He Whose Name May Not Be Spoken…

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen 

One unexpected benefit of the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case is the cornering, so to speak, of the skeptic rodent base.  They have been totally silent about the situation – and for good reason.  Fear.

And their blatant fear is justified.  For, Doctor’s Data’s legal team has kept the federal judge in the case, John J. Tharp, Jr, apprised of Barrett’s support network, including skeptic internet defamation tactics, using a simple court device – a Motion for a Protective Order.  The Judge hasn’t even had to issue one yet – just consider it.

The skeptics have panicked.  Like mice cornered by a cat, you can hear them SQUEAK two rooms away.  One Example:

Doctor’s Data Asks Court for “Protective Order”…  They want to keep their “Expert Witnesses” Alive and Well… 8/7/13 

The best example of this is to observe the activities of the Australian Skeptics, and in particular one Australian Skeptic named Peter Bowditch.  Bowditch, sort of a lower lever hangar-on, is one of the older set – one of those, I think, that recruit the younger “angry homosexual” skeptic members, and act as their “protector,” so to speak, as they go through the training.  Bowditch brags that he was VERY involved in the “rape, mutilation and death threats against Meryl Dorey,situation but escaped an AVO (Restraining Order) when he couldn’t be directly connected to the threats of violence.

But Bowditch is uncontrollably angry these days over several things that happened in the Doctor’s Data v Barrett Federal Court case.  He got his wings clipped, so to speak, completely and thoroughly.  So did all of the skeptics.

How?  It was easy.  One of the tricks the skeptics have used, over the years, is to have someone outside of the jurisdiction of the US Courts, like Bowditch in Australia, blatantly libel someone.  Then the other girly-boys would link to it giving the defamation internet presence – hopefully out of reach of US Courts.  But no more.  The Motion for a Protective Order tactic, used by Doctor’s Data, has ended that – clearly and simply.  Bowditch, and all of the skeptics  are in a rage over a simple paragraph I wrote about this situation:

How so, you ask, since a good part of the sleazy skeptic (pseudo-skeptic) operation is intentionally based outside the US, so as to make it hard for the average victim to sue them, or to enforce court judgments?

That question is much easier to answer than you would think.  And, the answer is short – and to the point – the world-wide web is based in the US.  Hence, court jurisdiction is in the US.

Example – suppose one of the more well known pseudo-skeptics, Peter Bowditch, decides to ignore the “Protective Order,” and attack witnesses on his Australian based websites.    Easy answer – he’d get one Order signed by the court, and a time limit to comply, whether he is in Australia or not.  After he refuses to obey, or misses the time limit, Doctor’s Data simply informs the judge of that fact, and hands the Judge a new Motion – one, this time, ordering the  Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), based in Marina Del Rey, CA, to seize Bowditch’s internet domains – and turn them off.  Poof – in a microsecond, Bowditch is gone from the internet, a bad memory, like a fart in an elevator.

But more than that is the simple fact that the US Court has almost unlimited power over the word-wide internet.  The skeptics have figured out that to continue, in any way what-so-ever, their early attack (google-bombing) on Doctor’s Data , or people associated with the case, would lead to their almost immediate demise.  After a few Court Orders they would simply disappear from the internet – never to return.  As I wrote before, below:

More, according to my research, most of the pseudo-skeptics are people, due to personal issues, who find it hard to hold employment.  Therefore, they are taught, at organized pseudo-skeptic meetings, to use free services like WordPress blogs, and tie them together according to the co-conspiratorial plan designed, and taught, by one Tim Farley.  Those meetings are funded by, and organized by, pseudo-skeptic non-profit corporations I have described before.

So how do you deal with that situation?  Easy.  A violation, and a refusal, or a missing of time limits, ordered by the court simply has Doctor’s Data’s attorneys back in court with a new Motion, this time ordering WordPress to turn these people off – en masse.  And, WordPress would comply within minutes of being given the order.

So, is the “Protective Order” real?  Would it really protect witnesses, and prospective witnesses from retaliation?

Oh yeah…  Like never before. In spades.

Which, of course, gives the rest of us a roadmap on how to deal with them.

He Whose Name May Not Be Spoken…

Get your sense of humor out here.  The skeptics although it is obvious that they all read my articles, actually will not talk about me.  Even silly Orac has a prohibition – although he can’t miss a chance, now and then, he still prefaces his comments with a reluctance.  According to him, I’m “vile.

It has been common throughout history for groups to not talk about someone, or something, they fear.  In the Harry Potter book series Lord Voldemort is referred to as “He who must not be named,” allegedly because, it was said, anyone who said his real name, aloud, could be traced back and killed.

Actually, on the internet, there REALLY IS A WAY I could trace these people back to their fester holes.  Peter Bowditch hates when I use my tracing program to identify the fake identities he uses on Discussion Groups.

There are plenty of reasons the “skeptics hate me.  They DEFINITELY don’t want their new recruits to find my articles.  All that I mentioned about them, above, sends them into frenzy.  But, I’d say, it’s THIS excerpt, from:

The “Skeptics,” An Organized “Hate Group,” Will Hold Their Annual Meeting in Las Vegas in July..The South Point Hotel Will Have to Burn the Sheets After They’re Gone.

In case you haven’t noticed I’m not exactly known to be “PC.”  Sorry about that…

Actually, I’m not sorry at all.  Somebody has to say something about the ABSURDITY of a group of angry male homosexuals calling themselves skeptics (I call them homoskeptuals), setting themselves up as the MORAL COMPASS  for anything – churches in general, Christianity, Judaism, family values, moral code, life-style, etc.

And certainly there is no qualification for mentally and physically pint-sized James Randi, who you can listen to an audio recording of soliciting sex from a young boy, to criticize anything what-so-ever.

Although their projected attendance numbers at their “Amazing Meeting” are WAY down over previous years, due probably to sexual discrimination problems against women voiced by previous attendees, their intended mission seems to be intact – that of training new “volunteers,” during a six part workshop series,  to re-focus their hatred of a heterosexual world, against targets selected by the SECRET funders of the skeptics movement.

And what, you may ask, are those selected targets?  Anybody who questions vaccines, practices Alternative Medicine, suggests that the US conventional medical model is flawed, is a parent of an Autistic child looking for solutions, etc.  All become victims of the organized repulsive tirade.

And who, you may ask, SECRETLY funds these projects?  Well, go ahead and guess.  Just ask the question “who gains?”  Then ask the question “Who would give the skeptics NINE MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR IN SECRET FUNDING?”

I had thought to, perhaps, recruit someone to infiltrate the skeptic event and attend the six part workshop, surreptitiously recording and photographing everything that goes on.  But then I thought about that, carefully, and several important points came to light.  The first is that, most likely, the skeptics’ idea of a “Meet and Greet” of new volunteers probably occurs when six or seven skeptic stalwarts take off their pants and escort the new volunteer into stall number three in the closest Men’s Room.  Secondly, we have to remember that the primary connection between the pharmaceutical industry and the homosexual community is the AIDS world – the promotion of AIDS medications.  Put these two together and you have to admit that it would be very difficult to find someone who, knowing these two things, would “volunteer” to infiltrate this situation.

Of course, if you think about it, it would make sense when you read the prose of the likes of “Orac,” or the entire attack on the Australia Vaccination Network (AVN)’s Meryl Dorey, that that kind of nastiness could easily be part of a physical reaction to the likes of AZT, Atripla, Stribild, Complera, or a whole host of AIDS medications.

Stay tuned…

Tim Bolen – Consumer Advocate