“Vaccine Construction” Moaning, and Whimpering, Over UNEP Program to Ban Mercury in Medicine…   The Battle to Get Mercury Out Of Planet Earth’s Environment Continues…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

The “Vaccine Construction,”  an unholy alliance of bought-off government employees in the US and the vaccine industry, is almost literally weeping and gnashing their teeth over what’s happening at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP 5).

Why?  Despite every effort – all the ones that usually work – the United Nations delegates to the mercury conference are dead-set on removing mercury (Thimerosal) from vaccines worldwide.  And the “Vaccine Construction” can’t fathom that.  They are totally against it.  They screech their opposition from the rooftops.

So, you say “Why would they do that?”  The answer is obvious – once mercury is totally removed from vaccines, etc., health numbers will change rapidly.  No longer will one in six children have neurological defects.  Autism numbers will decrease to near zero.

That’s why.  And everybody knows it.

And then the lawsuits, and the criminal indictments will begin.  The charade will be over.

The latest… 

I received an interesting Press Release the other day from the Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD).  In it, they say “The discrepancy between the distribution of mercury-free vaccines to wealthy and predominantly Caucasian populations, while mercury-containing vaccines are distributed to poor and predominantly non-Caucasian groups is undeniable and immensely troubling,”

I’ll say its troubling.  More than troubling.

The drug lords don’t seem to realize that the majority of Planet Earth’s population is NOT Caucasian – or maybe they do?  Is Thimerosal a form of population control, as lily-white Bill Gates keeps insisting vaccines are? 

Here is the Press Release:

CoMeD Calls Distribution of Mercury-Containing Vaccines to Developing Countries Discriminatory


 Calling policies that support distributing ethylmercury-containing vaccines to developing nations “discriminatory and paternalistic,” the Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD) has called on delegates to the 5th Meeting of the United Nations Environment Programme, Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (UNEP/INC 5), currently meeting in Geneva, to enact a worldwide ban on using mercury compounds in vaccines and other drug products.

 “The discrepancy between the distribution of mercury-free vaccines to wealthy and predominantly Caucasian populations, while mercury-containing vaccines are distributed to poor and predominantly non-Caucasian groups is undeniable and immensely troubling,” said Rev. Lisa K. Sykes, President of CoMeD, in a letter to Committee Chair Fernando Lugris.

 “The double standard in vaccine safety which currently exists is unethical. The possibility that the United Nations, under the tutelage of the World Health Organization (WHO), would tolerate, or ignore, an obviously discriminatory policy based on income, nationality, and even race, is frightening,” Rev. Sykes continued.

 CoMeD, dedicated to reducing mercury-exposure risks for the unborn, children, and adults, has provided clear evidence that the use of Thimerosal – a highly neurotoxic ethylmercury-based compound – as a preservative in vaccines and other drugs leads to mild-to-severe mental retardation and/or autism in mercury-sensitive children.

 Despite such mounting evidence – including more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific studies presented during the Committee meeting in Geneva – the UN, WHO, and other groups including, most recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics, continue to endorse the use of mercury in vaccines distributed to developing countries.

 That endorsement hasn’t stopped health organizations and even nations from fighting back. The 2012 Health Freedom Congress, comprised of 40 health freedom organizations from across the U.S., passed a resolution supporting the removal of Thimerosal from all drugs. Then, Chile became the first developing country in the world to pass legislation banning the use of Thimerosal-preserved vaccines.

“I pray my developing nation will lead the way in setting one standard in vaccine safety for all of the world’s children, and especially children of the developing world,” Carmen Chaigneau, the Director of Bioautism-Chile and mother of a child poisoned by Thimerosal through vaccines, testified at UNEP/INC 5.

 In an era when cost-effective, much less toxic, and more effective alternatives are available and, in fact, already in use, vaccine safety advocates argue there is no conscionable justification for the continuing use of Thimerosal or any other mercury compound in medicine.

for Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD)
Ray Weiss 443-451-7144
[email protected]

Stay Tuned…

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate