Quackpot “bobbie baratz” RIPPED APART, ONCE AGAIN, This Time in a Texas Hearing…

For years Stephen Barrett MD and Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD have been practically joined at the hip attacking cutting-edge health care practitioners and paradigms.  Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen Barrett with his sleazy website combinations, and Baratz, alleging himself to be the president of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), formed … Continue reading Quackpot “bobbie baratz” RIPPED APART, ONCE AGAIN, This Time in a Texas Hearing…

Quackbusters: “Bullys” Barrett, Baratz, Sued For 1.3 Million in Canada…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen   Bullying isn’t all that profitable these days. In fact, as self named “quackbusters” Stephen Barrett (quackwatch.com), and Bobbie Baratz (NCAHF.org), are finding out, it can, and will, be downright expensive… Quackbusters like to bully people.  It’s all they have.  It’s the megalomaniac thing to do… Why?  Facts, logic, … Continue reading Quackbusters: “Bullys” Barrett, Baratz, Sued For 1.3 Million in Canada…

Quackpot Baratz goes on trial in Wisconsin July 14th, 2003…

It won’t be long now… Soon we’ll get to see the President of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) crying his eyes out in a courtroom again.   Whimpering, and stuttering, his way through “expert testimony” (I have a video tape) last October 2002 in Wisconsin, Robert S.Baratz MD, DDS. PhD., broke into crocodile tears, … Continue reading Quackpot Baratz goes on trial in Wisconsin July 14th, 2003…

Top “Quackbuster” Bobbie Baratz Under Scrutiny in Wisconsin…

The sleeping giant of Health Freedom is awakening in Wisconsin.  Here’s why… Last year apparently, the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing (DORL), hired Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, PhD, the current President of the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) (www.ncahf.org) to be the “Do All, Be All, Health Expert” for the … Continue reading Top “Quackbuster” Bobbie Baratz Under Scrutiny in Wisconsin…

Quackbuster Baratz and Barrett Both Hiding Under the Bed…

The quackbusters are on the run. The smell of fear is in the air. Quackpot leaders are in hiding – avoiding subpoenas. And there is no way out for them. In a laughable assault in California, top quackpots Bobbie Baratz and Stephen Barrett, attacked about thirty-nine internet health providers in a California Superior Court, activating … Continue reading Quackbuster Baratz and Barrett Both Hiding Under the Bed…

Quackbuster Bobbie Baratz is Hiding Under the Bed…

When it was time to testify in front of the Senate committee on anti-aging a few months ago, Mrs. Baratz’s little boy Bobbie rose to his full 4′ 9″ stature, and pranced and preened his way into the hearing room proclaiming his new appointment as “President and Executive Director of the National Council Against Health … Continue reading Quackbuster Bobbie Baratz is Hiding Under the Bed…

Quackbusters Barrett, Baratz, SQUISHED(?) in Canadian Court…

De-licensed MD Stephen Barrett, and Robert S. Baratz MD, DDS, slithered into a Canadian Court last month with every intent of sinking their fangs into the top Public Relations company in North America in the anti-mercury amalgam movement. But now, Barrett and Baratz, must think they got run over by a fleet of cement trucks, … Continue reading Quackbusters Barrett, Baratz, SQUISHED(?) in Canadian Court…

A Report from the “Health Care” Twilight Zone…

The Reality of The Value Of “Vitamin C” Will Not Go Away Despite The Best Efforts of Big Pharma… This author believes that pharmaceutical companies lie because they cannot tell the truth and stay in business… By Owen Fonorow – Vitamin C foundation “Harvard found a 30% reduction in heart disease by taking a SINGLE … Continue reading A Report from the “Health Care” Twilight Zone…

Jesus Antonio Caquias MD

Jesus Antonio Caquias MD  was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico. He and his wife Carmela, live in Brownsville, Texas. They have five children. He obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree from the Brooklyn Center of Long Island University and in 1975 moved to Nashville, Tennessee to study medicine at Meharry Medical College. He obtained his … Continue reading Jesus Antonio Caquias MD

The Anju Usman MD Victory Story… Another Nail in Stephen Barrett’s Coffin – It Wasn’t a Good Idea To Pick On One of the Autism Community’s Favorite Doctors…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  O.K. people – it is time to GLOAT again.  Get on the internet, find a sleazy “skeptic,” drag out your favorite way to rub someone’s nose in something icky, and deliver this article, and all of its strong points, and wait for the explosion.  It will be worth the … Continue reading The Anju Usman MD Victory Story… Another Nail in Stephen Barrett’s Coffin – It Wasn’t a Good Idea To Pick On One of the Autism Community’s Favorite Doctors…

For Quackbusters – The End is Near…  Barrett, and Company, are Loading the Submarine and Heading For Argentina…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    Where we left off in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case saga was the point where Doctor’s Data had asked for a  formal Protective Order to keep it’s Expert Witnesses from being attacked by Barrett, and his minions. I had written two different articles on that … Continue reading For Quackbusters – The End is Near…  Barrett, and Company, are Loading the Submarine and Heading For Argentina…

You Can Smell Barrett’s Fear…  Why?  Doctor’s Data’s “Expert Witnesses” Are REAL…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    The unfolding Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case is, for many, just one continuous bag of exciting good news.  Kind of like when we were kids and we went trick-or-treating on Halloween night – when we got home and reached in the bag to take out all … Continue reading You Can Smell Barrett’s Fear…  Why?  Doctor’s Data’s “Expert Witnesses” Are REAL…

Doctor’s Data Asks Court for “Protective Order”…  They want to keep their “Expert Witnesses” Alive and Well…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    As you might suspect, things are going VERY BADLY for Stephen Barrett, and the other Defendants, in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case.  Go ahead and smile. In fact – Grin. However, as you might also suspect, there is growing concern that Barrett’s masters and minions, … Continue reading Doctor’s Data Asks Court for “Protective Order”…  They want to keep their “Expert Witnesses” Alive and Well…

Federal Court Forces Barrett Deposition… What Fun Life Can Be…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  In September of 2010 I wrote an article about why the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case was so important to America.  Just below is an excerpt of that article: “Why the Doctor’s Data v Barrett case is important to North America… The US health care system is … Continue reading Federal Court Forces Barrett Deposition… What Fun Life Can Be…

Doctor’s Data v Barrett Case  – January, 2013 Update…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  For thirty-one months, now, in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case, we’ve been watching Stephen Barrett try desperately to delay the inevitable demise of his quackwatch operation. He’s failing. The other Defendants in the case, the National Council Against Health Fraud Inc (NCAHF), and Quackwatch, Inc. are … Continue reading Doctor’s Data v Barrett Case  – January, 2013 Update…

Cutting-Edge Cancer Doctor Stanislaw Burzynski Batters Texas Medical Board…. They drop all charges…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  There was a day in Texas when sleaze artist Stephen Barrett could call up the Executive Director of the Texas Medical Board and “arrange” a prosecution of a Texas cutting-edge doctor, even offering his even sleazier “skeptic” companion bobbie baratz as the do-all, be-all, expert witness against that doctor.  … Continue reading Cutting-Edge Cancer Doctor Stanislaw Burzynski Batters Texas Medical Board…. They drop all charges…

The “Skeptics” Are An Organized “Hate Group”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  The rape, mutilation and death threats against Meryl Dorey, President of the Australian Vaccination Network. (AVN) make a very clear statement about the reality of the international “skeptic” organization.  The activities of Australian Skeptics, with their Stop the AVN subsidiary attacks, took the lid of off their formally secret … Continue reading The “Skeptics” Are An Organized “Hate Group”…

Doctor’s Data v Barrett Case  – The Discovery Dam Has Been Burst…  Part Five:  Sorry – I can’t volunteer to help look at Barrett’s Tax Returns in Chicago…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    I know.  I know. I’d be the perfect person to go look at Stephen Barrett‘s Tax Returns with Doctor’s Data’s attorneys in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett, Federal Court case.   But, I just can’t do it. It’s not because I’m busy, and I am.  It’s because once I … Continue reading Doctor’s Data v Barrett Case  – The Discovery Dam Has Been Burst…  Part Five:  Sorry – I can’t volunteer to help look at Barrett’s Tax Returns in Chicago…

Doctor’s Data v Barrett Case  – The Discovery Dam Has Been Burst…  Part Four:  Judge orders Barrett to bare his….

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen    …Tax Returns. Some days I think that Stephen Barrett, the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF), Quackwatch, Inc. , and the entire legal team defending him, don’t really focus, so much, on defending themselves from the brutal legal assault by Doctor’s Data engendered by the Doctor’s Data v … Continue reading Doctor’s Data v Barrett Case  – The Discovery Dam Has Been Burst…  Part Four:  Judge orders Barrett to bare his….

Doctor’s Data v Barrett Case  – The Discovery Dam Has Been Burst…  Part Three:  Just when you think it couldn’t get any better…  It does.

OH BOY!  There is an even BETTER development in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett federal court case. Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen  I had to force myself to stop laughing and mentally outline this article.