Celina Trevino is a Bodyworker in California. She is passionate about nature and the human body. In her free time, she advocates for people, animals and the earth.
Her background in the formal study of the human body started with Traditional Shiatsu. She graduated from the Shiatsu Academy of Tokyo in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her teacher, Kensen Saito, was a student of the founder of Shiatsu, Tokujiro Namikoshi.
She then studied Classical Osteopathy and graduated from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy and Holistic-Health Sciences. She has a diploma in the Manipulative Theory and Practice of Osteopathy. Classical osteopathic teachings were based on the experience of John Wernham, D.O., who was a student of Dr. John Martin Littlejohn. Dr. John Martin Littlejohn, a master of Physiology, was appointed by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of Osteopathy, as the first Physiology teacher at the American School of Osteopathy. Dr. John Martin Littlejohn is credited for bringing Osteopathy to Europe and the rest of the world. Osteopathy outside of the U.S. is referred to as European Osteopathy.
Since graduating from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy, she has furthered her studies with the Barral, Upledger and Chikly Institutes for further Visceral Manipulation and CranioSacral Therapy as well as Neural Manipulation.
She has been and continues to study Neuro Sensory Motor Reflex Integration with the Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute. She is not yet a Masgutova Method Core Specialist. She has also completed the Foundations Course from the Institute of Classical Osteopathy (UK).