“Tim Bolen” Featured on “Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory”…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Well, it had to happen sooner or later.  I’m going to be interviewed by George Noory for three hours late Wednesday Night, September 28th, 2005, starting at 11:00pm PST through 2:00AM PST on the 29th.  I’ll have to take a nap ahead of time – so I can be my usual fire and brimstone self on the subject of health care.

I just couldn’t resist – George Noory has more listeners than I’ve got readers.  I need to reach more people with my message about how bad North American health and dental care REALLY IS, and who’s trying to change it.  George has millions of listeners, and I have only a few hundred thousand readers.

As George says on his website “Consumer advocate and health freedom fighter Tim Bolen will reveal the ways in which the medical and dental establishments are preventing and punishing innovation in their industries.”

You bet I will, George.  Your listeners are in for a shock.

You can check out Coast-to-Coast’s website at http://www.coasttocoastam.com/.

Stay tuned…

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate