There ARE TOO MANY Problems To Solve…
But WE WILL Get There…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
If you listen to Main Stream Media (MSM) quoting liberal Democrats about Trump and the Republican’s Repeal and Replacement of ObamaCare you’ll hear that “Twenty-Three Million Americans are going to die miserably without health care within minutes of the passing of the Republican plan…”
And, Nancy Pelosi will say “I can’t work with President Bush…
But, Let’s Get Real…
US Health Care is in shambles. “We the People” are NOT going to solve this problem with a few Band-Aids. It took a long time for US health care to get this bad. Fixing it is going to take a while for we are first going to have to recognize, and openly deal with some, harsh realities.
Harsh Realities? Yup…
(1) Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.
(2) The government agencies we have put in place to regulate health care have turned against us.
(3) The worldwide pharmaceutical industry has WAY TOO MUCH influence over our elected, and appointed, officials.
(4) Health Insurers are a BIG problem
(5) US Dentistry is upside down.
(6) Public Health projects are making the population sicker.
(7) The PsyOps Networks – Ruthless, deadly, dishonest, destructive, morally depraved, attacks those trying to fix health care..
I am NOT going to go into details here of those problems listed above…
Just yet. What I am going to do is point out what the Trump Admininstration is doing about each of these, and more. And THEY ARE doing something about each thing – despite INTENSE obstructionism from the Democrats. Liberal Democrats want to preserve and ENLARGE the existing drug-based system although it obviously DOES NOT WORK.
Why? That’s an EASY question to answer – as we saw in California in regard to the SB 277 (Mandatory Vaccine) legislation, liberal Democrats are VERY used to drug lobbyists, not only funding their election campaigns, but stuffing hundred dollar bills into their pockets, daily. The drug industry is the PRIMARY non-public-private funding agent of the liberal Democratic Party.
But, Let’s Look at How Trump is Handling the Drug Industry…
The liberal Main Stream Media (MSM) is virtually useless as a source of useful information – especially about health care. Their 20-year-old writers think that EVERYONE has a dripping nose from a Cocaine Habit like they do. If you want information you need to go to more obscure publications – those servng a niche.
A publication called Modern HealthCare had what I think is the best analysis, so far, of what the White House is thinking about US Health Care revision. Just below is an excerpt from their June 17th, 2017 editorial that pretty much outlines the Trump Team’s thinking.
“Last week, about 30 people from across the government attended a high-level meeting in the White House’s Roosevelt room to discuss possible actions on pricing, according to a senior administration official who requested anonymity and wasn’t authorized to give details of the meeting. There was no definitive decision on when to issue an executive order, and much of the discussion centered on the complexity of drug prices. They agreed to have weekly staff-level meetings and monthly meeting of the principals, which included White House budget director Mick Mulvaney, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, Gottlieb and others.
A White House spokesman said that the meeting was “part of the ongoing discussions to reduce the burden of the high cost of drug prescriptions and unleash a wave of innovation to develop cures and treatments for patients” in an email.
The Question is: What do they mean by “unleash a wave of innovation to develop cures and treatments for patients?”
The Drug Industry is THE BIGGEST SINGLE PROBLEM in US Health Care…

18th century drug-based Allopathic Medicine is just that – 18th century drug-based medical technology. It is MOSTLY about masking symptoms. Why are we still relying on it?
Allopathic Cancer Treatments DO NOT WORK. They are expensive and cause more harm than they help – EVERY time. So, why do we use them at all? Chemotherapy? It works ONLY .2 percent of the time. Yet the hospitals want you to sign over your property for the co-pay.
Allopathic Heart Disease treatments are horrendously expensive, and simply do not work very well. There are far better options – much cheaper, less invasive, and work WAY better.
Vaccines are a STUPID idea which got worse with the application.
I could keep on listing things for ten more pages…
But we have always been stuck with this junk in US Health Care – and we are expected to pay a fortune for it.
The BIG Changes, For the Better, Are Going to Be Here…
When they say – “unleash a wave of innovation to develop cures and treatments for patients…”
It is MOSTLY ALL going to be about “Prevention…” And, I do not mean vaccines…
We should see the unveiling of a plan for this within a few weeks.
The Trump Team intends to DRAG US Health Care, kicking and sacreaming, into the 21st Century.
Stay tuned…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Oh, I’m sooo impressed, “They agreed to have weekly staff-level meetings …” The new bureaucrats are going to meet regularly to discuss the mess the old bureaucrats made… In order to “…unleash a wave of innovation to develop cures and treatments for patients…”
IMHO, the best thing they could do to allow innovation in health care would be to GET OUT OF THE WAY.
Too bad the (G)OP got so invested in “Repeal and REPLACE” that they just couldn’t let Obamacare collapse. At that point all they’d have to do is let the market work.
The new Admin’s commitment to “replacing” a collapsing govt program that aims at total govt control over 16% of our economy (“seizing the commanding heights of the economy” as Lenin advised) with yet another govt program is just continuing the problem.
Americans’ belief that the Fed govt has some sort of obligation to make decisions about individual’s health care is at the root of the problem. Until we take back control of our own health care we will continue to be “handled” as though we were cyphers in a herd…
We’ll see how much of a disruptor the new President really is.
Will the administration undo a century of destructive attacks on Homeopathy? Let’s hope they make some real headway…
Rand Paul, also advocating the people having the scalpel in reshaping the “health”/drug care to produce innovation, says that this holiday recess will be crucial in getting the establishment politicians in line with what Mr T promised.. let’s hope….