New Court Document Entered:  Barrett on Knees, Whimpering, Begging for Mercy…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


There has been a new court document filed this last June 22, 2011, in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, case.  This one, totally disjointed, unsigned by any of Barrett’s attorneys, makes me wonder.

Supposedly, this document was an answer to a filing by Doctor’s Data, pointing out that there was a new case, just decided, since the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al filing, that has some bearing on the legal arguments in the pending “Motion to Dismiss” decision. Continue reading New Court Document Entered:  Barrett on Knees, Whimpering, Begging for Mercy…

Stephen Barrett May Soon Need a “Food Taster?”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


There is no doubt in my mind that Stephen Barrett’s masters, the ones that are paying his legal fees, and directing the Defendant strategy in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, Federal court case in Chicago are worried sick.  For, the Judge’s Decision in Barrett’s “Motion to Dismiss” is due any minute. Continue reading Stephen Barrett May Soon Need a “Food Taster?”…

Stephen Barrett’s Personal Attorney (David Wilzig) Sued For Malicious Prosecution…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Attorneys that work with, or for, Stephen Barrett do not do well.

David Wilzig, one of Barrett’s latest personal attorneys, is developing significant problems.  He was suing, obviously working with Barrett, a slew of Biological Dentists, each case mirroring the last, with the same tired refrain – that “Biological Dentistry is quackery, blah, blah, blah, blah.”  Although Wilzig doesn’t call bobbie baratz (Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD) as his main witness anymore (insert a rude noise here), he has continued the same style attacks.  But, one of Wilzig’s victims, a California Dentist namedAlireza Panahpour, DDS, has had enough and is coming after Wilzig in a California Superior Court – and he is coming hard. Continue reading Stephen Barrett’s Personal Attorney (David Wilzig) Sued For Malicious Prosecution…

About Kathleen Seidel – Would You Leave Your Child in This Woman’s Day Care Center?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


KseidelIn an earlier article The Attack on Mark and David Geier,”  I wrote about the basis for the attack on Mark Geier MD – the original (Formal Complaint) filed against them by a woman named Lisa Randall, the mouthpiece for a national vaccine promo group.

That (Formal Complaint)  was based, totally, on the writings of one Kathleen Seidel who fashions herself as a spokesperson for what she describes as “the neurodiverse.” Seidel’s photo, from a New York Magazine article, is at the right.


Continue reading About Kathleen Seidel – Would You Leave Your Child in This Woman’s Day Care Center?

The Attack on Mark and David Geier…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


An attorney friend of mine, Bob Reeves, a mainstay in the mercury in health care wars, called me last April 28th, 2011 and asked me to look into some strange occurrences regarding Mark Geier MD and his son David Geier.  As everyone knows, the Geiers are severe critics of the fact that Thimerosal (mercury – deadly toxic to humans) has NOT, despite false claims and misrepresentations from the vaccine industry, been removed from vaccines. Continue reading The Attack on Mark and David Geier…

“Assisting Government” – The New Legal Argument for Nutbags…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011


I simply cannot get over the fact that Stephen Barrett actually found attorneys who would write legal papers demanding that he, Barrett, be declared the Czar/God of US health care and Dismiss the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, case on the basis that Stephen Barrett, in his total nutbag role, is “assisting government.”  Wow! Continue reading “Assisting Government” – The New Legal Argument for Nutbags…

Barrett’s Sweaty Desperation…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


There were two legal filings, recently, in the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett Federal Court case.  The first filing was, as expected, Barrett’s last-ditch attempt to avoid Discovery – a Motion to Dismiss based on two allegations:  (1) that the Plaintiff failed to make a proper claim (snort), and (2) that the lawsuit violated the Illinois Anti-SLAPP law.

The second filing, of course, was the answer to the first. Continue reading Barrett’s Sweaty Desperation…

Top Pseudo-Skeptic, Steven Novella, Humiliated on National TV…  And it was fun to watch…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Dr. Oz, on one of his shows, had invited one of the top Icons in the self-styled “Skeptic” internet movement, Steven Novella MD, to debate Alternative Medicine.  Oz, literally, made a fool of Novella – or, perhaps, I should say “Oz let Novella show what a fool he actually is…”

I chuckled all the way through the show.  Continue reading Top Pseudo-Skeptic, Steven Novella, Humiliated on National TV…  And it was fun to watch…

Google Shuts Down Quackbuster Discussion Group…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Google, the owner of the famous search engine, also runs a series of Discussion Groups, called “Google Groups.”  For as long as anyone can remember there has been a Discussion Group called “”  But no longer.  Yesterday, Google shut it down, claiming the group violated Google’s Terms Of Service.”

It was never known who started the group, nor who managed it.  But it was always clear that it was a forum for bashing cutting edge health care, for the most part by posters using a fake name, and more often than not, those posters viciously attacked, using the most offensive language and suggestions of odd sexual preferences. Continue reading Google Shuts Down Quackbuster Discussion Group…

Pissy Pimple-Popper Polevoy Patently Purchased?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The California attorney for Canada’s cheap copy of Stephen Barrett, one Terry Polevoy, a Board Certified Pediatrician turned pimple doctor, submitted some papers to the Alameda, CA Superior Court last month indicating that a Conditional Settlement had been reached in the Polevoy v Grell and twenty un-named John Does case.  You can read the original article about this situation here. Continue reading Pissy Pimple-Popper Polevoy Patently Purchased?…

Trine Flops, Barrett Stops – All’s Not Well in Quackpot Hell…


Some days it is just way too much fun being an insider in the North American Health Freedom Movement. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I get to see stuff happening right before my eyes, long before others become aware of what’s happening.  And, I have to say, there are members of the health movement which have a nasty sense of humor I commend and appreciate.  In this case I use the word “nasty” in a very good way. Continue reading Trine Flops, Barrett Stops – All’s Not Well in Quackpot Hell…

Trine “Two Shoes” Tsouderos – Barrett’s Tokyo Rose…

The Desperation Level in the Quackpot camp has reached an all-time high. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

The Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett Federal Court case is so devastating to them that they are, without doubt, at a point similar to where the Japanese High Command was when the Americans were designing the attack on their mainland towards the end of Word War II. Continue reading Trine “Two Shoes” Tsouderos – Barrett’s Tokyo Rose…

Barrett’s “Battle of the Bulge”Begins…

Stephen Barrett, et al, filed some paperwork Monday, January 3rd, 2011 in the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett Federal Court case, in essence, demanding that the Court Dismiss the case in its entirety, financially sanction the attorneys for Doctor’s Data, and Formally Declare Stephen Barrett as the “Czar/God of US Health Care…”

I kid you not…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  Continue reading Barrett’s “Battle of the Bulge”Begins…

Are Barrett’s Handlers About to Buy Off Terry Polevoy?

The quackbuster operation is having its woes these days.  It seems that everywhere they turn there is another fire to put out.  It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch… 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

This particular fire is going to cost Stephen Barrett‘s handlers over $450,000 US dollars – I’ll explain below.

And, much more is coming their way.  As well it should. Continue reading Are Barrett’s Handlers About to Buy Off Terry Polevoy?

Captain Screwloose (Stephen Barrett) Runs For Cover…

I predicted this would happen months ago in the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett Federal Court case.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

On August 25th, 2010, in an article called Has Stephen Barrett’s “Puppet Master” Appeared? I said:

“So, what do I think will happen now?  Instead of a “legal” Defense, they’re going to use a two part strategy:  Continue reading Captain Screwloose (Stephen Barrett) Runs For Cover…

Doctor’s Data V Barrett, et al -The NCAHF Board Members are Screwed – REALLY Screwed…

I admit it.  I love telling a good story.  Give me a chance and I’ll drag out the good parts, throwing in laughs here and there. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

The story, of course, I’m telling today is about the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett Federal Court case, which is, by far, the most important court case involving health care in North America.  Continue reading Doctor’s Data V Barrett, et al -The NCAHF Board Members are Screwed – REALLY Screwed…

The Doctor’s Data v. Barrett, et al, case – a Summary to Date…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The  Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett Federal Court is, by far, the most important court case involving health care in North America, for, for the first major time the group that conspires to damage emerging health care systems in favor of the status quo is, itself, under major attack, and will likely be destroyed by this action.  And, it is about time. Continue reading The Doctor’s Data v. Barrett, et al, case – a Summary to Date…

Quackbusters:  Their Fear is Palpable…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


I monitor and provoke, sometimes openly, sometimes secretly, the discussion activity of the organization calling itself the “quackbusters.”  It is not easy, for, in a way, it is like listening in on a group of pedophiles discussing their plans for our neighborhood children.  Keep this comparison in mind.

Recently, of course, I have been monitoring quackbuster discussions about the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett Federal Court case. Continue reading Quackbusters:  Their Fear is Palpable…

Barrett Responds to Doctor’s Data v Barrett Lawsuit…

Warning – sarcasm present.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Finally – a Response from Stephen Barrett et al, in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal lawsuit.  In essence, Barrett’s legal team took forty-four (44) pages to say “We deny everything. So there.”  And, it took Barrett one hundred and seventeen (117) days to come up with that answer.  This from a guy who, Court documents show, was commenting on cases filed against his victims up to one day (-1) before the actual filing. Continue reading Barrett Responds to Doctor’s Data v Barrett Lawsuit…

While We’re Waiting…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


You’re right.   Stephen Barrett has, so far, it seems, missed the Thursday, September 30th deadline to Respond to the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal lawsuit.

So far. Continue reading While We’re Waiting…