HUGE Victory For Mark and David Geier… Maryland Medical Board, and the Individual Employees involved,  ULTIMATELY SANCTIONED by District Court – a Total Finding For the Plaintiff.

Damages Hearing to Follow. Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  I predicted that this, or something like this, would happen.  The Maryland Medical Board, and the employees that work there, are and were, completely out of control.  They believed, and they believe now, that they are the ultimate law of the land, that they have … Continue reading HUGE Victory For Mark and David Geier… Maryland Medical Board, and the Individual Employees involved,  ULTIMATELY SANCTIONED by District Court – a Total Finding For the Plaintiff.

Geiers v Maryland – Let the Lawsuits Begin…  Geier Family Sues Sleazy Investigator, Prosecutor, and Corrupt/Inept Maryland Board of Physicians

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    It’s time for a laugh. On Friday, December 21st, 2012, according to the Mayan calendar, the world was going to end.  But, when we all woke up the morning of the 22nd, the world was, and is, still here.  Perhaps there was an error, or maybe even a … Continue reading Geiers v Maryland – Let the Lawsuits Begin…  Geier Family Sues Sleazy Investigator, Prosecutor, and Corrupt/Inept Maryland Board of Physicians

Maryland Board Fails – They Could Not Stop the Geiers…  The Counter Attack Begins…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    Wednesday, July 25th, 2012, the Maryland Board of Physicians played its last card in its organized assault against Mark and David Geier.  They had their last meeting to decide the Geiers’ fate, so to speak. But no matter what their decision is about the Geiers, it is of … Continue reading Maryland Board Fails – They Could Not Stop the Geiers…  The Counter Attack Begins…

Maryland Board of Physicians May Not Survive Attack on Mark and David Geier…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    The Maryland Board of Physicians woke up last week to find that the Maryland legislature, which they thought, I guess, was completely asleep, had quietly, and very thoroughly, conducted a formal investigation of the board’s operation.  The legislative committee in charge of this secret investigation issued a two-hundred … Continue reading Maryland Board of Physicians May Not Survive Attack on Mark and David Geier…

Court Awards $2.5 Million to Vaccine Critic Dr. Mark Geier…

We all know that small victories herald the larger victories to come. By Kent Heckenlively, JD We also know that when we talk about “Medical Boards,” we’re really talking about the stalking horses for pharma.  These are where the great battles are truly fought, among relatively small groups of people, having an enormous impact on … Continue reading Court Awards $2.5 Million to Vaccine Critic Dr. Mark Geier…

Autism World – The  Upcoming Mark Geier Appeal…  Part One –  What’s at Stake Here?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  Court cases can drag on forever.  That’s just their nature.  There are several US cases going on right now that are significant to the Autism World, one of which is the Mark Geier versus the Maryland Medical Board, a case which is simply waiting out the required timing to … Continue reading Autism World – The  Upcoming Mark Geier Appeal…  Part One –  What’s at Stake Here?

Maryland Board – Eight Minutes, Fourteen Seconds…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    Every entity develops a personality, and a life, of its own.  Public agencies are no exception.  Sometimes an entity develops so negatively that there is simply no point in saving it.  There is virtually nothing worth keeping.  The Maryland Board of Physicians is one of those entities. The … Continue reading Maryland Board – Eight Minutes, Fourteen Seconds…

Maryland Board of Physicians Seeks a Whitewash…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    Health care is a serious business, but sometimes I just have to laugh out loud at the antics of those “we the people” have been dumb enough to entrust with administrative function in our health care system – example:  The Maryland Board of Physicians. As we all know, … Continue reading Maryland Board of Physicians Seeks a Whitewash…

The United Nations Invites Mark Geier MD to Lead the Charge Against the Vaccine Industry … 

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    Despite a massive campaign the vaccine industry is floundering, very likely near death – and that’s a very good thing.  It may well be that, almost singlehandedly, Mark and David Geier, father and son, will provide the mechanism facilitating it’s demise. What’s that mechanism?  The Geiers, and a … Continue reading The United Nations Invites Mark Geier MD to Lead the Charge Against the Vaccine Industry … 

The Vaccine Industry’s Campaign to Destroy Mark and David Geier is Failing Miserably …

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    The pseudo-skeptic weenies that write (and band together to get Google ranking)  about Mark and David Geier would like their readers to believe that dire things are happening to the father and son nemeses of the vaccine industry.  They will tell you, for instance, that more and more … Continue reading The Vaccine Industry’s Campaign to Destroy Mark and David Geier is Failing Miserably …

What’s Coming Up in the Geier Case…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    It is surprising to the average American to find out that “the system” we the people put in place to monitor our interests, a good part of the time, simply does not work.  It becomes corrupted by the very people we entrusted. Parents of Autistic children are the … Continue reading What’s Coming Up in the Geier Case…

The Fundamental Issues Coming Up in the Geier Case…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    A hearing will begin in Maryland in front of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) tomorrow morning (June 17th, 2011) to determine whether, or not, the Maryland Board of Physicians had justifiable cause to immediately suspend Mark Geier MD’s medical license.  The hearing could last up to a week … Continue reading The Fundamental Issues Coming Up in the Geier Case…

Why Was The World-Wide Vaccine industry So Panicked Over The Geiers Addressing the UNEP Meeting in Japan?

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  According to the authoritative source, “Virtually all licensed vaccines in the United States are produced by just a handful of pharmaceutical companies: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Novartis, Sanofi Pasteur, and Wyeth. These companies account for 80 percent of the worldwide vaccine market.1 With a limited number of manufacturers and many … Continue reading Why Was The World-Wide Vaccine industry So Panicked Over The Geiers Addressing the UNEP Meeting in Japan?

The Attack on Mark and David Geier…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    An attorney friend of mine, Bob Reeves, a mainstay in the mercury in health care wars, called me last April 28th, 2011 and asked me to look into some strange occurrences regarding Mark Geier MD and his son David Geier.  As everyone knows, the Geiers are severe critics … Continue reading The Attack on Mark and David Geier…

Vaccine Industry In a Panic…  Over Pending UN Removal of Mercury in Vaccine Action…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  Probably one of the most EXPENSIVE Public Relations campaigns in the history of Planet Earth began today when the worldwide vaccine industry makes its final desperate moves to try to stop the United Nations from banning, completely, in a binding treaty, the use of the deadly poison mercury as … Continue reading Vaccine Industry In a Panic…  Over Pending UN Removal of Mercury in Vaccine Action…

Autism “Danish Study” Author is “On the Run…”  Poul Thorsen –  Makes US “Top Ten Most Wanted” List

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    The “Danish Study” has been used as the foundation of the vaccine industry’s claim that “there is no relationship between vaccines and Autism.” But, its author, Danish researcher Poul Thorsen, last year, was indicted for fraud over the study, and an arrest warrant was issued.  Thorsen is now … Continue reading Autism “Danish Study” Author is “On the Run…”  Poul Thorsen –  Makes US “Top Ten Most Wanted” List

Mercury in Vaccine PUSHERS Not Doing Well at UNEP (4) – Despite Desperate Moves…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    Two important DESPERATE attempts by the Vaccine PUSHERS  to stop UNEP from banning Thimerosal in Vaccines are not working. The FIRST thing – On June 1st, 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics, Big Pharma’s tip-of-the-spear Vaccine Front, began to almost beg its allies around the world to come … Continue reading Mercury in Vaccine PUSHERS Not Doing Well at UNEP (4) – Despite Desperate Moves…

The Forming Alliance  – Health Freedom Movement Joining with Autism Parents…  The World has Gone Crazy – It is time to fix it…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    The social situation of Autism is a microcosm of what is going on in our current world.  There was a time, not that long ago, when America stood for good things on Planet Earth.  Now, of course, we are not there.  Our government has been usurped, as Michael … Continue reading The Forming Alliance  – Health Freedom Movement Joining with Autism Parents…  The World has Gone Crazy – It is time to fix it…

The CDC Has Known All Along How Dangerous Vaccines Are – And Has Covered It Up… (Part Five)

Using the Federal Court System to Uncover the Criminal Conspiracy … Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  December 18th, 2011   Yes, you read that subtitle above correctly. We the people of the United States formed a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” a long time ago, and we fully … Continue reading The CDC Has Known All Along How Dangerous Vaccines Are – And Has Covered It Up… (Part Five)

WHO, CDC, and FDA SCORNED at Third UN Mercury Conference…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  Things couldn’t have seemed rosier for Big Pharma last January, 2011.  Dismayed as they were at failed attempts to stave off financial losses from upcoming patent-run-outs, the situation, at least in the vaccine program, was nicely going to generate tons of gold bullion, satchels of emeralds, and shiploads of … Continue reading WHO, CDC, and FDA SCORNED at Third UN Mercury Conference…