“Quackbusters” Crushed in Massachusetts Dental Case…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The “quackbuster” operation in North America, run out of a New York ad agency,  took another broadside last month in Massachusetts when the Massachusetts Dental Board called, not one, but two, “special meetings,” both to dismiss, with prejudice, all seven charges against cutting-edge Dentist David Satloff.  The attempt to use a State agency in a “fake” prosecution to eliminate “Holistic Dentistry,” and/or “Biological Dentistry” failed.

Charges had been brought against Satloff by the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) president Robert S. Baratz who claims to be a combination MD, DDS and PhD.  Baratz was, also, the only person to testify against Satloff – and he testified for nine full days.  I estimate Baratz was paid $125,000 for his testimony by the State of Massachusetts.  Baratz testified in an earlier hearing that he has never, actually practiced Dentistry.  He also claimed to be a“spokesperson” for the American Dental Association, and a consultant to the US FDA. Continue reading “Quackbusters” Crushed in Massachusetts Dental Case…

US Internet “Free Speech” Tightly Controlled by Secret Group…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


American citizens think, wrongly, that the internet is a place where they can somewhat freely express their opinions about social issues important to them. But they are dead wrong  – for there is an internet company, based in London, England that continuously monitors internet traffic – and if that company, or any of its members, or its customers, don’t like what an American is saying on the internet, they can, and will, shut down that person’s access to the internet.

Surprised?  Don’t be.  Continue reading US Internet “Free Speech” Tightly Controlled by Secret Group…

Quackpot Terry Polevoy Sued for Libel in Canada…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 


When the New York ad agency, the one the runs the “Quackbuster” operation against innovation in health care in North America opened its email program last month, it was probably chagrined to find that one more self-styled “Quackbuster”  was being sued for what many feel they do best – libel health care providers.


Continue reading Quackpot Terry Polevoy Sued for Libel in Canada…

Will the FDA Attack the US Army?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


When the New York ad agency, the one the runs the “quackbuster”  operation against innovation in health care in North America selects a new target, one of the things they count on is “a raid” from their bed partners at the FDA, against that selected target.

On the morning of “the raid,” highly trained (insert a BIG SNORT here) FDA agents, dressed in cute little body armor,  covered by “the right” special jacket, ordered expressly from a “law enforcement” catalog – the wanna-be cops version of L.L. Bean – with “FDA” emblazoned in the approved yellow, ten inch high letters, across the back, stop by the gun locker where they will be issued their M-16, or their Browning 12-Gauge Pump, for this morning’s event. Continue reading Will the FDA Attack the US Army?…

Quackbusted Barrett Broken in “Home Town” Court…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


In simple language – the Lehigh County Court Judge, today, in the Barrett v. Koren “defamation” case, ruled that Stephen Barrett wasted the Lehigh County Court’s time with his meritless claims.

Just before lunch on Thursday, October 13th, 2005 (today), Judge Johnson of the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas turned to the jury assembled to decide a case brought by one Stephen Barrett, a local resident, against famous Chiropractor, author, publisher, and health advocate Tedd Koren DC – and told the jury that he was ruling in favor of a Motion made by Defendant Koren.  Continue reading Quackbusted Barrett Broken in “Home Town” Court…


Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Monday, October 10th, 2005, is a day to watch – for Stephen Barrett gets his date in Court, again – and I don’t think he’s going to like it.

Here’s why.

A couple years back,  top “quackbusterpropagandist Stephen Barrett, a failed MD who describes himself as “a retired Psychiatrist,” took it upon himself to attack the age-old Chiropractic profession. He even made up a new website “chirowatch” or something like that, to criticize the profession.  He began to talk as though he knew something about it – drawing, I guess, on his life experiences as a part-time MD in an Allentown, Pennsylvania mental hospital.  Continue reading NOW IT’S TIME FOR A LAUGH…

“Health Freedom” Counter Attacks – Big Time…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


The world-wide war between “health” and “medicine,” “conventional” and “alternative,” rages across continents.  “Big Pharma,” in an almost uncontrolled panic in the US, is shoveling so much cash, by the truck and trainload, at US television networks, trying to buy their way back to Americans, it’s laughable.

If you thought North American television was buried in “drug ads” last year, this year is far worse.  Sheer panic has hit the drug world.  New York ad agencies are in a heyday. Continue reading “Health Freedom” Counter Attacks – Big Time…

“Bobbie Bogus” Runs For Cover …


Everybody knows that, in my advocation, I hunt “Quackbusters,”  The fact that there exists at all, a group whose purpose is to stop innovation, and progress, in health care, in favor of the “drug world” status quo, raises my ire.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Continue reading “Bobbie Bogus” Runs For Cover …

Is Aetna Threatening My Family?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


For good reason, I’m beginning to get the impression that Aetna doesn’t like the articles I’ve been writing about the Cavitat v. Aetna Federal RICO (racketeering) case.   Continue reading Is Aetna Threatening My Family?…

California “Sinaiko” Case:  The “Quackbuster’s” Breaking Point…

April 4th, 2005

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


For years the “quackbuster”  attacks against innovative health practitioners were handled, by health activists, in the “defense” mode.  The California “Sinaiko” case was the turning point.

The reason:  the “quackbusters”  had won so many battles, and had caused so many problems for innovative health practitioners since the “Plan of ’96” took effect, that they were arrogant beyond belief. Continue reading California “Sinaiko” Case:  The “Quackbuster’s” Breaking Point…

In California:  We know How to Treat “Quackbusters”…

Victory can be so-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o sweet…  I’ll tell you about our latest victory in a minute, but first…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In California we like to have first rate health care.  The attitude is “we deserve it.”  We’ve got the fifth largest stand-alone economy in the world – and it isn’t by accident.  California is vibrant, and we’re into “health” here.

The North American “quackbuster”  operation is scrambling for survival – because, among other things, Californians boil them in oil – so to speak. Continue reading In California:  We know How to Treat “Quackbusters”…

“Tennessee Medicine” – What Were You Thinking?…  An OPEN Letter to the Tennessee Medical Association

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Someone forwarded to me an article coming up in your April 2005 issue of “Tennessee Medicine” called “The CAM Controversy: Should Tennessee Embrace Complementary and Alternative Medicine?”  On the whole the article wasn’t too bad, and it portrayed the controversy fairly well EXCEPT FOR your use, as a credible resource, of known crackpot, and failed MD, Stephen Barrett, and the defunct National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF).

What were you thinking? Continue reading “Tennessee Medicine” – What Were You Thinking?…  An OPEN Letter to the Tennessee Medical Association

Quackbusters “Horse-Whipped” by Missouri Supreme Court…

The North American “quackbuster”  operation is scrambling for survival – because, among other things, the American Court System is “horse-whipping” them.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

I just received word about a new Supreme Court Case Decision involving an attack on an innovative health practitioner, Edward W. McDonagh, D.O., from Missouri, who had the common sense to use chelation therapy on his heart patients. Continue reading Quackbusters “Horse-Whipped” by Missouri Supreme Court…

The “Quackbuster’s” Attack on Dental Medicine…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


I’m a severe critic of the broken North American Health Care System.  For the most part, so far, I’ve focused my commentaries on the medical world.   I’ve not ignored the dental world – I just haven’t given it all the attention it deserves.  From what I’ve seen, though, North American Dentistry may be in worse shape than Medicine. Continue reading The “Quackbuster’s” Attack on Dental Medicine…

Salem “Which” Hunt…   An Open Letter to the Editors of the Salem News…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Today I was forwarded a copy of your February 28th, 2005 online article titled “The Quack Catcher” by Staff Writer Julie Kirkwood.

After my laughter died down – I asked myself “Which Robert Baratz are they talking about?  It couldn’t be the well known hair removal and ear piercing specialist one who claims to be the president of the self-styled National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), for all over the internet is the REAL description of Baratz.” Continue reading Salem “Which” Hunt…   An Open Letter to the Editors of the Salem News…

Health Freedom:  CHELATION VICTORY in Connecticut…

Chelation therapy is now completely legal in Connecticut.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The Connecticut Medical Board, on Tuesday February 15th, 2005, was presented with a negotiated settlement in the Connecticut Health Department versus Robban Sica MD case.  The parties recommending this settlement were the Connecticut Department of Health (DOPH), the Connecticut Attorney General, Robban Sica MD and her attorneys, the International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM), and the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM).  The board accepted the recommendation. Continue reading Health Freedom:  CHELATION VICTORY in Connecticut…

“Stalker” Terry Polevoy;  The Quackbuster’s Nut Case?…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

Just a little north of the US border, in Waterloo/Kitchener, Ontario,  is the home, and acne care business, of Terry Polevoy MD, Canada’s number one self styled quackbuster.”   Polevoy, well versed in bigotry and scare tactics, operates a “hate” operation.  His hatred is for those that espouse “alternative medicine,” in any form.  His website, healthwatcher.net, is a miasma of crazy talk, odd colors and combinations, and a presentation that seems clearly out of the mind of a seriously disturbed individual. Continue reading “Stalker” Terry Polevoy;  The Quackbuster’s Nut Case?…

Quackbusters “Shortt-Circuited” in South Carolina…

Generally speaking, I’ve always found that the word “inept” usually describes “quackbuster” leadership.  I’ve never been proven wrong.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The “quackbusters,” or in this case the more aptly descriptive term “quackpots,” are getting desperate for a victory.  They thought the Jim Shortt MD case in South Carolina would do the trick.  But it isn’t happening for them.  Today was another example. Continue reading Quackbusters “Shortt-Circuited” in South Carolina…

“60 Minutes” to Air Jim Shortt MD Story Tonight…

Big Pharma’s “quackbuster,”  operation went into overdrive a few months ago trying to find a story, any story, to take the heat off Merck’s mass murder of over 55,000 Americans with their deadly “Vioxx” product.  Merck had been caught spending over 500 million dollars to mass market Vioxx after they were well aware, and took steps to cover up, Vioxx’s  deadly characteristics.

As yet, no arrests have been made of the Merck executives involved – or of the US Food & Drug (FDA) agents involved in the cover-up.

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Continue reading “60 Minutes” to Air Jim Shortt MD Story Tonight…

Medscape – Your Credibility is on the Line…  An Open Letter to MedScape

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


It’s hard to find legitimate resources for health information on the internet, these days.  So much available is just drivel.  The North American Health System is badly broken.  It’s hard for consumers to get information they can trust.  The key to evaluation of information provided is simple.  A consumer simply asks “WHO is providing this information?”

With Medscape, a simple look at your Editorial Board, by a consumer, will instantly reduce your credibility to ZERO. Continue reading Medscape – Your Credibility is on the Line…  An Open Letter to MedScape