Australian Skeptics Dragged into Court over Rape, Mutilation,  and Death Threats Against the Australian Vaccination Network Leadership…

Sometimes I have to tell a horror story.  This one sort of is.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

My readership, for the most part, are the kind of people who would be welcome, so to speak, in my Living Room anytime.  Why?  Because I have found that the Health Freedom Movement, worldwide, is made up of people who share certain core values with me.  Since the alliance between the Health Freedom Movement and the Autism world began it became also obvious that the leadership in the Autism Movement are similar people.   I have found that, for good reason, I like them and value them.  I have offered to help them, and bring my friends to help them.  Yes, of course we are all working together – and it gets better every day. Continue reading Australian Skeptics Dragged into Court over Rape, Mutilation,  and Death Threats Against the Australian Vaccination Network Leadership…

Doctor’s Data v Barrett Case  – The Discovery Dam Has Been Burst…  Part Three:  Just when you think it couldn’t get any better…  It does.

OH BOY!  There is an even BETTER development in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett federal court case.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I had to force myself to stop laughing and mentally outline this article. Continue reading Doctor’s Data v Barrett Case  – The Discovery Dam Has Been Burst…  Part Three:  Just when you think it couldn’t get any better…  It does.

Doctor’s Data v Barrett Update – 8/8/12

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

It’s time for another chuckle.

Things are not going well for Stephen Barrett and his Cronies in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, federal court case.  They are in the Discovery phase and it appears that Barrett, et al, are desperately trying to avoid releasing information that could, and would, be used against them.

Doctor’s Data, in a recent filing to the judge, complained that Barrett was submitting over a thousand last minute documents full of redactions, then trying to close the discovery process before Doctor’s Data could demand un-redacted copies. Continue reading Doctor’s Data v Barrett Update – 8/8/12

“Amazing” Meeting – HUGE FAILURE…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

In a way I have no sense of humor about the group that calls themselves the “skeptics.”  I feel that if we could congregate them all in the septic tank, and screw the lid down tightly, we’d all be much happier – them and us.  We’d each be king in our own world.

It’s when there’s a crack in the sewer system, and a few of them get out into the daylight, when problems start. Continue reading “Amazing” Meeting – HUGE FAILURE…

“Amazing” Meeting – Randi Gathers the Orcs…

Every year, for several years now, James Randi, he who calls himself “The Amazing Randi,” and his James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) puts on a so-called “skeptic” (pseudo-skeptic) event in Las Vegas, where he invites, and gets, a coterie of weirdos slithering into a four-day meeting where they can lick his feet.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  Continue reading “Amazing” Meeting – Randi Gathers the Orcs…

James Randi Sued Over “Bogus Million Dollar Challenge”…

The “skeptic” operation is in deep trouble – again.

Deep trouble…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen

Why?  They are being sued in a Florida federal Court over their “Million Dollar Challenge.”

And, it is time for a laugh.

A BIG laugh. Continue reading James Randi Sued Over “Bogus Million Dollar Challenge”…

Cornering a Rat…  An Update on the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court Case

There hasn’t been a lot to report on in the famous Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, federal court case, lately.  They are in the “Discovery ” phase, and, as expected, Stephen Barrett, through his legal team, is screeching, and lashing out, like a cornered rat.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

Doctor’s Data’s legal team has had to put on protective clothing, so to speak.

Stephen Barrett‘s lead legal counsel (snort here) Michael K. Botts, Esq, is, already a known piece of work.  But, in Discovery Botts comes into his own.  And, I have to laugh at how easily Jeff Levens, Doctor’s Data’s lead counsel, slaps him around.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading all those legal documents filed by both sides.  What a hoot. Continue reading Cornering a Rat…  An Update on the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court Case

Steven Salzberg – PseudoScience’s Dim Bulb…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

It is time for a laugh…

The pseudo-skeptic mini-machine is jam-packed with losers – from those that totally hide behind fake internet names to those that (snicker here) pad their resumés with high-sounding, but near-worthless, qualifications, to attempt to convince a reader that they know what they are talking about.  Pompous-Assity reigns.

Steven Salzberg
Pompous-assity reigns

There are just too many examples of this extant in their midst.  One need only look at Stephen Barrett, bobbie baratz, Orac the Nipple Ripper, or Carpet-Head” Stephen Novella as examples.  They have almost a compulsiveness to puff themselves, desperately seeking some, any, recognition, even if it is based on false claims of authority. Continue reading Steven Salzberg – PseudoScience’s Dim Bulb…

Doctor’s Data Seeks Federal Court Shutdown Order for Barrett/Quackwatch/Skeptics…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Most of my readers are quite familiar with the sleazy antics of Stephen Barrett and his coterie.  So what I tell you today will be no surprise.  No surprise at all.

But before I tell you about what just happened in the Doctor’s Data versus Stephen Barrett Federal court case I want to familiarize you with Federal Law  18 USC § 1512 – Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant. Continue reading Doctor’s Data Seeks Federal Court Shutdown Order for Barrett/Quackwatch/Skeptics…

Could the Doctor’s Data “Protective Order” Actually Shut Down Barrett, Quackwatch, and the Skeptics?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 



Yup…  Most definitely.

Two days ago I wrote about the “Protective Order” sought by Doctor’s Data against Barrett, his minions, and hangers-on due to their Witness Intimidation activities in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, federal court case..  There were some questions forwarded to me about whether or not the “Protective Order” would be strong enough to protect Barrett’s victims and potential victims from Barrett and his co-conspirators.

How so, you ask, since a good part of the sleazy skeptic (pseudo-skeptic) operation is intentionally based outside the US, so as to make it hard for the average victim to sue them, or to enforce court judgments?

That question is much easier to answer than you would think.  And, the answer is short – and to the point – the world-wide web is based in the US.  Hence, court jurisdiction is in the US. Continue reading Could the Doctor’s Data “Protective Order” Actually Shut Down Barrett, Quackwatch, and the Skeptics?

Quackpot “bobbie baratz” RIPPED APART, ONCE AGAIN, This Time in a Texas Hearing…

For years Stephen Barrett MD and Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD have been practically joined at the hip attacking cutting-edge health care practitioners and paradigms. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen

Barrett with his sleazy website combinations, and Baratz, alleging himself to be the president of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), formed a one-two punch across America.  They did it virtually everywhere.

Usually, in a health professional State licensing hearing situation, Barrett files a Complaint against a practitioner victim, and recommends himself, Baratz, or both, as an expert witness.   If they are successful in getting a Formal Complaint filed, either or both put that information on their websites, then they seek out local attorneys, near their practitioner victims, to arrange lawsuits against that practitioner, offering, once again, their “expert” services. Continue reading Quackpot “bobbie baratz” RIPPED APART, ONCE AGAIN, This Time in a Texas Hearing…

Barrett SCREECHES Over Doctor’s Data Settlement Offer….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Judges in Court cases ENCOURAGE parties to settle,  The new Judge in the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett Federal Court case is no exception.  After all, the court system is overloaded.

Shortly after Judge Edmond E. Chang issued his Decision in Barrett’s Motion to Dismiss the entire case, Chang indicated to the parties that it would be a good time to talk “settlement.”  Chang ordered settlement talks. Continue reading Barrett SCREECHES Over Doctor’s Data Settlement Offer….

I Found The Quackbuster Money Trail…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


For years I have been monitoring the operations of a group that originally called itself the “Quackbusters.”

The name was a play on the popularity of the movie “Ghostbusters.”  The reality is that there was, and is now, an organized conspiracy, centered in the US, to control, through information manipulation, certain aspects of health care.

The plot has always been pretty much the same – the attacking and discrediting of people, organizations, ideas, concepts, etc., that challenge the highly profitable, but dangerous, and ineffective, US health care system.  In short they are simply a misinformation campaign. Continue reading I Found The Quackbuster Money Trail…

Will the Top Skeptic “Amazing Randi” Be Federally Indicted in Florida?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


It’s looking good for that.  Hooray.  I’ll explain below.

I have absolutely no use for the group that describes themselves as “Skeptics.”  The group, made up, I believe, of life’s flotsam and jetsam, inhabits the internet after a minimal training at some skeptic conference teaching them how to be even nastier, sleazier, human beings than they were before they found the organized clutter based out of Amherst, New York.  This group is reinforced by a five foot tall moron who calls himself “The Amazing Randi.”  Continue reading Will the Top Skeptic “Amazing Randi” Be Federally Indicted in Florida?

Doctor’s Data v Barrett – Why the Wait?

The last real activity in the Doctor’s Data v Stephen Barrett  Federal court case, besides the monthly re-scheduling of Status Hearings, was last July, 2011. I wrote about that:

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

“The legal arguments, at this point, are over the “Motion to Dismiss” filed by Stephen Barrett’s legal team.  Barrett, it appears, is claiming that he is IMMUNE to lawsuits because, in his own words, he is “Assisting Government.” (don’t laugh – he is dead serious).  Continue reading Doctor’s Data v Barrett – Why the Wait?

“What’s-His-Name,” Top Skeptic,- Still in the Clink…

Start smiling.  The “skeptic” operation is in deep trouble – and they did it to themselves.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I have been pointing out, for some time, how the so-called “skeptics” (pseudo-skeptics) prefer anonymity, lashing out nastily from a hidden position, usually using a fake internet identity.  Continue reading “What’s-His-Name,” Top Skeptic,- Still in the Clink…

US Federal Agents Arrest Top “Skeptic…”

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at things, I, Tim Bolen, have become a primary information source about an organization that, for purposes of intentional misinformation, calls itself “the quackbusters.”

I have OTHER NAMES  for them.  So do their victims.  Some of those names, but not most, can be used in polite company. Continue reading US Federal Agents Arrest Top “Skeptic…”

The Vaccine Industry’s Campaign to Destroy Mark and David Geier is Failing Miserably …

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


The pseudo-skeptic weenies that write (and band together to get Google ranking)  about Mark and David Geier would like their readers to believe that dire things are happening to the father and son nemeses of the vaccine industry.  They will tell you, for instance, that more and more States are taking Mark Geier’s medical licenses away – blah, blah, blah…

It is all just a ruse to damage the Geiers.  And, it is not working. Continue reading The Vaccine Industry’s Campaign to Destroy Mark and David Geier is Failing Miserably …

Polevoy Thrashes Barrett and Grell in California – Piles of Money Change Hands…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 


It’s time for a good laugh.

Quackbusters, living in fear of discovery of their emasculation, have just settled two court cases secretly.  Huge piles of money have changed hands in the two cases.

HUGE piles… Continue reading Polevoy Thrashes Barrett and Grell in California – Piles of Money Change Hands…

Doctor’s Data Responds to Barrett Legal “Whimpering”…

Another court document has been filed, this time by the Plaintiff, in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, et al, case. 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

It’s intent was to answer the earlier, to me nearly indecipherable, document filed by the Defense (Stephen Barrett) a few weeks ago.

The legal arguments, at this point, are over the “Motion to Dismiss” filed by Stephen Barrett’s legal team.  Barrett, it appears, is claiming that he is IMMUNE to lawsuits because, in his own words, he is “Assisting Government.” (don’t laugh – he is dead serious).  Continue reading Doctor’s Data Responds to Barrett Legal “Whimpering”…