here (almost 2 years) we have been subjected to intense chemtrail activity, with notable ‘Thunderstorm Asthma’ incident last November.

    In the last two months it has stepped up considerably, with near daily blatant aerial spraying. Since that started, the whole town has got sick with this ‘cold’ going round that lasts many weeks and gets everybody, repeat everybody. It is unlike normal colds, and vitamin C doesn’t touch it.

    I believe these events are not merely coincidental. But what the planners of all this have not counted on is the human immune system. They still believe in the old microbial superstition that it is enough just to be exposed to something really virulent. Well it isn’t enough, the body’s natural defences must be compromised for it to work.

    All the same the authorities are announcing the ‘worst flu season ever’ and upping the vaccinate message, with a huge propaganda campaign officially launched this week.

    Because if dusting us from above doesn’t work, the injections must follow.

  7. D. Smith yes and no. Forewarned is forearmed, and we can be sure that the most devious plan we can think of has already been mapped out for decades. You cannot think of something that is not being thought elsewhere.

    The ‘web’ as we understand it is but hand-me-down military technology. What the CIA could do with data 20 years ago was beyond anyones wildest dreams then. The attenuated version has been released much later as Google and Facebook. And yes, to an extent that is to enlist all of us into the process of diabolical creation, it’s true.

    Unfortunately the genie is out of the bottle, cat from the bag, whatever. It IS coming, and it IS worse than what we have now. Until now we have been viewed rather like cattle, and as long as we remain docile enough we are allowed to graze within the confines of the pasture. Now we are agitated and pushing at the gate, the ‘farmers’ are coming with the electric prods to do whatever is necessary to maintain order

  8. I would believe anything now. Wasn’t there a nurse Kacey Hickox who was revealed to be in some CDC intelligence program?

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