Quackpot Menace MASHED in California…

California is the newest, and biggest, victory for Americans against the quackbuster conspiracy (the quackpot menace). California, as it does in many social issues, will, in this issue, begin the domino effect across America.

The “quackbusters” have lost… it’s just a matter of time.

Opinion by Tim Bolen

Why? Because quackbuster strategies are back-firing, and their tactics have been successfully turned against them. And, Health Freedom Fighters outnumber them 100,000 to 1.

How? De-licensed MD Stephen Barrett, chief propagandist for the “quackbuster” movement in North America, operates his ludicrous website www.quackwatch.com, hoping that there are still members of the public dumb enough to believe, and take his message seriously. Fewer, and fewer Americans are taken in by Barrett’s drivel.

Barrett, himself, is now following the path of one of his lieutenants, Terry Polevoy of Ontario, Canada, into RIDICULE. Polevoy, a pimple doctor turned “Alternative Medicine Critic,” and Polevoy’s virulent website www.healthwatcher.net” was recently used by Canadian Health Freedom Fighters as “the epitome of the quackbuster movement,” to successfully convince the Ontario government to pass their Health Freedom Act. It passed UNANIMOUSLY.

Barrett, and his website, are now suffering the same finger-pointing as Polevoy, US nationwide. In California, for instance, Health Freedom activists point legislators towards Barrett’s website, and the results aren’t following Barrett’s hopes and intentions. In fact, just the opposite.

Polevoy’s photograph was circulated at a Toronto health expo recently, where security personnell were ready to remove him from the event. Polevoy may be best known in Canada for his “stalking” of Canadian radio personality Christine McPhee, until police visited him at his home late one night.



The quackbuster influence in California has all but been destroyed. California, the seventh largest stand-alone economy on planet earth is moving, through it’s governing body, to make California THE LEADER in leading-edge health care. And here’s how it’s happening…

(1). Senate Bill 2100 in California, passed last year, forced the California Medical Board to form a committee and begin a two year study of Alternative Medicine under VERY SPECIFIC guidelines. Despite an early attempt by quackbuster minions to sabotage the study, it is on track and moving in a VERY positive direction. America can thank health activist Frank Cuny ([email protected]) for his actions in getting the bill passed, his constant vigilance, and behind-the-scenes prodding on SB2100’s path over the next two years.

(2). Proposed Senate Bill 417, just introduced, is a $3,000,000 subsidy to study alternative cancer treatments for the purpose of introducing, and approving treatments within the state. This bill was spurred by the embarrasingly good cancer recovery statistics coming out of the Mexican Cancer Treatment Centers, a good many of which are located in Tijuana, Mexico, just across the border from San Diego. Too many Californians, told by their their oncologists “there is nothing more we can do – close out your affairs,” are returning to their homes, from Mexico, cancer-free.

An entire “self-health” movement has sprung up world-wide because of Research Scientist Hulda Clarks’ books (ie; The Cure For All Cancers, etc.) teaching people how to remove toxins and parasites from their bodies to improve their chances against diseases, and improve their over-all health. Clark success “testimonials” are too numerous to deny. Clark’s research facility is in Mexico, while her books are published in California. Clark is just one, among many, researchers breaking out of traditional paths heading towards leading-edge health protocols.

California leaders are beginning to recognize that there are cancer protocols available that are not mainstream, but that work very well. And we shouldn’t have to go to Mexico to get them.

(3). Proposed AB 1565, just introduced, will outlaw toxic waste forms of flouride in California drinking water.

(4). Proposed Senate Bill 577 – The State Department of Health Services shall conduct a study based on existing literature, information, and data on the scope of complementary medicine in California. The study shall include: (1) A report on the types of complementary medicine therapies available in the state. (2) A report on existing regulation of complementary medicine and complementary medicine practitioners. (3) An evaluation of options for oversight of the complementary medicine industry in order to protect providers and consumers. (4) A report recommending ways to promote consumer access to a broad range of healing and health care information. The study shall be submitted to the Legislature no later than October 1, 2002.

(5). The California Medical Board, who’s 18 appointed members will in June 2001, have been completely replaced by Governor Gray Davis IS UNDER COMPLETE REVISION. The quackbuster influenced board is GONE. A new Medical Director, Neil D. Kohatsu, MD, MPH has been hired and he is in the process of bringing in all new medical “expert reviewers.” He is actively looking for “alternative practitioners” as reviewers.

(6). The sheer demand for better health care in California is forcing the issue. Californians, myself included, want the best health care available for ourselves and our loved ones, and WE WANT IT RIGHT NOW. In California, that translates to mean “WE INTEND TO HAVE IT RIGHT NOW.” That situation doesn’t bode well for Barrett and his ilk.

(7). And, there’s more coming… Much more.

In California, it is not a good idea to stand on the freeway, and try to block traffic… You could get mashed.

Tim Bolen