HUGE Victory For Mark and David Geier… Maryland Medical Board, and the Individual Employees involved,  ULTIMATELY SANCTIONED by District Court – a Total Finding For the Plaintiff.

Damages Hearing to Follow.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I predicted that this, or something like this, would happen.  The Maryland Medical Board, and the employees that work there, are and were, completely out of control.  They believed, and they believe now, that they are the ultimate law of the land, that they have no oversight, and that they are immune from scrutiny by the Maryland Legislature and the court system.  They also believe that they are not required to engage in “due process,” and that whatever rule or procedure they make up, for the moment, is uncontestable.  I have seen, in my career, Boards that exhibited bad attitude, and were, hence, brought back under control, but I had never seen before anything like the employees of the Maryland Medical Board exhibited.

But that Maryland Medical Board has just come up against reality.  A very experienced Maryland Judge, Ronald B. Rubin, on December 15, 2014 decided that he had had enough of the Maryland Board, and its individual employees involved in this debacle, and took an extraordinary step to smack these people back in line.  He issued a “Default Judgment” in the case, long before it ever came to trial, pointing out that he, Judge Rubin, had given the Maryland Board EVERY opportunity to comply with the law, and they failed to do so.  He did it, not on the merits of the case, but on the Maryland Board’s failure to comply with real “due process” in the court system itself.  His eleven page Order, which is attached here. he made public.


What happens next?

Let the good times roll…

Stay tuned.

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate