Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
The “quackbuster” operation in North America, run out of a New York ad agency, took another broadside last month in Massachusetts when the Massachusetts Dental Board called, not one, but two, “special meetings,” both to dismiss, with prejudice, all seven charges against cutting-edge Dentist David Satloff. The attempt to use a State agency in a “fake” prosecution to eliminate “Holistic Dentistry,” and/or “Biological Dentistry” failed.
Charges had been brought against Satloff by the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) president Robert S. Baratz who claims to be a combination MD, DDS and PhD. Baratz was, also, the only person to testify against Satloff – and he testified for nine full days. I estimate Baratz was paid $125,000 for his testimony by the State of Massachusetts. Baratz testified in an earlier hearing that he has never, actually practiced Dentistry. He also claimed to be a“spokesperson” for the American Dental Association, and a consultant to the US FDA. Continue reading “Quackbusters” Crushed in Massachusetts Dental Case…