The CDC Whistleblower…   The Story Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Run…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

I got the email, with video attached, from Andy Wakefield about the Brian Hooker PhD whistleblower revelation the same morning many others did.  It’s just that I was OUT running errands all day, and failed to check my messages before I left.

What I am referring to is Andy Wakefield’s latest nine minute video with Brian Hooker.. It is called “Senior government scientist breaks thirteen years of silence on CDC’s vaccine fraud.”  If you haven’t seen it yet – Go watch it.  Click on the blue title in this paragraph.

I didn’t need to worry, everybody else jumped on it and I am hard-pressed to come up with anything new and different for my readers.  I like Jon Rappaport’s take on the whole thing.  I’ll give you a link to Jon’s articles down below.

Hard-pressed to find something different, but not impossible.  Start smiling – for here it comes.

I started reading everything I could find that was already out there, including (and I usually NEVER do this) what the “skeptics” had to say about this issue.  It was there that I hit paydirt.

Now, I don’t EVER recommend that normal people go and read what the “skeptics” say at all, for, as I tell people “It is kind of like walking through a park with your child in hand and suddenly a homeless person pops out of the bushes dripping dirt, smelling like a dead rat in a wall, spraying spittle in a ten foot circle, while screaming at you that YOU, Ronald Reagan, and Lindsey Lohan are conspiring against him, to put him, the homeless person, into a Yugoslavian tire factory.”

Most people just grab their child’s hand and move away quickly, looking to see if there is a uniformed law enforcement person within sight.  But me, considering my youthful career choices, am kind of inured to that.  So, on occasion I sigh, and go see what Orac (David Gorski) and his band of “anonymous commenters,” have to say.  Please, don’t go look for yourself.  You could ruin a nice lunch.  Besides, it is pretty much the same screaming loose-brained drivel, different day.  They just have one script.  They just fill in a different subject each time and begin the loud, keening, nasal whining.  When you look at it from my viewpoint – I see it as funny – they are Orac‘s necessary audience.  His kiss-ups – he seems to need.

Paydirt?  Oh yeah.  It was a hoot to read Orac.  He was SO UPSET over what happened, I think his panties were LITERALLY in a bunch.  He wrote 2,900 words of unreadable, disorganized claptrap.  I had to go through it three times to see if there were ANY points at all.  It read like you could literally SMELL the stress on him.

What were his points?  He says that Brian Hooker, in the video, is calling Andy Wakefield a liar….

Huh?  Was he watching the same video the rest of us were?

More, he droned on that Hooker was a bad scientist, blah, blah, blah. (Insert laughter here).

Why is this important?  Because, to me, Orac is the bought, and paid for, man.  He has a nothing job at a so-called medical, few people have ever heard of, school that is one step above a Junior College in a poverty-stricken community (Detroit) – which is why he has time to run his blog from his desk.  He’s in a profession that is being fazed out quickly (breast cancer surgeon) who doesn’t even seem to be on their surgery schedule.  He is owned, clearly, and completely, by the vaccine industry.

And, clearly, what happened in that video, scared him nearly senseless.  I wouldn’t doubt that more than half of those “anonymous commenters” were actually Orac, in disguise, trying to generate support for his crap article.

So, I’m laughing.  Why, exactly?  Because big pharma’s bought and paid for man was, I think, reflecting the vaccine industry’s reaction to the video.  As they should be reacting.


What is Happening Overall…

I keep saying that Autism is only two things:  (1)  What is causing it, and what do we do about that?  and (2)  How do we fix the children and the families?  In my last article I pointed out that AutismOne with have banded together to put the answer to question number two in place.

This move, by another portion of the re-forming Autism Leadership, is addressing question number one.  Quite well.

Of course I am pleased.


Would You Like to Hear Brian Hooker Speak?

A combined AutismOne/ event has been scheduled for Friday, August 29th, 2014 in conjunction with the 42nd Annual Cancer Control Society meeting in Universal City.  Click here for more info from, or here for AutismOne sign-up information.  There are only three hundred seats for this event.  It was designed to be small – and act as a pilot for larger events. Look to the right.  On Friday, August 29th, 2014, Brian Hooker will be speaking at this event at the Universal Sheraton.  You will find Brian speaking just before me – and he will be on my panel.  Look below.

To read Jon Rappaport’s great articles on the video…

Click here – CDC whistleblower revealed: William Thompson, Breaking: CDC whistleblower Thompson in grave danger , and What CDC whistleblower William Thompson needs to do now

Stay tuned.  The fun is just starting.

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate