The Old, Friendly, FaceBook is GONE…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
As EVERYONE using FaceBook recently has found out – they now want you to pay for the privilege in a BIG WAY. And, in MORE than one way.
EVERYTHING has been commercialized.
They are even listening in on your telephone calls…
A friend of mine tells me that she and two others were discussing the new cat food brands on their cell phones. When they got home they ALL had cat food ads EVERYWHERE on their internet connections. FaceBuck, they tell me, claims that if you have FaceBook on your smart phone and you signed up for “Messenger” you signed away any, and all, rights to privacy.
Think about that…
Coming Soon?…
(A) Need to take a break from the internet to use the bathroom in your “SmartHome”? Pay FaceBuck 5 bucks and they’ll unlock the bathroom door. Out of money until the next paycheck? You better have a hole in the garden out back – that is, if FaceBuck will unlock your front or back doors…
Of course you will be watched, and listened, to while in the bathroom, so when you get back to your computer expect to see ads for Imodium, Wipes, Pubic Hair Trimmers (Tools and Services), pads, underwear, piercings, and much more…
Be warned, though – in line with Facebook normal policies enacted by employees, YOU WILL BE shut off from the Bathroom for two days at a time (for some UNKNOWN infraction), then a week, then a month…
(B) Want to listen to the radio? FaceBuck will have to turn it on for you – for a fee of course. You will have ONLY five choices. There will be testing, to make sure you got the information:
(1) The audio version of Hillary Clinton’s “Why I Lost…” book.
(2) A lecture on the appropriate use of transgender pronouns. This is so that if you should happen to come in contact with the .0000004005% of Planet Earth’s population that is ACTUALLY transexual, you will know how to address them.
Who knows – perhaps you will, one day, stop into a Starbucks within walking distance of FaceBook’s offices?

(3) A series of “IMPEACH TRUMP” speeches by California Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters.
Full screeching at full volume…
(4) A lecture on “White Privilege” given by a person of doubtful sexuality, with credentials from a College nobody ever heard of, spoken, partly, in a language made up yesterday in the lounge of their current parent’s Gulfstream G650 on their way back from a Hollywood Film Festival.
(5) An explanation of why EVERYONE needs 512 Mandatory Vaccines every year…
If you try to decide to deviate from these choices, BE WARNED – in line with Facebook normal policies enacted by employees, YOU WILL BE shut off from the radio for two days at a time (for some UNKNOWN infraction), then a week, then a month…
(C) Your SmartCar – For only 4 bucks FaceBuck will allow your car to start and run. Want to program a destination? That’s only three bucks more, BUT, of course FaceBuck will program your trip to go by the “Impeach Trump” billboards, where you will be expected to audibly “oooh and ahhh!”
Be warned, though – in line with Facebook normal policies enacted by employees, YOU WILL BE shut off from the vehicle for two days at a time (for some UNKNOWN infraction), then a week, then a month if your “oooh and ahhh” exclamations are not convincing.
Sarcasm intended…
Did I make my point?
Stay tuned…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Thanks, Tim! I laughed out loud for the first time in a while (about the Hillary book).
Vintage Bolen – at his “deplorable best”.
You made my day!!
Laughter through tears….
Give them a rocket assisted pass to Mars. When they come back they might be smarter and more informed IF AT ALL…
It isn’t funny!
They’ve managed to roll out smart meters which we pay for in the mistaken belief that we actually benefit. They benefit. Our mobile phones enable them to track us every minute of every day and if we use smart phones they know everything to be known about us.The Googles and Facebooks of this world are already selling information about everything we do and it is only a very small step through automated homes controlled not by you but by the energy companies for our every behaviour to be controlled. UNLESS WE STOP PLAYING THEIR GAME!
Corbett Report ‘Why big oil conquered the world’
This longish presentation is an eye opener and well worth a watch.
I’ve been “Facebook sober” for a few months now. Your blog just convinced me that my “withdrawal” symptoms won’t last much longer. Good riddance.
I had always suspected it was all about Face-ial (facial) recognition so I was very hesitant to sign up, especially when savvy folks like Bob Chapman (International Forecaster) had also warned — and what happened to him? But I started delving into the site with an associate’s laptop and noticed a lot of friends on there, so I acquiesced. And it was going ok, but then suddenly I had to submit a NEW FACE SHOT to log back in! So after all these continual metastasizing intrusions, how can we get our privacy and freedom back? That is the million-dollar question. At least we should be compensated for all this monetization, so let’s get working on this. Or start an alternative social network where we DO get compensated and treated with respect. Thanks for your best polemic yet, now let’s get busy!
“These are some of the highest values for aluminium in human brain tissue yet recorded.” — Professor Chris Exley of Keele University, discussing new findings of Aluminum levels in the brains of people with autism
BY J.B. HANDLEY November 27, 2017
STAFFORDSHIRE, England — Professor Chris Exley is a formidable scientist, which is perhaps more important than you think, because a study he published today with his colleagues in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology may just be the “smoking gun” to prove that vaccines are triggering autism that we’ve all been waiting for. Professor Exley is a Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry at Keele University in Staffordshire, England. He received a Ph.D. in a subject that makes him highly qualified to author this latest paper: “the ecotoxicology of aluminium.”