Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
I met with a group of the top people in the Autism Awareness Movement yesterday at a meeting hosted by Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) at the Hilton Hotel in Costa Mesa, California, right across the parking lot from TACA’s Main office.

The speakers for the meeting were none other than Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, authors of the book“The Age of Autism – Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic.” Last night I got a signed copy.I met with a group of the top people in the Autism Awareness Movement yesterday at a meeting hosted by Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) at the Hilton Hotel in Costa Mesa, California, right across the parking lot from TACA’s Main office.
They were introduced by Lisa Ackerman, TACA’s top gun.
The book, with six pages of Acknowledgements, two Appendixes, twenty-nine pages of Bibliography, and a twenty-six page Index, has a Foreword by David Kirby, and a book jacket message by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The book makes the case, strongly, and with significant historical reference, to the effects of mercury poisoning in our society. It starts the argument by pointing out earlier problems with mercury in our society, including Syphilis, Hysteria, Acrodynia, known pollutions and toxins. Then it follows the emergence of Autism in children in the early 1930s, and makes the connection, there, to mercury in use at the time in the lumber industry, and as a plant fungicide.
The book shows, quite clearly, that there simply was no Autism ever mentioned, nor any similar symptoms ever mentioned, period, before 1930, and the advent of mercury commercially.
From that point, the book graphs the explosion of Autism in the early 1990s corresponding to the explosion in the use of vaccines, with their use of merthiolate (thimerasol) as the preservative in the vaccines themselves.
They make a very solid case.
So, What’s Their Plight?
The Autism Awareness people are made up of parents, and relatives of Autistic children, who, in the mid-1990s, when they began to get a feel for the depth of the problem, approached what they thought was the appropriate health care structure, and got blown off and told that, at first, there was no problem.
Imagine, for a moment, being present in a room full of parents of Autistic children, listening in shock to a panel from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) telling them that the problems each of them face every day do not actually exist. Autistic parents had just come face-to-face with the reality of a US health care system gone completely corrupt. Unfortunately they are not the first group to be handled that way, nor will they be the last.
More, they had the temerity, thinking that since they were American citizens, they actually could TELL someone in the government to do something rational – sarcasm intended. When that didn’t work they went public with their concerns, thinking, once again, wrongly, that the US media was actually working as the Fourth Estate. That, of course, backfired, with the sleazy US media attacking them, literally calling them “child-killers” for daring to suggest that vaccines might be at the root of the problem – vaccines, as the manufacturers and their shills claim, that are saving the world, blah, blah, blah.
Vaccines are, of course, NOT saving the world – just the opposite.
And there are, by even a casual count, about 750,000 Autistic children, right now, in the US.
So, how are they standing up to the media assault? Quite well, thank you. And gaining ground every day – one step at a time – one book at a time – one article at a time. And, as I noted yesterday – one meeting at a time.
Frankly, these people have the Vaccine Industry scared to death. And that is a very good thing.
Stay tuned.
Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate