“Australian Freedom Force” on Air Force One?

We Certainly Know A LOT About Politics in Australia…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

After the triumph of the Ben Garrison cartoon highlighting the brave individuals Australia has chosen to BAN because of their political views, the Supreme Commander of the Australian Freedom Force has decided to kick things up a notch.

While it is true that countries have the right to decline entry to their country of certain individuals, the same rules do not apply to diplomatic personnel.

President Trump has announced his intention to make a state visit to Australia in July of this year.  It is customary for the President to bring along on his visit certain individuals interested in the affairs of that country. I am sending an official letter to President Trump requesting that the members of the Australian Freedom Force accompany him on his state visit to Australia.

If there is not enough room for all the members of the Australian Freedom Force, I am happy to take a seat on one of the F-16 fighter escorts, and I promise not to push any buttons which might fire missiles and do something like blow up a control tower.

So, here it is…

Dear President Trump:

I know you’ve been busy with the border, the Russian collusion-delusion, North Korea, the Middle East, and generally all the things that go into Making America Great Again, but I’d like to take just a few minutes of your time.

Elle McPherson

You may not know that the globalists have targeted Australia as a place to implement their censorship plans and have really been doing a bang-up job of it.  They have not only BANNED me, a simple middle-school science teacher for the crime of writing books, but beautiful Polly Tommey, hilarious Milo Yiannopolous, strong Gavin McGinnes, and threatened not to let into the country, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, in case he wants to visit the parents of his girlfriend, the lovely super-model Elle McPherson.

Continue reading “Australian Freedom Force” on Air Force One?

Here Comes The SuperHeroes…

Ben Garrison has it right…


By Kent Heckenlively, JD

I’m always looking for ways to expand the argument and increase the number of allies to our cause.

For the past several months I’ve been impressed by the work of political cartoonist, Ben Garrison.  If you haven’t yet seen his work, check it out.  You’ll be surprised and often find yourself laughing out loud.

What I like about Ben Garrison is his sense of utter fearlessness.  He will go where others fear to tread and figure out how to make the argument in a fresh, compelling way.  That is one of the benefits of a visual medium, rather than what others usually do with words.

I contacted him recently, and said that based on what he’d already done, I thought we might be able to work together in a common cause to bring back honesty to science.

I didn’t have to do much convincing, just provided him with a few articles, and then he did some of his own research.  When he came back a day or two later it had all crystallized for him.

“I can’t believe what they’ve done to you,” he said. 

Continue reading Here Comes The SuperHeroes…

America – There Is A NEW Feeling In The Air…

America Is Turning Away From Main Stream Media (MSM) HATE Mongering…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

The world-wide “Anti-Vaxxer” Movement started, and flourished, in the United States – and, right from the start, it wasn’t just about vaccines.  The group began to discuss other issues, and at this moment in time, is in the position of being able to effect massive social change.  It is no wonder the globalists are in a panic – virtually trying everything and anything to stop it or at least slow it down.  But none of it is working.  The bear is awake – and hungry…

Despite Main Stream Media (MSM) Constant Efforts to depict America as something horrible, killing itself, America is flourishing. Why?  Because despite MSM’s best efforts at constant negativity they are NOT able to control the social dialogue.

To me, the question is…

“How much longer are we, as Americans, going to let MSM bombard us with constant negativity before we shut them down?”

Continue reading America – There Is A NEW Feeling In The Air…

“World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” on Coast to Coast AM – Wednesday Night!

There are moments in life which simply make all of your hard work worthwhile…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

One of the largest national shows which lets us health freedom advocates speak on a regular basis is Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.  I’ve been on the show three times in the past few years and it’s always been a great experience.

I don’t like to contact them unless I have some project to pitch or an important issue, but with the recent attacks on the Anti-Vaxx community by Facebook, Amazon, and even Congressman Adam Schiff, I felt I needed the national platform provided by Coast to Coast.

I sent an email to the producer and she emailed right back with her phone number so we could have a brief discussion.  I called and she was thrilled to hear from me.  She started off by telling me what great work our community has been doing on vaccines, then commented on what a great job two recent guests, J.B. Handley and Mary Holland had done.

I felt proud to be included in their company as I’ve known J.B. and Mary for many years and consider them the best of the best.

I know this is a quick post, so let me tell you what I intend to cover on my appearance.

Continue reading “World’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer” on Coast to Coast AM – Wednesday Night!

“Panic” at Worldwide Big Pharma’s Vaccine Companies…

Why, suddenly, the “Big Push?…”

From Europe By Karma Singh

Most of us have noticed how, in recent days, a big push has started to get vaccination made compulsory world-wide.

The ostensible origin of this push is the United Nations and their various declarations about how Anti-Vaccinators are the scum of the Earth who want nothing more than to see millions of people die from horrible diseases. It may well, therefore, be wise to take a look into the antecedents.

A little history explains a lot…

Back in the 1930’s and 40’s IG Farbenindustrie “ruled the roost in Germany. They not only operated a chemical and pharmaceutical monopoly, they also financed Adolf Hitler and gave him his orders.

Amongst the directors of IG Farbenindustrie, who styled themselves “The Council of Gods”, was one Fritz te Meer who was given a long prison sentence at the Nürnberg Trials for Crimes against Humanity. This, presumably, had to do with the fact that Auschwitz was built and managed by IG Farbenindustrie and the “medical” experiments carried out upon human victims there. (Most of modern medical practise is based upon the experiments carried out and discoveries made in Auschwitz and similar “camps”.)

Under pressure from, presumably, Rockefeller who was a major shareholder in the German pharmaceutical industry, te Meer was set free early and taken to the USA where he helped found both the CIA and the United Nations.

Fast forward…

Fast forward to 2009, under Barack Obama, and most of us will remember how the United Nations, with no credible evidence, tried to declare a world pandemic of H1N1 “swine flu” with compulsory vaccination for all.

US president Barack Obama declared “A Declaration of National Emergency” his ONLY State of Emergency declaration – but the so-called pandemic NEVER HAPPENED.

Continue reading “Panic” at Worldwide Big Pharma’s Vaccine Companies…

“Hoaxed” – Movie Review…

I want to encourage all of you to watch Mike Cernovich’s wonderful film, “Hoaxed”…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD


I know many who follow BolenReport tend to be politically conservative.  Those who attack us are left wing.

Yes, we have an obvious conservative bias.  We are provocatively right wing because of the overwhelming amount of left wing media.  We are trying to strike a balance, so that actual thinking might occur.

When I watched “Hoaxed” the first thing which took my breath away was when Mike Cernovich comes out and talks about how the media sets up a narrative of heroes and villains, with the conservatives always being the villains.  I almost danced out of my skin because I couldn’t believe a major media figure was setting the table so beautifully.

Just below is the two minute “Hoaxed” Movie Trailer…

The media used to be about presenting both sides of an issue without the hero vs. villain narrative.

Continue reading “Hoaxed” – Movie Review…

“Vaccine-Damaged” Greta Thunberg – The Sixteen-Year-Old “Alexandria Ocasio Cortez” of Europe…

Globalists Exploit “Asperger’s” Child…

From Germany – Opinion by Karma Singh

Greta Thunberg, in case you’ve not yet heard of her, is a sixteen year old Swedish school girl. She is a typical vaccine damaged child diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome which is one of the very many effects of the heavy metals and other toxins included in vaccines.

What is Greta famous for? Her appearance at the Climate Summit in Katowice, Poland in December 2018 – where she mouthed almost EXACTLY the same story Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was belching out on US liberal TV – right out of the Democratic Socialist Cultural Marxist playbook.

There is no straight forward definition of Asperger’s and, even on that bastion of pharmaceutical medicine, Wikipedia, you will find vague, ambiguous, and contradictory descriptions.

One of the many ways in which this syndrome can express itself is a sort of “Idiot-Savant” condition in which the sufferer can perform seemingly amazing mental feats whilst being generally incompetent in everyday matters. It is not unknown for this syndrome to be misdiagnosed as Borderline Syndrome which, itself, is often accompanied by heavy metal poisoning both from vaccines as well as from amalgam tooth fillings.

In this particular case, the “savant” expresses itself as an ability to be totally convincing whilst not understanding anything of what she says! (Borderliners can often do this as well as can, of course, great actresses.)

In Greta, the brain damage is quite extensive and her skewed facial expression leads one to believe that a stroke may well soon occur or a relatively mild stroke has already taken place.

Continue reading “Vaccine-Damaged” Greta Thunberg – The Sixteen-Year-Old “Alexandria Ocasio Cortez” of Europe…

White House “Special Operations Team” Takes on Vaccines?

The Pro-Vax Squads Are Running Scared…

“AntiVax” Controls the Argument – Worldwide…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Before today I was genuinely confused as to whether Donald Trump would eventually attack vaccines as he had done so magnificently as a presidential candidate and private citizen.

On the one hand we’ve had other politicians (John McCain, Chris Christie, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama) who said things which seemed to support our cause at one time, only to have them later turn away in betrayal.

But now I see the outline of a plan Trump and his supporters might have hatched, and if so, it’s going to be brilliant.

Continue reading White House “Special Operations Team” Takes on Vaccines?

I Fail the Australian Character Test with R. Kelly and Chelsea Manning…

Australian Amphibious Assault Force Being Assembled…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

It’s not every day you find yourself mentioned in The Hollywood Reporter.

It wasn’t because I obsessively Google myself that I discovered this information, but because my brother called me last Friday night, laughing hysterically.  I almost couldn’t understand what he was saying because he was laughing so hard.  I imagine he had tears coming out of his eyes as he tried to explain it to me.  It was that kind of a conversation.

He’d been reading an article about R. Kelley promoting an international tour, but Kelly was blocked from traveling to Australia because of allegations involving underage girls.

“Okay, what does this have to do with me?” I thought as my brother read from the article.

Then he got to the money shot from The Hollywood Reporter.

“Australia has denied entry to other foreigners on character grounds, among them troubled R & B singer Chris Brown, convicted classified document leaker Chelsea Maning, anti-vaxxer Kent Heckenlively and Gavin McInnes, founder of the all-male far-right group Proud Boys.”

That’s when I started to laugh hysterically.

Continue reading I Fail the Australian Character Test with R. Kelly and Chelsea Manning…

California Senator Richard Pan Claims That Raising a “Vaccine Injured Child” Is a “White Privilege”…

Dicky Pan is NOT Someone To Envy…

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Admittedly there was a time when the name of California Senator Richard Pan created fear in the hearts of parents of vaccine-damaged children, for Mrs Pan’s little boy Dicky seemed to be the brilliant architect of “Childhood Mandatory Vaccines” with the passing of California’s SB277.

But, the passing of time showed three things:  (1)  Dicky Pan was just the figurehead in SB277.  The real work was done in the background with Big Pharma lobbyists stuffing baglets of hundred dollar bills into California Democratic Party legislators’ pockets, (2)  SB277 itself completely failed to increase vaccine rates in California, and (3)  Dicky Pan is DESPERATELY trying to hide SB277’s lack of success.

It is hard, sometimes, to find humor in the fight between the  sleazy pro-vaccine “Vaccine Holocaust Deniers,” and the heroic anti-vaxxers dedicated to saving the world from the ravages of Big Pharma.  But, then there is Dicky Pan, standing right in front of us providing comic relief.

California State Senator Richard Pan has made himself the butt of jokes world-wide – not something one wants to do.

Pan is the kind of person, these days, who worries that when someone pats him on the back, even another California legislator, he has to check to see if that person left a “kick me” sign taped to his shirt.  Why?  The reasons are legion.  And he brought it all on himself.  Do NOT feel sorry for him.

Dicky Pan brought the infamous SB277, the Childhood Mandatory Vaccine legislation to the easily-swayed, ultra-liberal, California legislature, and, with the help of a  boatload of lobbyists stuffing hundred dollar bills into Democratic Party legislators pockets, got it passed.

Although Dicky, and his minions, make claims of success for SB277, it was a cataclysmic failure on all fronts…

As we know, from yesterday’s article “Official Analysis Shows – California SB277 FAILED…” absolutely NOTHING was accomplished by SB277 to increase vaccination rates.

More importantly the ANGER and RAGE created over the passing of SB277 has dominated vaccine discussion world-wide – in EVERY language.  SB277 back-fired big time for Big Pharma.  Dicky Pan, and SB277, became a HUGE liability for Big Pharma…

I think Dicky is getting shunned…

Continue reading California Senator Richard Pan Claims That Raising a “Vaccine Injured Child” Is a “White Privilege”…

Official Analysis Shows – California SB277 FAILED…

California’s “Mandatory Vaccines For Children” Law, SB277, Passed In 2015, Accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING…

But SB 277 Author Senator Richard Pan Tried to Cover That Up…

Now What?

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Everyone in the civilized world knows about the huge fight over California Mandatory Vaccine Law SB277 requiring school children to get 74 “Made in China” vaccines injected into their fragile bodies before they are allowed to go to California Public Schools.  Vaccine damaged (Special Education) children litter the school landscape, nearly breaking the budget of Public Education.

But what virtually NO ONE knows is that an official study was done to determine the extent of success of SB277 in terms of improving vaccination rates – its intended focus.

Below we will show you what that study ACTUALLY found – and show you Richard Pan, and the pediatrician gang’s efforts to COVER UP those findings.

But, first some background…

SB277 was a  HUGE VICTORY for Big Pharma and its minions.  The legislation passed through the California legislature like prune juice in a Retirement Home – ending in a similar result.  Vaccine Holocaust Denialists smacked their lips in anticipation of enacting similar legislation in all 50 States…

But in THAT sense, despite massive funding from Big Pharma, and massive attention from liberal Democrats nationwide, no other State enacted anything close.  Why?

Because, overnight, after SB 277, the “Anti-Vaccine Movement” grew into a MASSIVE worldwide movement…

Rage over SB277 was everywhere.  Without doubt anti-vaxxers elected Donald Trump in Presidential Election 2016.

“Empress Hillary” made it VERY clear that when she was President, under her regime, EVERY man, woman and child in America would be force-vaccinated according to CDC guidelines.  Trump had simply said “No.”

And the war was on…

In California The Fight Over Children RAGES…

California’s super Chinese-Totalitarian-Communist Senator Richard Pan tried to cash-in on his SB277 success by authoring another big bit of “taking control of children away from parents” legislation.

SB 18 bill sponsor Common Sense Media’s Jim Steyer with what’s-her-name…

Senate Bill SB18, the so-called “Childrens Rights” bill would  have taken control of California’s children away from parents and given it to a non-profit organization run by Hillary Clinton’s friends and associates.

BolenReport writer Karri Lewis summed up the problem very concisely in her article:

Continue reading Official Analysis Shows – California SB277 FAILED…

“Failing” New York Times “Fails Again” on Vaccines

Normally I don’t interrupt the enemy when they’re in the midst of destroying themselves…

Opinion by Kent Heckenlively JD

However, the recent article in The New York Times entitled “How to Inoculate Against Anti-Vaxxers…”

…published on January 19, 2019 by no less that The Editorial Board of the old, feeble, and demented gray lady was just too much to pass up.

They just had to comment on the World Health Organization (WHO)’s recent ranking of “vaccine hesitancy” as one of the top 10 health threats for the world in 2019.

Got that?  The parents of vaccine-injured children, exhausted and tired by their disabled children, take time out of their over-stressed lives to mount a campaign to save other children, only to get attacked for being a threat to the public. 

I think one of the reasons I get so much satisfaction out of writing books about this issue is I know that when the truth is revealed there will be only a few sources to which people can turn to know what really happened.

My book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism will be one of those few sources. (And after you read it, please include an Amazon review.)

The New York Times gives us far more credit than we deserve.  Let’s tell the truth, there’s NO MONEY in it for those of us who are fighting against vaccines.  Those who are fighting for vaccines, are fighting for a product with nearly $50 billion dollars in annual sales and NO LEGAL LIABILITY.  Now, fifty billion dollars a year, that will buy a lot of troll farms in Russia with phony parents claiming they LOVE vaccines for their children!

Here’s a paragraph which made me howl with laughter because I only wish we had that much power.

Continue reading “Failing” New York Times “Fails Again” on Vaccines

The Most Important Ten Minute Video on Vaccines and Autism EVER!

Will Trump Act?

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

Just below is a ten minute video by Sharyl Atkisson I want you to watch. It talks about an Affidavit recently produced by a government expert, Dr Andrew Zimmerman, who was dismissed from an important Autism case at the last minute, to cover up the fact that he had told the DOJ attorneys in private that “In fact, vaccines do cause Autism.”

I have written about this before here on the BolenReport last September I pointed out:

U.S. Attorneys Withheld Evidence in Autism Omnibus Proceeding…

In that article I said:

For those who are unaware of the history of this issue…

…in the late to mid 2000s more than 5,000 Autism cases went through a bizarre procedure called the Autism Omnibus Proceeding (AOP) as part of the so-called “Vaccine Court” in which several test cases were reviewed for the proposition that vaccines can cause autism.

I know I should probably write more about this video…

…but the truth is after sixteen years of articles, two books, more than a hundred radio interviews, I’m tired of saying the same old thing:  “Vaccines cause autism and we are being lied to on a massive scale.”

And even the government’s chief medical witness in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding knew this and because he was going to talk about it, the government removed him.

An all of this happened in 2007.  It’s now 2019.  Yes, this happened in the Bush years, lay undisturbed in the Obama administration, and now we are in the Trump Presidency.

None of this is a surprise to me.

Continue reading The Most Important Ten Minute Video on Vaccines and Autism EVER!

Oh No! I Just Got Snoped! (Laugh Here)…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

After having my talk at the Commonwealth Club of California cancelled because of protests, being thrown out of Age of Autism for daring to pen a few articles for BolenReport, and being BANNED from speaking in Australia for three years, I have a new honor.

I’ve been Snoped!

If you don’t know about Snopes, it’s the debunking web-site founded by a guy named David Mickelson who was accused by his ex-wife of embezzling money from the site to pay for the services of a prostitute who later became his second wife.

Read the Daily Mail  article about Snopes here.

Why are the people who attack those of us trying to improve the health of humanity such a bunch of sick, twisted perverts?

Funny how David Mickelson really hasn’t addressed those issues with his slavish band of devotees who include The New York Times and The Washington Post.

I think using the services of a prostitute must affect one’s mental abilities because of the absolute stupidity of the argument little David Mickelson’s minion, Alex Kasprak makes in the article attacking my book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE.

Kasprak might want to rethink his comfy little arrangement with Snopes as it seems Snopes is having a lot of trouble according to a December 13, 2018 article in The Guardian.


How’s this for a look at what’s happening between Snopes and Facebook?

Continue reading Oh No! I Just Got Snoped! (Laugh Here)…

Trump’s Revision of US Health Care Might Be A Big Shock To The System…

Revising HOW We Pay For US Health Care Is A Waste Of Time – We Need To Revise WHAT It Is We Are Paying For…

Drugs Do Not Heal – They Mask…

Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

Current US Health Care (ObamaCare) NEVER focuses on determining the cause of health problems and solving those issues.  It ONLY focuses on symptoms.  Why?  Curing people is not good for business.  There are no repeat customers.

Take for example the issue of high blood pressure.  Your doctor will make absolutely NO EFFORT to find out the  cause,  and solve THAT issue, but they will load you up with expensive drugs to supposedly reduce that blood pressure.

The North American Health Care System is BADLY Broken…

(1)  Health care is offered, by the system, not based on what is most effective, and/or best for the patient, but by what is most profitable for the provider.  

And that does not work for North America.

(a)  For MOST health problems – Example – the accepted Cancer offerings – known as “cut, poison, and burn.”  Surgery (cut) has only SOME success.  Chemotherapy (poison) is virtually worthless, but terribly expensive – and used MOSTLY, generating ridiculously high Cancer Treatment costs. Radiation (burn) is completely worthless and causes new problems.   So why do we continue with this paradigm?

The official War on Cancer, funded, and put in place, in 1974, by President Richard Nixon has accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Smart people, who want to live after a Cancer diagnosis, do their research, and, very often, leave the US for therapies that actually work, and they can afford.

And Cancer is only one issue of many we will be looking at.

(b)  For A GOOD MANY health problems, since there are no high-priced drugs developed for it, and surgery won’t help, there is NO TREATMENT offered.  As an example Cerebral Palsy, ALS, and far too many more…

(2)  The government agencies we have put in place to regulate health care have turned against us.  

Continue reading Trump’s Revision of US Health Care Might Be A Big Shock To The System…

PLAGUE – The Book that Just Keeps on Selling…

“There’s no other book like it,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

When I started writing our book PLAGUE with Dr. Judy Mikovits in 2012, had it published in 2014, I had no idea that four years later it would still regularly be #1 in the Virology section of Amazon, beating the previous monster best-seller, The Hot Zone by Richard Preston, and also leaving in the dust Dr. Paul Offit’s most recent offering, Bad Advice.

After all, it was my first book, it’s kind of wonky (the publisher also has it listed as an E-textbook, for God’s sake), and yet it continues to exert a hold on people’s imaginations.

I think it has such a strong hold on people because it’s a story of science gone awry…

Continue reading PLAGUE – The Book that Just Keeps on Selling…

The Bullshit About a “New” Alzheimer’s Treatment

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

It’s not often I call bullshit on a news story.

However, I call ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT on this story.

HIV drugs may help people with Alzheimer’s and Down syndrome, says new hypothesis on Alzheimer’s origins

Do you want the bullshit first, or the truth?

Okay, I’ll give you the bullshit first.

If you read this article from the San Diego Tribune, you’ll learn the scientists have found some sort of genetic reassortment is taking place in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, and that is the reason for this disease which affects about 5.7 million people in the United States, including my aunt.  This “genetic reassortment” is also evidence by the presence of an enzyme known as reverse transcriptase, and the action of this enzyme can be treated with drugs developed for HIV-AIDS.

If I learned nothing in working with Dr. Judy Mikovits on our groundbreaking book, PLAGUE, it’s how to tell when you’re dealing with bullshit.

She taught me that any reasonable scientific explanation requires an explanation of A, B, C, and D.  If I leave out any part of the explanation, I’m deceiving you.

Let’s look at this in stages.

Continue reading The Bullshit About a “New” Alzheimer’s Treatment

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Needs $20,000 for His Children’s Health Defense Campaign!

BolenReport Readers Need to Step Up!

By Kent Heckenlively JD

Many people may mistake our boldness at BolenReport as not being open to other viewpoints.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Here at BolenReport we WELCOME ROBUST DEBATE.

It’s no secret we lean right, but that’s simply because we believe the pharmaceutical companies have captured our government agencies which protect the health of the public.  It is a nightmare of both the left and the right.

Powerful corporations controlling an even more powerful and intrusive government.  It is government which compels and it is this coercion which concerns us.  We understand there are many important dimensions to this struggle.

Which is why at BolenReport we recognize valuable allies and warriors who may fight on different battlefields.  However, we all fight for a common objective, the health of humanity.

Which is why when I received this request from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in his current campaign I knew it was something I should bring IMMEDIATELY to readers of BolenReport. I have already donated two-hundred and fifty dollars.  I encourage you to donate whatever you can spare.

Here is the request from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:

Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Needs $20,000 for His Children’s Health Defense Campaign!

U.S. Attorneys Withheld Evidence in Autism Omnibus Proceeding…

YOU Can Take Action…

By Kent Heckenlively, JD

For those who are unaware of the history of this issue…

…in the late to mid 2000s more than 5,000 Autism cases went through a bizarre procedure called the Autism Omnibus Proceeding (AOP) as part of the so-called “Vaccine Court” in which several test cases were reviewed for the proposition that vaccines can cause autism.

The most famous case to emerge was that of Hannah Poling, which was removed from the hearing and government attorneys settled with her parents for a sum of more than twenty million dollars.

Many have complained that the court intentionally conceals awards of vaccine injury leading to autism.  In my book, INOCULATED, I interviewed the former Chief Special Master of the Vaccine Court, who told me explicitly that the court has held from its earliest days that vaccines can lead to encephalopathy (brain swelling) and that one of the damages from this brain swelling is autism.

But I doubt any of you ever heard THAT in a pediatrician’s office!

Now comes an allegation from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

Continue reading U.S. Attorneys Withheld Evidence in Autism Omnibus Proceeding…

Senator Pan’s 2020 Presidential Hopes SMASHED By California Governor…

The US Democratic Party’s “Presidential Poster Boy” Gob-Smacked by Governor’s Veto of SB 1424

Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen

In 2018 mainstream America the word “California” is used sneeringly.  It evokes the thought that the State of California is a haven for political Marxists, Alinsky-ites, full-on-Communists, America-Haters, Totalitarian-Regimists, Politically-Correct-Analists, and whack-jobs in general.  And there are plenty of reasons for America to think so.

I mean, really…

California’s, San Francisco (go ahead and sneer) is “Needle Central,” given it’s name from the simple fact that San Francisco’s Elitist Ruling Class decided that the solution to SF’s MASSIVE drug problem is to issue free needles – 450,000 a year I’m told, to SF’s junkies.

Their thinking?  (Play Twilight Zone music here) “Hey, the problem is not the heroin or the Fentanyl from China being imported over the border between the US and Mexico – it’s the fact that the junkies might use the same needle and pass on an infection…”

Yup – liberal thinking.

Now, don’t laugh, now they’re going to fund “Sanctuary City – Safe Spaces” where the junkies can go to get clean needles to inject their heroin and Fentanyl on site without those pesky law enforcement officers watching them..

Right now, of course, San Francisco’s streets, and massive transit systems are literally covered in used needles, and, of course HUMAN FECES.

Official San Francisco STREET FECES location MAP.  The NEEDLES, however, are being found everywhere, because the homeless junkies are living in public areas, especially the BART Terminals.

Yup, those liberals sure know how to run a society (sarcasm intended).

But, worry Not – The Liberals Have a Solution…

Continue reading Senator Pan’s 2020 Presidential Hopes SMASHED By California Governor…