This week, two of the most evil men on the planet, both former British prime ministers, made an open declaration of the intent behind the “fake” Corona / COVID pandemic.
They claim that the only answer is an immediate “One-World Government…”
From Europe – Opinion by Karma Singh
Tony Blair
Years ago Tony Blair took over a Britain well set up in national self-confidence and a thriving, compassionate, coherent society.
Over the next 10 years, together with his side-kick and deputy, Gordon Brown, he successfully set about destroying the coherence and character of the British peoples. Amongst many other acts, he established roving bands of licenced robbers which, to this day, still plague the nation.
He established the “nanny state” in which it is no very great exaggeration to say that many are afraid to fart without “official” permission. He destroyed many flourishing businesses because they offered quality and self-respect. Massive increases in drug addictions due to the despair that he engendered are still being dealt with today.
In 2007, he was promoted by his banker bosses to a higher position in Brussels from where he set about creating the same destruction as he had wrought upon the British peoples throughout the entire European Union.
Gordon Brown
Following his promotion, his side-kick, Gordon Brown, who had been his chancellor, took over the post of prime minister and created the massive indebtedness of the British peoples to make good the pseudo-losses of the banking cartel due to their gambling activities. He lost the following general election but was also promoted to a high-paid job by the bankers. The country then entered a period of stasis until Nigel Farage began to resurrect the pride and natural coherence of the British peoples.
This week, knowing full well that this is yet another in the series of phony pandemics called by the pharmaceutical controlled World Health Organisation, they both declared that this non-existent problem, affecting tiny numbers of people with mild ‘flu-like symptoms, requires that all countries surrender their national sovereignty to a single world authority. The only such body available is the WHO, i.e. they are both saying that we should place governmental authority in the hands of the pharmaceutical cartel and their owners; the banking cartel.
So, now you know what this is all really about and you can expect others of similar repugnant character to join the chorus singing the song of pharmaceutical slavery.
It would not surprise me in the least to learn that Tony Blair actually designed this entire hoax and the enslavement plan behind it.
In this collection of videos, Karma Singh, Feli Popescu, Dr. John Bergman, Dr. Wodarg and others make plain what the real situation is. Dissolve the fear which Blair and his bosses have engendered and their power over your life just evaporates.
Blessed be
Karma Singh
27th March 2020
Very appreciated Karma Singh. The truth will prevail.
Why Blair isn’t in prison is beyond me. He’s the biggest traitor to Britain in living memory. That said, his influence in the UK is surely minimal, and I don’t think many current mps or citizens will forget his crimes in a hurry.
Certainly there are some dark forces at work.. But I remind myself every action has its reaction, there is yin and yang to everything.
I’m imagining a heist movie. Someone sets off a fire alarm, everyone leaves the building and the thieves dressed as firefighters come in and steal all the paintings… But in another part of the plot there is an honest but jaded detective figuring it out, coming to see what has really happened behind the smoke and mirrors. And there will be twists in the plot…