Forget REAL US Health Care – We’ve Got “Stumbling Joe…”

“Old Joe” Stumbled Three Times – Xi, Putin and Kim Laughed Out Loud…

And so did Big Pharma…

Opinion By Ralph Fucetola JD

While the presidential “stumbling optics” ludicrously continued the stupidity of “the pratfall presidency,” other optics should leave one gasping; such as the continued military occupation of the Capitol Hill Green Zone, with its barbed wire security fence, no doubt moved from the Texas border to DC to protect the deep state from “We the People.”

Of more importance is what the Triple Axis of Insurrection (Russia-China-North Korea) said about the American polity and presidency, and what the Deep State Intelligence Community said about the stolen election.

The Foreign Minister of China told the US Secretary of State…

Continue reading Forget REAL US Health Care – We’ve Got “Stumbling Joe…”

Escape “Social Media Mind Control…”

Big Tech Social Media Boycott: How To…

By Ralph Fucetola JD

The various citizen-journalists  posting at the Bolen Report have covered growing censorship implemented by Big Tech’s Social Media. Tim Bolen’s message “Social Media — the Crash is Coming.” tells us —

“…get yourselves all the Social Media Accounts you need to be ELSEWHERE.  And take your friends with you.  Be part of the destruction.  Smile.”

So here is how to set up two of the recommended, free Alt Social Media (we’ll provide information on others in future postings).

[1] — Minds is a fast-growing, uncensored social media which uses its own blockchain tokens as internal currency to promote your messages. Tim and I have had some interesting conversations with Minds’ founder.  He is strongly anti-censorship. In some ways it operates like Facebook.

Go to:

Continue reading Escape “Social Media Mind Control…”

“The Great Global Social Media Boycott Of 2021” Has Already Started…

FaceBook, Twitter, Google/YouTube and their subsidiaries are now under attack, and for good reason…

For what they did to us we need to respond LOUDLY.

Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD

Make Social Media Great Again#GreatGlobalSocialMediaBoycott

Before there was the Great Global Social Media Boycott…”being done by OUR side there were the three “Social Media Purges of 2018, 2020 and 2021” done to us by them.

      • First they came for the “Neo Nazis” and nobody complained.
      • Then they came for “Alex Jones” and a few people complained.
      • Then just before the 2020 election in October they came for me and thousands of other independent voices on the social media and people were “too busy” to complain.
      • Then the Election Fraud of 2020 was engineered and they started coming after President Trump and anyone who questioned the Deep State narrative that the election wasn’t stolen. Some complained.
      • The complainers were banned too. Some have even been arrested. One blogger was just arrested for a satirical meme he posted in 2016. [1]
      • The Great Social Media Purge banned nearly all dissident voices, even retired Congresspeople like Dr. Ron Paul, “The Conscience of the Constitution”. There was no one left to complain.
      • We watched in disbelief as the Supreme Court failed to protect the electoral process, although the 2018 Perez Decision, written by the now-compromised Chief Justice, told us that the courts must consider public-record statistical evidence of fraud in election cases.
      • We were further shocked to see the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other oath-breaking officers allow foreign-controlled, corrupt politicians steal the election.
      • We saw Congress first abandoning the Capitol (in false-flag false fear of unarmed People) and then meekly allowing the fraudulent electoral votes to be counted. Shades of the Reichstag Fire.
      • Finally, the ultimate spectacle of Deep State operatives installing [not “inaugurating”] the new Head of the Regime while 25,000 troops apparently loyal to the deep state Regime, but not the People, stood in witness, at the Capitol, surrounded by barbed wire.

The Constitution in shreds. American Liberty denied. Illegitimate regime installed: Biden to the White House; Xi to power.

Continue reading “The Great Global Social Media Boycott Of 2021” Has Already Started…

Is It Time for an American “Color Revolution?…”

Stand Back, and Stand By…

By Publius Defending the Constitution

Since the Fall of the Soviet Union in 1990 a series of what are called “Color Revolutions” have challenged, and in some cases overthrown, new globalist tyrants.

Those revolutions have been symbolized by colors — usually orange flags, but sometimes, as in France, by yellow vests.

Is it time for Americans to start their own Color Revolution — not based on skin color, but based on a common commitment to a free nation and a return to strict adherence to the limitations on government power specified in the Constitution?

Americans of all sexes, colors and ethnicities may agree on that.  After all, OUR colors are red, white and blue…


In 1990, as the USSR collapsed under the dead weight of decades of socialist policies, the Old Communists attempted a coup.

Continue reading Is It Time for an American “Color Revolution?…”

Into The Darkness – The Great Facebook Purge of 2020…

The “Silencing” Of America?…

How I Learned to Live in American Political Apartheid as a Banned Unperson In a Virtual Internment Camp…

By Ralph Fucetola JD

I am one of the thousands of freedom advocates banned by Facebook this week.

After about ten years as a loyal Facebook user, as Admin for a half-dozen groups and enjoying the social connections it offered to my wide-spread family, a couple of days ago I was expelled from Facebook suddenly — along with my nephew, Jeff. #FacebookPurge

Communications with relatives and friends were stricken – all of them. And, suddenly, I had become a banned unperson.

All of my groups and pages were abolished, including pages for recognized exempt organizations, including churches!  When they reach out to make contact with me, or share something with me, my friends and family are learning I am been turned into a Facebook Unperson.  Photos, videos, shared memories, planned events, gone. I imagine it might feel like this to be violated. I imagine it might feel like this to be a freedom advocate in apartheid  South Africa or the happily-gone Soviet Union — singled out as a Banned Unperson.

Sometime that afternoon, I visited Facebook  I was astonished to learn that I had been terminated.

Continue reading Into The Darkness – The Great Facebook Purge of 2020…

Martial Law and the US Constitution…

Are The Democrat Governors Seizing Powers They Are NOT Allowed Under the US Constitution?

By Ralph Fucetola JD

Is This What Martial Law Looks Like?

Item: New Jersey Governor issues order authorizing state authorities to commandeer personal services, real and personal property.[1]

Item: California & New York Governors shut down the two largest state economies in the USA.[2]

Item: Pennsylvania Governor shuts all gun shops as “non-essential” and the PA Supreme Court finds that action not in violation of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms; beer distributors, however, remain open.[3]

Item: Texas Governor reasserts de facto independence by requiring all visitors from the Northeast and Louisiana to undergo 14 day quarantine.[4]

Item: Hospitals to triage by denying elder patients treatment in New York.[5]

Item: American central bank promises “unlimited” liquidity. A tsunami of fiat dollars.[6]

Martial Law is “the imposition of direct military control of normal civilian functions by a government, especially in response to a temporary emergency such as invasion or major disaster, or in an occupied territory.”[7]

The Founders of the United States of America had considerable familiarity with Martial Law. 

The King of England’s military occupied American cities and subjected patriots to summary “justice” without due process of law.  The Declaration of Independence singles out the imposition of Martial Law among its catalogue of the King’s abuses that justified American independence: the King made “the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power…”[8]

Therefore, when it came time to write the Constitution limiting the powers of the new central government it is not surprising that there is no provision in the Constitution permitting Martial Law.

Late last month as part of the COVID Emergency Health Summit[9] I interviewed constitutional scholar and lawyer, Larry Becraft, JD (known to many of us as The Dean of the Patriot Lawyers). In that interview[10] we discussed the possibility and legality of Martial Law as a response to the declared pandemic. This article is based on that discussion and subsequent research.

Since there is no provision in the Constitution allowing Martial Law, how did President Lincoln seek to impose Martial Law?[11] How did President Wilson do so? How did FDR do so, going as far as incarcerating hundreds of thousands of American citizens of Japanese origin for years?[12]

While there is no clause in the Constitution allowing Martial Law, there is a clause limiting it.

Continue reading Martial Law and the US Constitution…

A Hard LEGAL Look At Social Media’s Censoring Of Free Speech…

Legally – Social Media MUST Honor Freedom of Speech  – Here Is Why…

Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD

N. Rockwell – Freedom of Speech

While some might consider my expressed views on what happened last year to Alex Jones and, namely, being “banned” [a term that reminds me of the evils of Apartheid] by nearly all the major social media during one 24 hour period, a conspiracy theory, I assert that the evidence does support the theory that these major corporate actors were acting in concert and that their actions violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) and the 14th Amendment.

The sordid story continues and gets worse. 

Not long ago  Facebook imposed a “total ban” on even mentioning Alex Jones (and Rev. L. Farrakhan and others). Unless you preface your reference to the banned with the “compelled opinion” that you renounce the banned speakers, your reference to these ‘Unpersons” will be likewise banned.   Shades of the Soviet Encyclopedia with its repeated airbrushing of historic photos and policy of “banning” any mention of the victims of Stalinist repression.

Facebook hasn’t hired any hit squads (yet) so I suppose American social media isn’t quite Stalinesque, but I think anyone so “banned” by the Deep State Social Media Crony Corporations has good grounds to sue.

We are told that the “bannings” were not unlawful censorship since the banning entities are all “private companies”, not subject to the First Amendment’s injunction, “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech…” I disagree.  

The companies may be private enterprises, but they are public actors, acting “under color of law” through their state corporate franchise and their use of the Internet Public Utility, or Public Commons, for commercial profit.

Continue reading A Hard LEGAL Look At Social Media’s Censoring Of Free Speech…

Autism Is NOT the New Normal..

I say this as a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist with a nearly half-century of clinical perspective…

By Rima E. Laibow, M.D.

Ralph Fucetola JD says – I’ve worked with Rima E. Laibow, M.D. for a dozen years.  Dr. Rima is a brilliant psychiatrist and physician who does not prescribe pharmaceutical drugs.  The book excerpt below is from The Definitive Autism Action Plan: Healing Your Autistic Child: Guide for Families, Educators and Health Professional for Healing Autistic People. You can obtain her book from Amazon, HERE.  #VaxxFreeWorld

What’s wrong with being autistic?  Isn’t autism just another kind of normal?

Let’s start with the question of whether autism is a profound disorder or just another way of being normal and get that out of the way right now.

The people who espouse this bizarre position, hoping that autism is just like being left handed, a normal difference which should be accepted and adapted to, do not want their children – or yours! – retrieved, cured or assisted.  They say autism is not an almost invariably preventable, cataclysmic and tragic consequence of largely avoidable, and always treatable, fundamentally toxic inputs, including from vaccines.

Political correctness aside, I say autism IS that cataclysm and that it can, and must, be prevented and cured.

Those who say that autism is just another way of being normal use a scientific-sounding, made-up term, “neurodiversity”.  They proclaim that people who are not autistic or, as it is popular to say, “on the autistic spectrum” are “neurotypical”.

Continue reading Autism Is NOT the New Normal..

New Authoritative Report Shows 73% Of DHHS, CDC, FDA Regulations “Unconstitutional…”

Does this mean that all of the rules governing Childhood Vaccines are illegal?

Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD

Lawful regulations must be adopted in strict compliance with certain statutes and rules. An Agency that fails to follow the rules in rule-making has created an unconstitutional regulation. These procedures, under the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) and other rules set up over a half dozen steps that must be taken before a new regulation can be binding.

Generally, Agency rules start either from an initiative by the Agency or as an Agency response to an APA Citizens’ Petition.  Sometimes an Agency will “cherry pick” the Citizens’ Petition it wants to use to impose new restrictions.  Nonetheless, the Agency has to follow procedures to make a valid regulation.

What the Pacific Legal Foundation Report shows is that most regulations fail to meet the legal standards.

As in:

Continue reading New Authoritative Report Shows 73% Of DHHS, CDC, FDA Regulations “Unconstitutional…”

Canute, Chaos, and the So-Called “Measles Outbreak…”

We all know the ancient story of King Canute…

…who was so displeased by his courtiers excessive praise, likening him to a powerful god, that he brought them all to the seashore where he had a throne placed at the water’s edge.  There he sat and commanded the tide to stop.  It, of course, did not.  He wanted to show his sycophants that there were regularities of nature that were beyond any king’s command.

By Ralph Fucetola JD

Toward the end of the classic 1987 book Chaos, Making a New Science, James Gleick wrote…

“…University of Arizona Professor of Ecology William M.] Schaffer is using strange attractors to explore the epidemiology of childhood diseases such as measles and chicken pox. He has collected data, first from New York City and Baltimore, then from Aberdeen, Scotland, and all England and Wales. He has made a dynamical model, resembling a damped,driven pendulum. 

The diseases are driven each year by the infectious spread among children returning to school, and damped by natural resistance. Schaffer’s model predicts strikingly different behavior for theses diseases. Chicken pox should vary periodically. Measles should vary chaotically.  As it happens, the data show exactly what Schaffer predicts.  To a traditional epidemiologist the yearly variations in measles seemed inexplicable — random and noisy.

Schaffer, using the techniques of phase-space reconstruction, shows that measles follow a strange attractor, with a fractal dimension of about 2.5… Although the attractor is chaotic, some predictability becomes possible… A year of high measles infection will be followed by a crash. After a year of medium infection, the level will change only slightly. A year of low infection produces the greatest unpredictability…” (pages 315-316)”

Recent statistics validate Professor Schaffer’s analysis.

Continue reading Canute, Chaos, and the So-Called “Measles Outbreak…”

The Sordid History of Vaccines, Mandates, and the Big Lie…

By Ralph Fucetola JD

It used to be the law in nearly every state that parents could opt-out of vaccines for their children, since vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” and where there is risk there must be choice. That’s called the universal right to Informed Consent.

And you could sue the drug companies if you or your child was injured by a vaccine. Then the law was changed, in 1986, with the promise that vaccines would become safer.

And what happened to that promise? And what happened to the vaccine exemptions? That promise was a Big Lie.

At the end of 2018 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Esq., the environmental and health care public interest lawyer, and the Informed Consent Action Network voluntarily dismissed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case against the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), after the agency admitted it could not find any vaccine safety reports. That dismissal punched a huge hole in the pro-vaccine Big Lie.

Earlier that year the Network sought copies of those vaccine safety reports that the infamous 1986 Vaccine (sic) Safety Law required the Secretary to provide to Congress every year.

Not one such report has been filed in 30 years.

Continue reading The Sordid History of Vaccines, Mandates, and the Big Lie…

WHO Says Vaccine Conscientious Objectors Threat to Globalism…

Are You A Threat?

“The World Health Organization rolled out its top ten threats to global health in 2019, and “Vaccine Hesitancy” made the list…

By Ralph Fucetola JD

The “Mad Vaxxers” are losing and they know it.

Since 2009, the number of ‘philosophical-belief’ vaccine non-medical exemptions has risen in 12 of the 18 states that currently allow this policy… ”

So WHO has cited “measles outbreaks” as “proof” that increased conscientious objections to vaccination is harmful to public health, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.

Was a historic apparent ‘decrease’ in measles caused by vaccines . . . or despite it?

Continue reading WHO Says Vaccine Conscientious Objectors Threat to Globalism…

“Forced Vaccination” is a Crime Against Humanity…

There Is NO Difference Between “Forced Vaccination” Programs And What The NAZI Doctor’s Did In The WWII Death Camps… 

And We Tried, and EXECUTED, Those Doctors At Nuremberg..


Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD

Across the United States legislators are demanding “tougher laws” forcing families to vaccinate, or lose public benefits. That these same legislators are beneficiaries of significant drug company political payments is not surprising.

These new efforts are triggered by a small up-tick in the few cases of measles. More children die from the “unavoidably unsafe” measles vaccine than from the disease itself.

What is surprising is the legislators willing connivance with those who push forced vaccination as somehow a “public health benefit,” despite the failure of the US government to provide any of the vaccine safety reports that have been required by law since 1986.

When Congress abrogated our right to petition…

Continue reading “Forced Vaccination” is a Crime Against Humanity…

We NEED to Get REAL Health Care Paid For…

Making Health Insurers Comply with Provider Non-Discrimination Legislation…

Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD


What if it was possible to make insurers stop denying claims for legally delivered alternatives to conventional medicine today?

What if doing this would also address rising healthcare costs?

With your help, we intend to attain these two goals by leveraging the legal defense for a provider who is otherwise going to be crushed by a Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan (that plan is Horizon).

It is our belief that the fastest way to force insurers to comply with existing law is to win a lawsuit against one…

Continue reading We NEED to Get REAL Health Care Paid For…

Latest News: YouTube Will Run Pro-Vax Messages During Vaccine Freedom of Choice Videos…

Is Alex Jones the “Canary in the Coal Mine”?

Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD

The Deep State Wants to Provide “Corrective Information”
AKA Soviet Style Censorship – And They are Doing a Pretty Good Job of It!

Alex Jones and his Info Wars were “de-platformed” over a 24 hour period on August 5/6, 2018 by the following “independent” corporate media” —

YouTube/Google, Facebook, Apple, Spottify

Perhaps thereby proving Alex Jones’ “conspiracy theories?”

Now, a couple weeks later, The Daily Beast is chortling that Jones has been “crushed.”

The Daily Beast just published a fake news story that AJ has been “crushed” by YouTube’s crony corporate censorship.  The article implies that AJ’s operation is about to crash. The title says it all: “Infowars said Youtube ban would make it stronger actually it’s been crushed…”[1]

I know from my contacts at Info Wars this is not true, and, more importantly, Info Wars’ Alexa ranking shows the opposite! Look at how much his traffic has grown:

Facebook deletes unpopular/challenging/unacceptable ideas.

Continue reading Latest News: YouTube Will Run Pro-Vax Messages During Vaccine Freedom of Choice Videos…

The US Bureaucracy’s Attempt Toward Total Information Control – And the US Congress’s Efforts to Stop Them…

Federal Agencies violating the law is far more common than we realize.

By Larry Becraft JD and Ralph Fucetola JD


The “Swamp” – the convoluted corridors and moss-hung byways of the Federal Bureaucracy – holds our freedoms in its clawed grasp through impossibly complex rules and regulations.

While at one time the idea that “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” may have had some validity, when the rules become too voluminous for any human mind to comprehend, such old legal concepts can only serve tyranny.

The Swamp wants to know everything about each of us. Does the law allow that?

Congress in its sometimes wisdom, seeks, in fits and starts, to rein-in the powers of the bureaucracy.

One such act was the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). This law restricts the Swamp’s capacity to demand information from us. It says that Americans are free to ignore Federal Government “Collection of Information” unless the request has an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number on it.

What is a “Collection of Information” request?

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) tells us, in 5 C.F.R. §1320.3(c)”

“(c) Collection of information means, except as provided in § 1320.4, the obtaining, causing to be obtained, soliciting, or requiring the disclosure to an agency, third parties or the public of information by or for an agency by means of identical questions posed to, or identical reporting, recordkeeping, or disclosure requirements imposed on, ten or more persons, whether such collection of information is mandatory, voluntary, or required to obtain or retain a benefit.”

In the past when the authors have studied FDA Regulations in 21 CFR…

Continue reading The US Bureaucracy’s Attempt Toward Total Information Control – And the US Congress’s Efforts to Stop Them…

Breaking Up the US FDA…

By Ralph Fucetola JD

A current rumor on the Internet has it that President Trump wants to abolish or combine various US Federal Agencies to create a leaner, more efficient Federal Bureaucracy. [1]

Suggestions are bantering about Facebook, Minds and Twitter.

We no doubt each have our favorite agency to see “disappeared.”    Certainly, at least the second-most-hated agency is the FDA — the Food and Drug Administration, known to some of its detractors as the Fraud and Death Administration.  It is one of the most convoluted and omnipresent agencies in the bloated organization chart of the Federal Establishment. [2]

It’s been just over a decade since an official government study of the FDA proclaimed:

Continue reading Breaking Up the US FDA…

WHAT “Peer Reviewed” Science?

“Self-Serving” Research and Scientific Ethics…

By Ralph Fucetola JD – President, Institute for Health Freedom


The US Health Care system is in shambles.  Revising or repealing ObamaCare, by making the US system less costly, is only one of the issues, and not the main one.

Our US health care system is paying for expensive nonsense (chemotherapy, Statin Drugs, vaccines, mammograms, etc) , that has little, or no validity, and does NOT improve health.  Worse, is that what DOES work, and is far less costly, is suppressed.

One of the problems is that the “science” system we rely on to make decisions on what works, and what doesn’t work, is a bad joke, controlled by Big Pharma.

The “Science” bad joke…

Let’s start in 2015 with the then editor of The Lancet, Dr. Richard Horton[1]

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” Dr. Richard Horton[1]

There’s More…

But that’s not the only editor of a prestigious medical journal who has pointed to the obvious problems with the way “science is done” in the globalized economy.

Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal (NEMJ) opined:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine”[1]

These science scholars, seeing the problem from the perspective of the responsible parties in science journal world, decry the lack of real science being reported.

How did the science become so distorted? What structural conditions have contributed to this sorry state of affairs?

There is a lawyers’ secret that may explain what happened to the science, especially with regard to health care. Let’s call it the “Crony Corp Square Dance.” It’s a way of dancing around legal restrictions.

The dance goes like this:

Step One…
do-si-do to the market researchers and find a potentially profitable medical condition.

Step Two… identify a patentable chemical that suppresses symptoms of the condition.

Step Three… run a pilot study on the so-called “afflicted” as Dr. Horton notes by the panoply of crony conflicts. Repeat as clinical trials. Remember to remove anyone who dies during treatment, since they didn’t complete the experiment.

Step Four… apply for a Patent based on the “sanitized” crony clinical trials.

Step Five… apply to FDA for drug approval based on the approved Patent claims.

And now here is the lawyers’ trick:

Continue reading WHAT “Peer Reviewed” Science?

Privatizing Tyranny – Liberty and the Crony Corporate State…

The Vaccine Construction…

By Ralph Fucetola JD – President, Institute for Health Freedom


When Governor Jerry Brownshirt of California signed SB277 into law in 2015 he gave California parents an unconstitutional choice between their child receiving the so-called “free public education” promised by the California Constitution, or, their family exercising the universal right to Informed Consent by interposing their conscientious objection to vaccines.

The California governor violated basic norms of civilization. He enlisted not just the government’s schools, but even private and religious schools in his plan to force children to receive dozens of “unavoidably unsafe” and uninsurable vaccines. The state pretends to recognize our traditional right to freedom of choice, but it actively seeks the abrogation of that right.

History teaches us that…

During the early centuries of the Roman Empire the old forms of the Roman Republic also remained, with annual Consular elections and traditional magistrates. But that state had in fact been turned over to the Imperator who had life and death power over all others. “I am the only free person in Rome.” Caligula

The ancient city had no room for liberty. Fustel de Coulanges, The Ancient City, commented,

“The city had been founded on a religion and constituted a church. Hence its strength; hence, also, its omnipotence and the absolute empire which it exercised over its members. In a society established on such principles, individual liberty could not exist. The citizen was subordinate in everything, and without any reserve, to the city; he belonged to it body and soul. The religion which had produced the state, and the state which supported the religion, sustained each other…”

That ancient order was, it is said, overthrown in recent centuries by the great liberal (in its original sense) revolutions which established the primacy of individual freedom.  Our “US Declaration of Independence” says:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Control of the population…

Control over most humans had been maintained for millennia through the use of religious and, later, political ideologies inevitably justifying the dominance of the few over the many, even when the controllers pretend to speak for, and protect,  the “majority”.

Through the use of what early freedom theorists such as the American abolitionist Lysandor Spooner saw as the great monopolies created by political power, this strict social control dominated human society for most of its existence. These included the monopolies over conscience embodied by state religions, over the bodies of certain people (e.g., chattel slavery; prisoners, war captives, caste system members, etc.), or the property rights of approximately half of the species (the legal “infirmities” of women, etc.) and over all property through royal claims to “own” the land and economic activities of a territory (feudalism and mercantilism).

The new “Control System” – Bureaucracy…

But in more modern times the structure of bureaucracy itself has been redesigned to become, not just to serve, the control system.

Consider, for, example, how the regulatory structure of the Military Draft was used in the USA during the 1960s and ‘70s to “channel” students into certain fields, such as science, engineering and weapons design, which were considered of benefit to the state.

Now we see the same process at work with the incessant demands for ever more vaccines, and for forcing adults and children to receive all the vaccines that crony corporatist-tainted science can concoct without regard for either scientific validation or personal rights.

Fortunately, the system falters…

However, in 2009, during the Swine Flu Vax Panic, the would-be tyrants, who planned to vaccinate every American “starting with the volunteers” with unsafety tested vaccines (with the supply “stretched” by adding the adjuvant Squalene, at levels shown to cause irreversible infertility in Patents held by the US government) found themselves stymied by a population that refused to cooperate and who, in the millions, told their “representatives” so.

The plan collapsed and even the first responders were able to escape state vax mandates unharmed, though that took a law suit. There was no pandemic.

The incipient tyrants learned an important lesson from the power of our Push Back: overt Federal mandates will be resisted.

Continue reading Privatizing Tyranny – Liberty and the Crony Corporate State…

The Right of INFORMED CONSENT – The Sources of the Law…


By Ralph Fucetola JD – President, Institute for Health Freedom


This Law Note responds to the erroneous idea that the international humanitarian right of Informed Consent only applies in cases of war.

In Supreme Court Decision Missouri vs McNeely the court said:

“…this Court has never retreated from its recognition that any compelled intrusion into the human body implicates significant, constitutionally protected privacy interests.”

When people cite the Geneva Conventions [1] as a source of the right they are sometimes told that the Conventions only apply in time of war. We assert that the Conventions recognize a right of Informed Consent (by operation of the Nuremberg Code) but are clearly not the only source of legal support for the humanitarian right of Informed Consent.

There are many international agreements that were made in Geneva, the original home of the League of Nations and now the European base for the United Nations. Among those agreements are the Geneva Conventions proper, which relate to armed conflict. Among other matters, they cover the handling of criminal charges against prisoners of war. In that context, at the end of WWII, the Nuremberg Code was proclaimed.

The Nuremberg Code requires respect for Informed Consent, without “the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion…”

Continue reading The Right of INFORMED CONSENT – The Sources of the Law…