Tim Bolen is a Crisis Management Consultant, and a Health Advocate, in the Health Care Industry. He’s been in one form of Crisis Management, or another, since 1966. His hobbies, besides mountain hiking, and woodworking, are “war” and the tools and history of war.
His company, JuriMed – Public Relations & Research Group’s business card says “Strategies for Government Besieged Health Professionals.”
Bolen, in his Crisis Management role, specializes in the problems of cutting-edge health professionals.
In North America, innovation in health care is discouraged, and outright attacked, by the status quo. Bolen feels that this is a bad thing, and does something about it.

In his role as a Consumer Advocate he tirelessly examines the reasons why the North American Health systems are so poor, compared to other areas of the world – explains those reasons to the readers of his popular “Millions of Health Freedom Fighters – Newsletter,” and suggests solutions.
Sometimes he just details what the powerful North American Health Freedom Movement, and others, are doing.
Bolen is the nemesis of the now failing “quackbuster“ operation, and seems to take delight in frustrating their aims and humiliating their leadership. The “quackbusters,” we know, were originally organized, and funded, by the pharmaceutical industry. But that original operation, Bolen believes, has fallen, because of losses in Court and other humiliations, on hard times and has been replaced by one run directly out of a New York ad agency.
Bolen has been invited to testify in both State and Federal Courts, and is considered by many to be an expert in the politics of health care in North America. He can be reached anytime at [email protected] and [email protected] (use both).
Jan and Tim were married October 23, 1965 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Lancaster, California…