LIAR LIAR – Obama’s Pants On Fire…

I Wish We Could Just Settle Down and Fix US Health Care, Including the Diabolical Vaccine Program, But There Are a Few Problems We Need To Solve FIRST…

By Elissa Meininger – Health Policy Analyst

While the focus of the media is on how Facebook and other social media platforms are using algorhythms and human-censor-teams to silence conservative (including the BolenReport) thinking, we need to keep in mind there are other channels of conservative communication that are on the ropes as well.

In recent days we have learned that MasterCard and Visa are being used to shut off the means of funding of well respected think tanks with a conservative point of view.

David Horowitz

The latest target is David Horowitz and his venerable Freedom Center, a group that has published books and other information for decades to expose the people and organizations on the left who work 24/7 to condemn conservative ideas.

The timing of this particular shutdown is interesting…

…because Barack Obama has just stepped out of the shadows and declared his intention to dethrone his successor, President Donald Trump. This is the first time in the history of our country that a former president has stepped out of retirement to become politically active again.

Obama, whose limited experience outside of his life as an elected official was as a “community organizer”, a mission focused on using the tactics of radical Saul Alinsky, to organize anti-government activity.

Obama’s intentions were obvious from the day he left the White House. 

Rather than move back to Chicago, he and Michelle bought a pricey 8,200 square foot mansion just a few blocks from the White House so he could conveniently run his anti-American cell of leftist revolutionaries to efficiently orchestrate the chaos they plan to wreak on America..

Obama’s 8.1 million dollar Washington mansion
Valerie Jarrett

Obama’s band of Chicago-based leftist revolutionaries is actually led by Valerie Jarrett, political consultant, who lived in the WhiteHouse with the Obamas (and is rumored to be living in the new mansion) who has a blue ribbon family tree of anti-American relatives, giving her bona fide credentials as a card-carrying member of anti-American political activists.

Jarrett’s father, a member of the radical medical group, the Association of Interns and Medical Students, had a thick FBI file thanks to his association with known Soviet spies who fled to Russia to avoid arrest.

Her mother was one of the founders of the radical Erikson Institute, where she hobnobbed with Bernadine Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground.  The Weathermen were an American militant, radical, left-wing organization whose claim to fame included bombing the State Department, the Pentagon and the Capitol buildings.  Their stated goal was to overthrow the government and establish communism here in America.

Obama’s own leftist credentials are no less notable.

Continue reading LIAR LIAR – Obama’s Pants On Fire…

Book Review – HOW TO END THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC – J.B. Handley Makes the Sale!

By Kent Heckenlivey, J.D.

J.B. Handley is a business man.  I say this with the greatest of respect, meaning he has a particular skill set which involves communicating in a clear and uncluttered fashion and moving people to action.  The business man anticipates obstacles and objections and plans for them.  When he is finished, the sale is made, and something new comes into the world.

Before I get into this review I have an ask of you…

Buy three copies of this book, take one for yourself, and give the other copies to people close to you that you love, but who remain unconvinced that your child has suffered a vaccine injury.  Tell them it’s the kind of straight-forward book they could read in the few hours it takes to fly across the country.  And then set a date to have a conversation with them about the book.

I have often wondered why when the truth conflicts with corporate dollars that there is such a fight.  I recently watched the NOVA series with Neil De Grasse Tyson and in one episode he outlined the fight against the use of lead in gasoline and other products.  The science was very clear.  And it wasn’t like the information was going to devastate the oil and gas companies.  They simply had to reformulate their products.  But they waged a decades-long war against the scientist who presented the information.  Sound familiar?

In Part One…

Click on book to order

Handley takes on the lies about vaccines and autism, covering such topics as whether there is an autism epidemic (news-flash – There is!  Just ask any teacher you know), that vaccines are safe and effective, that the science is settled, and that pharmaceutical companies are not making money off vaccines.

Vaccines will soon be a sixty-billion dollar a year industry and because of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, the pharmaceutical companies have NO LIABILITY.  Instead of suing the pharmaceutical companies (a daunting enough prospect), you must in effect sue the United States government.  Yep, that’s right.  You and your vaccine-damaged child don’t have a friend in the U.S. government.  The two of you are adversaries.

In Part Two…

Continue reading Book Review – HOW TO END THE AUTISM EPIDEMIC – J.B. Handley Makes the Sale!

FaceBook Jail – Training Americans To Unquestionably Obey Their Globalist Masters…

It is ALL A “Pavlov’s Dog” Training Regimen…


Opinion by “Deplorable”  Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Ivan Pavlov

In 1904 Russian Scientist Ivan Pavlov conducted some of the first experiments leading to the science of psychological “conditioning.”  His first published experiments were on dogs – and it made him famous  worldwide. Below we have a short video of Pavlov’s work.

B. F. Skinner

Later, in about 1936, another scientist, B. F. Skinner, described as an American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher  expanded Pavlov’s work enormously, creating, as it were, a method to manipulate people, and in fact whole societies.

Pavlov’s Dog – the beginning of “Classical Conditioning” of Humans…

Continue reading FaceBook Jail – Training Americans To Unquestionably Obey Their Globalist Masters…

In Germany It’s Official – It is now a Crime to Disagree with Mistress Merkel!

Big Pharma Tries To Clamp Down On German Citizens…

From Germany By Karma Singh


You may well have heard of the riots and so-called “Nazi” marches in the city Chemnitz, Germany, very widely reported in the “Fake News” Main Stream Press.

So effective was the reporting of events earlier in the week that journalists from Italy, France, Britain etc. turned up for the main protest march last Saturday wearing bullet proof jackets and helmets. One brazen reporter from the BBC even asked some of the marchers to attack and chase some Arab migrants so that they could film it.

The problem is, of course, that none of this was real!

There was an orderly, peaceful march by 5,000 (main stream press figure) to 45,000 (top estimate from other sources) – citizens protesting about the government policy of “encouraging violent crime by migrants by ordering the police to not protect those who pay their wages from the violence.”

The last straw was in the early morning of Sunday 26th August as three men were stabbed nearly 100 times by a gang of “migrants” for refusing to hand over the money they’d just withdrawn from a cash machine. On that same day, two protest marches took place.

As the protests grew…

Continue reading In Germany It’s Official – It is now a Crime to Disagree with Mistress Merkel!

An Appeal to the NEW Prime Minister of Australia…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I have sent the following letter to the new Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison.

Dear Prime Minister Morrison:

Perhaps Australia and I got off on the wrong foot.

Your country banned me for three years because I wanted to talk about corruption in the vaccine program as documented in my book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism.

In return I called on President Trump to enforce a naval blockade, provide non-lethal aide to the Australian anti-vaxx rebels, and even launch a limited missile strike on your intelligence agencies when it appears you collaborated with British intelligence to frame our leader for collusion with Russia.

As a result of opposing my mission of truth, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull lost his position and you have taken over.

Like Gorbachev taking over from General Secretary Chernenko in the former Soviet Union I hope that your ascension to power can lead to a thawing of relations between your country and my community.  I am hopeful that your wife not owning six million shares of pharmaceutical company stock means we can have a productive series of discussions.

Continue reading An Appeal to the NEW Prime Minister of Australia…

FaceBook Is Failing – Expand To Different Platforms…

The English Speaking Public is Abandoning FaceBook Left And Right…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


There is always an arrogance to success.  Almost every successful endeavor faces, one day, the simple fact that it was NOT some special, unassailable wonderfulness that moved this project to the top, but it was, almost always, a function of public opinion of the moment.

And, public opinion can change overnight – as FaceBook is finding out.  For it is crashing – and it is not likely to make a comeback.


Poor management…

FaceBook openly changed its business model and it is dying because of that.  And that is a GOOD thing.

Business Model?  It changed from an open platform where anyone, or any group, could talk about whatever was of interest to them, to a completely controlled propaganda platform where some angry-at-the-world gender-challenged, Starbucks-charged, bicycle-riding, world-hater could shut down normal Americans on Social media on a whim.

Will FaceBook survive?


Continue reading FaceBook Is Failing – Expand To Different Platforms…

PANIC in Big Pharma Worldwide…

It is Not Just Trump and Anti-Vaccine Advocates – It Is a Planet Earth Groundswell…

Especially In Germany Where it All Started…

A Note from Tim Bolen – Karma’s second article on the chaos created in Germany, and hence the European Union, because of the resistance to the globalists by the rise of the AfD Party is just below. When German Mainstream Media (MSM) decided to attack German anti-vaxxers our Karma Singh counter-attacked by being interviewed on another TV media, punching big Pharma right in the face in typical unrelenting BolenReport style.

The chaos is NOT just about the millions of young Muslim men imported into Germany, and the rest of Europe, without the people’s permission, but about the globalist’s’ effort to create a single governmental system using health care as the cornerstone. – and that system is a “drugs only” health care world.  But, people are waking up, and not only just in America with Trump.  Germany will take Europe along for  a new change – and it is NOT going to be socialism/communism run by Big Pharma. 

It is happening, and Donald Trump is a great catalyst.  And, as usual the BolenReport is right there at the tip of the spear.

From Germany By Karma Singh

From their first “medical experiments” in the 1920’s leading to their construction and use of Auschwitz, to their financing and promoting Adolf Hitler and his successor Helmuth Kohl, into power, the pharmaceutical manufacturers have gained a dominant position in the politics of the entire First World.

Since they joined forces with the banking cartel even the SPD (the German socialist party), until last week the main opposition party in the German parliament, has kowtowed to their demands.

What will happen when Germany has an AfD government sworn to eliminate pharmaceutical power is something which I hope to see very soon….

Our world has been ruled by the denizens of this pharma domain for many generations but, suddenly, those who have been ruled have begun to awaken and to question for whose benefit the rules which control their lives exist.

For years I, and colleagues, have been digging ever deeper into health care; not only because, as a healer, this is my professional responsibility but also because the deeper one looks into it the more questionable the status quo becomes.

Many will be aware that it is claimed that our “health care services” are nothing of the sort but a carefully contrived “Sickness Industry” having the sole purpose of maintaining disease so as to provide constantly repeating customers for the pharmaceutical manufacturers.

I regret to have to inform you that this accusation is very probably true.

Continue reading PANIC in Big Pharma Worldwide…

Merkel and Main Stream Media (MSM) working towards Martial Law in Germany…

Big Pharma’s Angela Merkel Government Is Faltering.  Desperation Moves Are Coming…

What Is Happening in Europe is What The Globalists Had Planned For The US…

Note from Tim Bolen – Karma Singh has delivered a two-part series about what is happening, politically, in Germany.  This is important worldwide because Germany is the home-ground of Big Pharma, and Pharma runs Germany, and hence the European Union with an iron fist – the same iron fist, in fact, they used to control Hitler, and Auschwitz, in WWII.

The first part, found here, is about the upcoming chance of Martial Law being declared in Germany by Big Pharma’s Merkel government – to try to offset the angry AfD Party’s bid to run the government.  The second part is Merkel’s intent to mass-vaccinate the entire white German adult population to control them. 

But, the AfD will have none of it.  Germany, like many other European union victims, is in chaos – a complete revolt against the globalists.

With Martial Law Forced Vaccinations Are Imminent…

From Germany By Karma Singh


Martial law. Students of history may well remember that this is exactly how Hitler finally took total control.

Before we go into recent developments, a little background information is necessary.

For more than two years now…

The police in Germany complain about having to live under orders to largely ignore crimes committed by the enormous numbers of migrants that Merkel, co-operating with Soros, has had brought into the country.

Further, the police are ordered to treat any self-defence movement by the legal residents of Germany as racial harassment and to arrest those trying to give people the protection which the police do not.

During this same period…

Continue reading Merkel and Main Stream Media (MSM) working towards Martial Law in Germany…

Has Trump’s War Against Vaccines Started?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

In a recent article asking whether President Trump was “setting the table” to attack Big Pharma on vaccines I ended by writing:

“Send up a flare, President Trump.  Something.  Anything.  It will keep our spirits high as we wait for the arrival of the long-promised cavalry of truth on the wickedness of the pharmaceutical companies.”

If you were Trump, sitting in the Oval Office, how might you start that war? 

How about by going after Obama’s last head of the Centers for Disease Control, Tom Frieden, who, in an article in The Washington Post, was against the idea of setting up a Vaccine Safety Commission headed up by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.?

This comes from our favorite globalist publication (democracy dies in darkness, don’t you know?) The Washington Post (TWP) from January 16, 2017.  In case you don’t read the article, the headlines tells you everything you need to know, or suspect about the real villains, “Outgoing CDC Chief Talks About Agency’s Successes and His Greatest Fear.”

What was question #1 about?  You guessed it.  Vaccines.

TWP:  What worries you about reports that the president-elect has discussed a vaccine safety commission with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a leading proponent of a scientifically discredited conspiracy theory that vaccines cause autism?

Tom Frieden: The CDC is ready to work with the incoming administration to protect American people from threats.  In terms of immunization policy, we arrive at these recommendations through the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).  ACIP is  a model for transparency.  It involves not just doctors and nurses but professional organizations, community groups and consumers.  Ever single deliberation of that committee is open to the public.  All of the materials are available on the Web.  We’ve always found that sunlight is a good disinfectant.

Okay, are you getting the spin?

According to the Post and Tom Freiden, a Vaccine Safety Commission headed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a bad thing.  Everything’s fine.  Let the public keep sleeping.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

Fast forward to an article from The Washington Post from August 24, 2018…

Continue reading Has Trump’s War Against Vaccines Started?

The Blue State “Vaccines For Depopulation” Study Is The Key…

The CDC Calls It Something Else – But, we’ll go with the Truth…

Opinion by Deplorable Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


Anti-Vaxxers – your gut feelings were right.  Autism is NOT the worst thing that vaccines have done.  The Pro-Vaxxers have significantly damaged a whole generation, and like the Nazis in World War II, they kept detailed, but secret, records of it.

The map at the top of this page shows that there are NINE contractors, in EIGHT States, that work with the completely corrupt US Center for Disease Control (CDC) to carry out what is OFFICIALLY known as the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) study.

But once we begin to examine what is REALLY going on, something else became VERY obvious…

The VSD Has NOTHING to do with vaccine safety…

It has EVERYTHING to do with secretly monitoring the effects of MASSIVE numbers of vaccines on children heading for adulthood beginning January 1st 1991 to the present.

Continue reading The Blue State “Vaccines For Depopulation” Study Is The Key…

Latest News: YouTube Will Run Pro-Vax Messages During Vaccine Freedom of Choice Videos…

Is Alex Jones the “Canary in the Coal Mine”?

Opinion by Ralph Fucetola JD

The Deep State Wants to Provide “Corrective Information”
AKA Soviet Style Censorship – And They are Doing a Pretty Good Job of It!

Alex Jones and his Info Wars were “de-platformed” over a 24 hour period on August 5/6, 2018 by the following “independent” corporate media” —

YouTube/Google, Facebook, Apple, Spottify

Perhaps thereby proving Alex Jones’ “conspiracy theories?”

Now, a couple weeks later, The Daily Beast is chortling that Jones has been “crushed.”

The Daily Beast just published a fake news story that AJ has been “crushed” by YouTube’s crony corporate censorship.  The article implies that AJ’s operation is about to crash. The title says it all: “Infowars said Youtube ban would make it stronger actually it’s been crushed…”[1]

I know from my contacts at Info Wars this is not true, and, more importantly, Info Wars’ Alexa ranking shows the opposite! Look at how much his traffic has grown:

Facebook deletes unpopular/challenging/unacceptable ideas.

Continue reading Latest News: YouTube Will Run Pro-Vax Messages During Vaccine Freedom of Choice Videos…

BolenReport Topples Australian Government…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

On August 31, 2017, the government of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull denied my application to visit Australia to speak about the dangers of vaccines.

On August 23, 2018, Turnbull lost his position as Prime Minister.


I don’t think so.  Turnbull didn’t even last a year after tangling with this American hero.

You mess with the bull, you get the horns…

You might have been one of those who scoffed when I called for a naval blockade of Australia in order to defend my right to speak.

Continue reading BolenReport Topples Australian Government…

The Gardasil Enigma…

On Sunday 19th August 2018, I finally had my first Gardasil damage case in my practise.

By Karma Singh  – From Germany

I have been trying for some time to get such a case into my hands so that I could find out why so many thousands of young girls have died, tens of thousands have been crippled but many more appear to be unaffected.

An obvious point of contact are the self-help groups which proliferate on the internet but many of such have been created by, and are controlled by, the pharmaceutical cartel in order to prevent any such potential relief.

In all Gardasil fora this appears to be the case and I have never received a response from any of them. So all that I could do was to pray and wait and today my prayer was answered.

Here must be added that, although Gardasil is known to produce such effects and the symptoms appeared immediately following the injection, not only did none of the medical personnel who had to deal with this girl make the connection, there was even a plan to have her committed to a psychiatric hospital for her “psychosomatic” illness.

One wonders just how many more such cases there are.

Continue reading The Gardasil Enigma…

Is President Trump “Setting the Table” to Attack Big Pharma on Vaccines?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

The best news I got last week was that the $289 million dollar verdict against Monsanto for their use of the herbicide Round-Up, led by Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. and his brave band of “Untouchables” caused an $11 BILLION DOLLAR drop in the price of its parent company, Bayer.

An article in Bloomberg News put it in perspective:

“The reliance of the U.S. company, and now, its German acquirer, on Round-Up extends far beyond just selling it as a weed-killer.  Monsanto genetically engineered the DNA of corn, soybeans and other crops to make them resistant to Round-Up; it now makes more revenue from seeds and traits than it does from herbicide.”

You can read the Bloomberg article HERE:

The market value of the entire Monsanto company is only $66 billion dollars.  A few more weeks like that and we’ve made some serious progress in destroying one of the most evil companies on the planet.

I mean, really, we can strike a blow against PESTICIDES AND GMOs at the same time? 

These are good days to be alive.

The other good news last week is that President Trump called on the attorney general to sue pharmaceutical companies which produce opioids.

From The Wall Street Journal…

“In a cabinet meeting Thursday at the White House, Mr. Trump asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to bring a ‘major lawsuit’ against drug companies that ‘are really sending opioids at a level that it shouldn’t be happening.’  He said he wanted the attorney general to bring the suit at the federal level, rather than join existing litigation brought by the states.”

You can read the Wall Street Journal article HERE:

I want to put an idea into your mind as to what MAY be happening. 

Continue reading Is President Trump “Setting the Table” to Attack Big Pharma on Vaccines?

ANTIFA – Vaccine Damaged Millennials “Weaponized…”

Anyone Who Watches The News Can See What Has Happened…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen


We see them everywhere now.

Some live in a combination of beard, man-bun, and mascara.

Others look like a combination of human crossed with shiny-skinned, big-eyed, Area 51 aliens.

The so-called “millennial males” have 50% of the testosterone their fathers had – and it is VERY obvious.

Most importantly, they are VERY angry, and VERY screwed up…

The George Soros globalist “Agenda 21” people found them…

They groomed them, and turned them into a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan.

No white-sheets-with-eye-holes this time, but Marxist-symboled $190 designer masks, pepper spray, knives, skin lotions, silk panties, and combat boots.

Their handlers fuel them with eight cups of $8 Starbucks coffee, push them off the bus, and point them at the location where they want them to attack Trump supporters.

Seeking any kind of approval, wanting desperately to belong somewhere, they run down the street screaming.

They are ANTIFA.

Continue reading ANTIFA – Vaccine Damaged Millennials “Weaponized…”

WE WON!!! – Monsanto Must Pay $289 Million in Damages for Round-Up

Today, I really don’t care if you are a Republican, a Democrat, a Libertarian, or unaffiliated with any political party.  Today is a “We” day…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

As President John F. Kennedy once said, “Our most common basic link is that we all inhabit this planet.  We breathe the same air.  We cherish our children’s future.  And we are all mortal.”

On the afternoon of Friday, August 10, 2018, just a few hours ago, in fact, a jury in San Francisco, CA delivered a stunning verdict against the chemical giant Monsanto and its herbicide, Round-Up.  The chemical glyphosate is used in Round-Up and has been identified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a probable human carcinogen.

You can read this account from the San Francisco Chronicle:

The jury not only found Monsanto liable…

Continue reading WE WON!!! – Monsanto Must Pay $289 Million in Damages for Round-Up

California Democrats Are Unwilling to Address State’s Homeless Problems…

But They’ve Got Hundreds of Billions to Spend On:

(1)  Illegal Immigrant’s (a) Housing, (b) Medical Costs, (c) Primary, High School, and College Educations, (d) Driver’s Licenses so they can vote, and (e)  Sanctuary Cities………

(2)  Government Employee Labor Union Demands, and Extravagant Public Employee Pension Plans…

(3)  Forced Vaccinations of citizens…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Watch this short video…

California’s homeless problem is worse than anywhere else in the world.  Every day it get even more horrible.  It is a Planet Earth tragedy.

And THAT was just Los Angeles…

This is happening ALL OVER the State of California..  Further South in Orange County, Black White, and Asian families are living along bike paths designed for the Democratic Party Elites to ride their bikes along stream beds.  Liberal Democrats LOVE bike trails…

There are videos about ALL of the California homeless situations –  In LA alone an estimated 25,000 people live in old motor homes, parking for three days, then having to move constantly to avoid being hauled away.

According to the Sacramento Bee, not only are there huge numbers of homeless in California but an also huge number of people are fleeing California.

Yes, there has always been a homeless problem –  but NEVER like it is nowCalifornia gets more than its share of it for the simple reason that people know that if you have to be homeless it is better to do it where the weather is warm – not where the temperature drops to 20 degrees below zero at night.

But since the beginning of the Obama-Nation…

Continue reading California Democrats Are Unwilling to Address State’s Homeless Problems…

Big Pharma – “A House Built on Sand” is Collapsing…

If you build a house on unstable ground, that ground will, sooner or later, give way and the building will collapse…

From “The Sermon On The Mount…”  “Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it didn’t fall, for it was founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine, and doesn’t do them will be like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.”— Matthew 7:24–27,

By Karma Singh

Watch the one minute video below. where we can see what happened when Brazil built a brand new shipping port on unstable ground.

They kept building and building, and adding more and more cargo weight, until the last pound weight was added, and, suddenly, everything collapsed in minutes.  An edifice built upon unstable ground can look magnificent until the last moment when the foundations give way.

This is 2018 world-wide pharmaceutical industry.

Continue reading Big Pharma – “A House Built on Sand” is Collapsing…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – The Case Against Monsanto and Glyphosate

I was recently able to spend about half an hour visiting with environmental attorney, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., discussing the case he, and other attorneys, have brought in San Francisco against Monsanto for the use of their product, Round-Up.

By Kent Heckenlively, J.D.


Round-Up is alleged to cause cancer, and in this instance specifically, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

We first talked briefly about Robert’s new book American Values: Lessons I Learned From My Family which I highly recommend.  I consider it to be one of the best political memoirs I have ever read.  I was amused to find that Robert and I share a common love for an obscure comic book series, Turok: Son of Stone, and that while we may come from different perspectives, we see a very similar set of problems.

I hope you will enjoy our conversation…

Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – The Case Against Monsanto and Glyphosate

Look At Who is Funding The Democrat’s 2018 Mid-Term Campaign – And You Will See Their REAL Platform…

American Politics Is Getting Exciting…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Never before in America’s history have “We the People” been presented with such clear choices for the nation’s direction.


Because never before in America’s history has one political party (Progressive Democrats) OPENLY advocated the total destruction of America in favor of a totalitarian globalist/socialist/communist State run by self-styled Elites.

The Democrats 2018 Mid-Term Campaign Is NOT Going to Be Anti-Trump…

It is something far more horrible.

In reality, the Democrats’ whole campaign, and, in fact, the ENTIRE focus of the 2016, 2017, and 2018 Democratic Party, is the systematic destruction of the American middle-class, and hence, America itself.

Continue reading Look At Who is Funding The Democrat’s 2018 Mid-Term Campaign – And You Will See Their REAL Platform…